Tried Comp Open Queue

I’m really glad they added it. The quality of the games are straight garbage sometimes, but it’s a fun experience. I play a lot of tanks, and I’m really getting sick of it but don’t want to wait 10 minutes for DPS. So this is perfect for me lol

This displays a lack of understanding of how flex works.

What if the issue is not single source pure damage? What if the issue overall is your TEAM is not doing enough damage? I would rather swap off DPS and go Zen to enhance the damage of my entire team while still helping in the damage pool myself.

What if we also need some additional heals? Brig is a great choice locked away.

What if the utility we need is consistent speed and crowd control? Lucio is the option there.

The point I am making is flex players can certainly make role lock work to a bearable level but the problem still is very much that we practice PRECISION hero choices and want all our tools.

It’s like sending a plumber on a job with only duct tape and a hammer and expecting him to do a quality job fixing a pipe leak. Sure I can do a stop gape measure but what I really needed was my full toolbox.


this will be the only time mercy will be relevant because people will run 3 tank 3 healer comps.and the damage boost will be helpful.

Open Queue will have to be the direction for OW2. No matter how much better RQ is, you can’t sell these wait times. We are going back one way or another, accept it.

My biggest problem is it having hero bans. Makes no sense at all.

Just gonna do placements and then hope this horrible memory goes away.

I’d rather wait 10 minutes in Diamond Support queue than ever struggle without Role Queue again…


That “creativity” of tank/supports thinking they are better at dps and then swapping usually meant instant loss due to it. It was extremely rare that it actually worked out, and it was why i stopped playing comp for several seasons before 2-2-2 came and made the games fun again.


If you have a problem with your teams comp then get off Doomfist.

They would if they used the exact same matchmaker. Atleast before, it was looser in arcade to lower queue-times. So if they still are looser, that explains lower queue-times for qp classic. Only Blizzard knows for sure though.

What’s wrong with Doomfist?

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Nothing, but you’re being condescending about your teams composition when you’re not really helping the situation

What? How am I being condescending?

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Nevermind, I have other things to be doing.

You realize we won that game so actually I did help my team.

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Lol, sure sure. I believe you because your name screams legitimacy and virtue.

The picture was meant as a rebuttal of mass-DPS comps in unlocked play, not as a critique of anyone playing in that particular game. I think you’re misunderstanding where Hulk is coming from, he’s a fan of unlocked play.

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Blizzard’s matchmaker tried to push my win rate to 50%, so it paired me with 5 dps to punish me because I was winning too many games.

I still won that game, so booyah to you Blizzard. Your ‘faulty’ matchmaker isn’t stopping me!


Well, let’s just say I see too many negative comments that I misunderstood it- smol gamer brain. I apologize :see_no_evil:

Wow…I don’t know how much more wrong you could be…

ALL MODES have their own matchmaker with their own MMR…the reason the matchmaker is all over the place in the new mode is because NOBODY has any MMR yet (give it a week)…it’s the same as if they had reset mmr right off the bat with 222 (if you recall they used some recent data when it launched si that it wouldn’t be the chaos that would’ve resulted)

OW was originally meant to be played by choosing 3 Winstons and 3 Lucios on 1 team.

The devs realizing their errors and making adjustments is the right way to do things and makes for a healthier game as opposed to leaving an awful idea in game just because it was an original idea.