Tried the 50 HP Mercy in Competitive

I think that ship as sunk for Blizzard :joy:


Gurl, I solo healed with Mercy today in a diamond/plat game. I’m not gonna say it was fun, but we did win against a 2-2-2 comp and I got around to everyone enough to keep them alive (mostly)

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Hunny, I was just in a GM game and had to switch off Mercy because our Zen was doing more heals than me… Then again, that’s probably because I’m bad but still!


Sweety, I think that Zen might’ve just been a god. It is GM after all. Nothing is impossible for a good Zenyatta. But for real. Mercy does feel a bit weak not denying it


I’ve been running Ana WITH a Mercy, it’s worked more than I thought it would.

But no, Mercy’s change is almost unnoticeable… Maybe low HP vs Winston… But other than that, nothing. Also it’s an average of 17% lower heals per 10, putting her JUST under Moira.

I’m GM too btw

(Also, Zen can heal on average more than everyone else due to PHAT transcendences, and even Ana has the worst, or 2nd worst heals per 10 in the game because she can’t heal when she DPS’s, and DPS Ana is the only good Ana.)


Reduced heals equals a slower ult gain. An indirect nerf to her. It is to be expected though.

It feels very much horrible but many people see this nerf in a positive light and there’s nothing we can do to change the dev’s minds anyway. Let’s hope this will be the last nerf Mercy receives…at least for a very long time lol.

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She needs more for other supports to be decent, but very, very little changes from here…

(Like removing rez, smile)

What would you suggest? (besides removing rez, I don’t think the devs want to right now.)

That’s assuming her ultimate is the issue with her kit which we all know is not the case.

I can notice it and think it’s kind of a big deal. that 10hp makes a big difference when the target it taking damage. She’s horrible at healing tanks now and her damage boost productivity is going to go down because she will spend so much time just holding left click.

I’m probably biased, but I don’t even think she needed the nerf. Her pick rate is dropping in the pro scene before the nerf and buffs to other supports even hit.


And those Mercy mains all said:
“Pshaw, this nerf isn’t going to do anything to affect Mercy, it’s too weak. Just gonna have to nerf something else later.”.

Are you sure all mercy mains?

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Oh yes all of them, like all 15 of them :slight_smile:

That’s a lot of mercy mains

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Yeah dude, I don’t think it’s particularly weak or anything. I just think it feels awful and super tedious to use because of how long it takes to heal up tanks, especially Hammond.

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The nerf to heal is not the answer for Mercy. The problem has always been her rez, but that would require a lot more resources and time to correct. This healing nerf was done to say they did something. Personally, I think she needs a second rework.

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I’m mercy main,
Actually, I find it very unfair to keep nerfing mercy’s healing and ignoring the main problem which is the REZ ability. It shouldn’t be there at all, not an ability and not an alt. valk alt in this version is so good and does not need any changes, but the REZ should be replaced with any thing else, IDK maybe a shield pack like the shield that the Doom gets after hitting someone with an ability (200 shield every 30 sec would be good).

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So what were you thinking? 5 second cast time on Rez?

I, personally, was thinking of either putting resurrect on a resource bar or bring back mass resurrect with LoS fixes and a short cast time. Both are optimal.

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