Going to be real gangsta here, it honestly feels horrible. Anyone else can relate?
I’m GM btw
Going to be real gangsta here, it honestly feels horrible. Anyone else can relate?
I’m GM btw
The forums sound advice is “have a co-healer”
Teams will adapt. Gonna have to be smarter and use more cover. Enemy Mercy was nerfed too, ya know.
That’s if the enemy team will even have a Mercy… Pretty sure Dive Meta is going to come back.
Loads better than what we have now.
i feel no difference
The only differences I’ve noticed are:
Overall it doesn’t feel great and wasn’t the nerf Mercy needed. She’s at the point where she could do with another rework however.
Why would this make Dive come back? Brigitte still exists. It might push us back toward brawlcomp and away from double sniper.
So if the communities done with its insidious assault on Mercy, can we get the qol changes we’ve been asking about for ages?
Wellllll, because of hammond and the fact that the other best main healer’s are Moira and Ana who are generally bad against dive tanks.
Oh yeah, forgot about the hamster. He does help enable dive. I really, really hope we don’t get triple tank dive… ugh. That would be about the worst meta imaginable.
Winston, Dva, Hammond, Moira, Zen and Hanzo or any other hitscan.
I’m a supp main, used to main mercy only. I don’t feel it.
It feels horrible for trying to pocket a D.va or over aggressive Reinhardt. For general purpose though, it’s not a huge deal. It’s fine.
But MAN… it takes fooooooorever to charge Valkyrie now.
when you’ve been overpowered almost your entire existence in the game, youre going to feel horrible when you get brought down to the state of other heroes.
She was under-powered pre-invul and was generally close to being balanced before her rework. You may have over-exaggerated there. Also, her heals were never the problem.
reading comprehension. please. learn it.
not quite; very nearly
her invulnerability buff was season 3.
they literally make Winston non existant.
nah 8 seasons is almost her entire existence.
I notice it when I have to solo heal. Not so much if I have a second healer with me.
But you know, speaking on that … this is kind of off-topic, but I noticed in general my win rate on Mercy is very sub-par, especially in competitive. And I thought it was because I was a bad Mercy. But looking closer…
… It’s because when I pick Mercy, I’m usually desperate. As in “Crap, we have 4 DPS and 1 tank. I have to solo heal so I guess Mercy would be the best bet.” And those games we obviously lose more of since we don’t have team players or a decent comp.
Because if we do have another healer, I’ll usually go Brigitte or Moira. I pick Mercy (usually) only when I’m forced to solo heal, because she’s just the best at it. (Or was.)
So yeah, no real change for me here other than my win rate on her will drop even further, OR I’ll start picking Moira in those situations instead … and my win rate will drop on her instead.
Almost is still exaggerating? Tf. Maybe you need to work on your reading since you can’t even tell if you’re exaggerating or not.
Winston now makes Mercy’s heals nonexistent. Roles reversed. Also, Titanium explains Mercy’s heals nerf very well in her “The Recent and Previous Developments…”. There’s a bit of light reading for you.
Actually, it’s 6 seasons since she wasn’t overpowered at all with mass Resurrect.
Sad really. Her heals are getting iterated because of a rework no one asked for ;-;
Yeah, I’ve been an advocate of a revert since day 1. =/ I’m not a Mercy main or anything, but I honestly thought she was fine before.
Then 2.0 was broken as hell. And it’s just been a crap ton of nerfs ever since because rez on an E can’t be balanced. And instead of buffing other healers to be able to heal through barriers, they just nerf Mercy. 'Cause logic? =/