Trickle down meta isn't real

This is why they don’t release pickrates, all you lot whining about how your heroes aren’t in the top 10 therefore need buffs when you have no other context.


I’d wager it’s because a good Sombra needs her team to follow up in order to be effective, but that doesn’t always happen in matchmaking. Her buffs arguably just again increase her uptime, not making her a must-pick.

The only time I ever see him in matchmaking is when I play him.
Until I switch

DVA top of the list in every bracket possible. We still see a lot of mobility being played in GM due to its nature in this game. I’m sure we’ll see a big shift with Brigitte & Sombra now. :+1:

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It’s almost like D .Va needs a nerf :thinking:


You wouldn’t have to if you were good at him.

If reaper has any bugs, then they should be fixed. And if not, then he’s fine. If you feel like shadow step makes him a sitting duck then maybe you should start being wiser about it.

Revert D.Va to season 2 state already. Literally the most balanced version she’s ever been in before you decided to mess with her.


I don’t think fun is much of a factor when picking heroes in comp at any tier. Otherwise Hanzo, Widow, Genji and McCree, who are super popular in QP, would be used way more in comp in Bronze and Silver.

Is Ana considered more fun by most players anyway? Zen is more of a DPS hero and that’s what most players prefer.

Problem with Ana is the same as always. Not only do you need to be on top of your game, but so does your whole team. Your teammates can screw up your Ana plays even if you’re playing perfectly with her.

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don’t say that or will no longer have a meka, it’ll just be her with no abilities and her gun will do 1 dmg per shot


looks like moira isn’t far behind

My question is why did it take so long for people to start complaining?

Like, the last time she was touched was when Mercy originally got reworked almost 6 months ago now. Yet people haven’t complained all that much about her until recently.

If she was actually OP and not just a good all around pick, people would have picked up on it months ago.


This is great, I love seeing stats like these! I really wish there were an official Blizzard-run website with these kinds of statistics and many others.

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Right…so Jeff just made this up? Your small sample size is NOT indicative of the 10,000 games that are played daily. Your post is anecdotal just like Jessika. “I see Hanzo a lot so he must be picked at like 70% in bronze”. Just stop please.


TBH why wouldn’t you pick D.Va?

Tanky composition? D.Va is the only off tank with mobility and can contest high ground. Also highest health in the game, and can delete ults.

Dive? Good peel, mobility, can solo dive supports, can contest high ground.

Anti-dive? Good peel, good burst, decent zoning and displacement.

Spam? She can do like 12 things at once, has no reload, good burst, mobility, and peel.

She’s too versatile for her own good and something has to give.


Good to see how Tracer is running rampant in all ranks basically. And how D.Va is perfectly balanced and totally not abused in every rank.



Don’t know, man, I’ve been saying is strong since they nerfed her a year ago from ultra OP to non-ultra OP.

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As great of an idea that is, it would mean the balance team would have to admit they effed up. They don’t like doing that.

Can’t wait for D.Va fanboys to hop in and explain how D.Va’s mech is made out of paper, how she has the biggest critbox, how her matrix lasts only 2 seconds, how she needs more armor and more damage, how missiles are projectile and her aim is hitscan, etc.

If she were to have 20000 Armor + Ironclad, you would still see D.Va mains saying how she is barely viable and how she needs buffs.