Tried Comp Open Queue

Thanks for being the Guinea Pig and trying it out for us OP. I knew I wouldn’t like it so I haven’t played it myself. Hopefully all the people thinking role queue sucks has fun though :slight_smile:

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You cannot seriously call the 5 DPS comps “competitive”.

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Yeah, that’s how it always was. The mythical 5 DPS games rarely if ever happened in the old system and basically served as Boogie Man stories


Stop making things up to try and back your point of view. Where’s the citation? In your head?


We don’t need to change your mind. We all know you’re wrong.


Lol, anybody remember when you were the only healer on your team, and there were 5 dps?



That picture is impossible. We all know that anything outside of 2/2/2 is instantly 4+ DPS with every single player having to fill to single Tank and single Support every single game. /s


So the thing is that they did happen, but you’re right in that they didn’t happen very often. People always exaggerate and remember the negative experiences. So if someone plays 20 games and only 3 of them had 3+ DPS, and they lost those three games, then suddenly 18 of those games had 4+ DPS and they lost every game.

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4 DPS however, was much more common and still a terrible comp.

It was not common at all, people just remember negative experiences more vividly.

2-2-2 was by far the most common team composition, as stated by the devs.

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I was tracking it at some point, and it was somewhere around 60-70% of my matches.
Everyone might not have had as bad matches, but I sure did.


They can keep it permanent but i rather have 2-2-2.

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This kinda sums up my feelings on the subject.

Rather 2-2-2 isn’t even needed if people go that comp if they want to anyway. AND you get to play other comps too, as well as swapping roles.


If that was the case then they would never have forced 222 in the first place.

No they still had to implement it because the people who play this game are a bunch of cry babies and at the time team comps are what everyone blames all their problems on.

that explains why i can get my dps roles so fast playing qp role queue

i mean, you could still do that while being in 1 role.

Need pure damage dps? play Mccree

Need an offtank? Play Mei

Need utility? Play sombra


Assuming you actually do know how to play different roles and heroes, there’s no reason why one tricks wouldve actually have been a problem.

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5 dps was rare, but 3-4 dps with a solo healer wasn’t too strange.

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It is beyond comical that people don’t remember how Overwatch used to be or how quickplay classic is. People generally run 2-2-2 anyway or the comps are stupid for the average player. There will be a lot of higher level players who can take advantage of being able to pick whatever, but for the average player?

Cmon bruh.

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