Trickle down meta isn't real

Any chance we could get a comment on outliers too? Like how before you made a comment on how Mercy was on top by a large margin?

As far as we know it’s possible for all those heroes to have nearly identical pickrates and Dva is leading by 0.01%. The problem is without any actual reference people are just going to take this list at face value.

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Also, thanks for posting these stats, Jeff!

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I think you mean stop ‘ignoring’ him please

Was that when she had a 1% pickrate? Or when she was only a dm bot?

She went from stupidly UP, to being really balanced, to being a god, to being useless, to being a dm bot, and is now a suicide bomber…One of those variations is a good one, i wonder which one…

hint, its the really balanced one, season 2

My two issues with him:

1: Shadowstep’s buggy targeting, when aiming for a ledge at the maximum range, the targeting sometimes freaks out between high and low ground so you take a step forwards to stabilize it and use it, only to wind up on the low ground anyway.

2: Shadowstep is clunky and niche, used only for reaching high ground, but often times slow, leaving you very vulnerable. Simply just increasing the transition speed would be fine. For being an assassin, he sure is really slow.

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mmhmm, case in point the United States the most economically successful nation in the world. God I love ignorant statements. And no, it’s supply side economics that work, ppl just try to bastardize it to trickle down.

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Isn’t it funny that Reaper isn’t even on the list. Not even in Bronze to gold but Genji is… :man_facepalming:
And all the lower rank players keep saying Reaper is too strong and impossible to kill. He isn’t even played that much

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And Im just pointing out that even though she is still bottom third, in a weeks time frame, shes jumped up quite a bit. Thats nothing to sneeze at.

People HAVE been saying she is OP. Yet because used to be a troll-pick (at the game’s beginning) and because she is such a popular character, she has a lot of supporters afraid of her being trash-tier. A shame her balance seems to be one that straddles the line between OP and F-Tier.

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No no she’s balanced man the gold and silver mains told me she wasn’t op at all they must be right


Just shoot at her critbox, LOOOL

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Yes, she was mediocre or bad for what, 3 or 4 months?

For the rest, she has been super strong and meta staple. For like, what, 12-13 months?


Please, don’t touch Moira because she is popular. She is the most balanced and fun to play support in the game.


Probably the whole ‘rarely see this character so no idea how to deal with them’.

They need experience to deal with him, but they need to deal with him to get experience.

See also:

“Buy this car to drive to work,
Drive to work to pay for this car”

This is the most ridiculous argument i see from mains, “She has a huge critbox there for she’s balanced”, she can use rockets while using Defense Matrix making it really hard to fight back against her


You should just get good mate. L2P

Winky face :wink: :wink: :wink:



I find the lack of Reaper in all tiers disturbing…

And still Ana has the worst winrate for the vast majority of ranks.


lol I love how McCree does not appear on the list until Platinum and Winston does not appear until Master. Lucio falls off from the list after Gold and does not reappear until Grandmaster.

I wonder what causes these differences.

however, high level players are able to analyze a situation quickly and commit to a course of action. You can bet if Sombra is OP higher level players will recognize that and put it to use immediately. Most recently there was the big Mercy nerfs to which high level players had the most drastic and immediate change in play rates whereas bronze players seemed to make the least changes of all. Yes, trickle down meta exists, but primarily as a result of the differences in ability to detect and adapt to change.

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