Triple DPS Every game

Great that we can agree on that intentional throwing being a bannable offense at least. What’s scary is how some can think it’s totally OK however.

Are you unintentionally staying on the hero that can not even live anymore due to counters?
Are you unintentionally moving forward to the enemy?

I mean by your logic nobody can get reported, because how can you be sure that the sym placed the teleporter at the edge of the map.

When you spend a minimum of 8 minutes (minimum match time) dying and unable to do anything, it’s time to switch it up. You want to keep going, fine but you’re feeding and can expect people to report you.

Since you used “I”, lets continue with that

No, I am playing the character I want to play as well as I can, and not as well as you’d prefer me to. Said another way, I am playing poorly

No, I am playing the character I want to play as well as I can, and not as well as you’d prefer me to. I have to get in range for my attacks to connect, just as all characters do

in this case, because Sym is the only one who can place teleporters

I agree that it can be difficult to know with certainty when the player is engaging the enemy. I’d say it is poor play unless you can be certain

by game rules, its the given players call when to switch up, if at all, not anyone else’s

I agree that it might be optimal for the player to switch, but maybe he/she only feels comfortable playing that oie characters? Hasnt played any others? Doesnt have your knowlege of the overall game?

Such reports will be false reports, which is breaking the rules of the game, and makes the player submitting said false report eligible for a long ban form the game

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And who decides that?
You? Who simply sees 2 or 3 of my counters and assumes I’m getting destoryed while in reality I’m shutting my counters down since I actually know how to play my hero.

Also 8 mintues isn’t minimum match time.

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Intentional throwing is 100% reportable. I remember someone throwing because we had a Tracer in the middle of Dive meta. I mean seriously?

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Picking a hero and feeding is throwing which is a report-able offense. Despite common belief. That disclaimer before you submit your report for game play sabotage is literally telling you “Do not report this person for playing one hero and partially feeding.” It’s completely fair game reporting someone for feeding and doing nothing for your team.
Proof is here Warning: you actually do get banned for playing off-meta heroes

Mega is a troll btw that has ignored several cited sources of mine and goes by “the rules of the game.” suggest ignoring him as he hops between posts attempting to get a reaction.


Cos that’s 5 v 6. I mean it is but you gotta try extra hard.

6 v 6 is always the ideal. I’ve won games with 5 dps 1 healer

The definition of feeding includes that the player intends to do this, so I can agree with this as stated

but - the key word is “intends”.

It is sometimes not clear whether you are seeing poor play - where the player is actually trying to defeat the red team players but getting killed over and over - or if the player is allowing himself to be killed

as long as you are 100% certain on the players intent to simply let the ered team kill them over and over …yeah

that said - not sure how you’ll know this with certainty in most cases

thats truly awful - someone plays by and.or defends the rules of the game?

Oh my garsh

Feeding has always been reportable. But picking a hero and not switching off isn’t feeding. Jeff specifically separated the two because they’re not related.

There are two parts to any rule: The rule itself, and enforcement.

The rule never changed, one trick and not switching is not reportable or punishable.

The enforcement has always been broken, both with automated punishment based purely on volume and improper GM case review. A broken enforcement system doesn’t mean the rules have changed. You can mass report gameplay sabotage for frivolous things like picking the wrong skin color, and you’ll start getting the same “thank you for your report we did a thing” feedback.

The rule says one-tricking/not-switching is not a reportable or punishable offense, and false reporting is a bannable offense. Period. No exceptions. HOWEVER, with the broken enforcement system, the exact opposite happens. The only times the rule on one-tricks have been properly enforced is when famous/popular streamers are involved, and even then it’s only because of the amount of attention the individuals get from the community.

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Use LFG and get 6 players then… and make it a 2/2/2 comp

In that sense yes.

it isn’t feeding.

But again, playing off-meta heroes can get you banned.

This is due to false reports plus lack of investigation by Blizzard

It shouldnt be happening, and if they enforced their own rules, it wouldnt be

I’ve been working with 3 DPS comps since the launch of this game, it’s something I’ve gotten used to, especially now when the overall damage in the game is so high that not many people are very happy playing tank to begin with.

I mean I just won a game with Genji, Sombra, Symm, Zarya, DVa and Brigitte. We were losing when we played 2-2-2 so we swapped to that weird comp and won

except the report system is automated and when you reach X reports you get a warning then if you continue to get X reports you get suspended. I played Mei/Torb in season 10 for a weekend and got suspended. Did I make mistakes ? Yes I did. Was I playing poorly yeah some games didn’t go well. Was I unwilling to hero swap Yes I was I stayed with Mei/Torb. Yet I still got punished cause I reached X reports. I can also tell you I never used a Mei wall to hold people in my spawn tho

Yes, there are people filing false reports

a lot of them

and false reports are counted the same as legit ones because Blizzard isnt (for now) generally investigating any of them

All false reports represent data that Blizzard can sift through later to start doling out punishments to false reporters

I have every confidence this will occur, just not sure when

Me and you might have a bit of “beaf.” But people are banned for that, and blizzard says it themselves through the imgur I posted that you probably didnt look at…
They enforce it like that.

No, its quite the opposite

Bans are occurring for innocent folks who are falsely reported because Blizzard isnt generally enforcing its own rules

Poor enforcement of a rule does not mean a rule does not exist

oh and “beef” is spelled with two e’s

If you wanna lose the aggressive argumentative strat I’ll do that right now to properly explain what’s going on.

While the disclaimer in-game states you cannot report someone for playing a hero you don’t approve of, in reality if that hero is off-meta or feeding hardcore, they are banned/suspended. I can show you this firsthand if you’d like to see what they did to my one-trick in masters season 11. While me and you have gone back and forth, I think I personally forgot to just try to explain it properly instead of attacking you for not listening.

It might work differently for you, it might not. I noticed you’re on XBL and not PC, which has a large difference in how things work, as Microsoft has a say sometimes. Microsoft has a right to ban users from any-game, this is stated in their terms of service and contract with licensed games.

On PC, playing and feeding above 3500 and not swapping will get you suspended or comp banned for the season. It is not due to false reporting, as blizzard looks into these most of the time. Blizzard enforces their rules their way. That disclaimer means nothing to them. I’ve been told personally in a GM chat that I was throwing by playing torbjorn.

I wont go changin

to try to please you

I never let you down before

ooOOO ooOO ooOO oo oo


they get reported falsely by rulebreakers

after many such false reports, the game applies an automatic suspension based solely on number of reports, with false reports from rulebreakers counted the same as legit reports in this regard

Nah. I assume you were suspended, and that you played a lot of one or more of the following characters: Torb, Sym, Bastion, Sombra, or Widow. If I have that wrong, feel free to correct me

I did listen. Your basis and conclusions are incorrect.

I have asked a lot of folks about this, and it has become clear that very, very few suspensions or silences are placed on XBox players, which is unfortunate as there are a large number of very toxic players on XBox

It is certainly possible this happens, but it is NOT because there is a rule that requires swapping

Rather it is the lack of enforcement of rules

Also, there are higher expectations of a higher SR player. A bronze player may not even have any idea what feeding is, much less how their play style might appear to be feeding to a much higher SR player. A high SR player will almost always (99.9999999%-ish?) know what feeding is and how to avoid it. The bronze player who feeds has an excuse - the high SR player, not so much.