Trickle down meta isn't real




Moira getting a reload might make sense, considering she has limited healing. They both come from the same tank right? Plus a reload animation where she holds her hand out like a claw as purple biotic fluid swirls around it would be cool.

That and a fade CD increase are the only nerfs I wouldn’t mope about. But I know Blizzard would go overboard and increase ult charge and decrease its damage, plus the damage of the orb along with it. With supports it’s not about simple number tweaks.

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Does it not bother anyone that D.Va and Winston are dominant in every tier yet tanks like Orisa and Zarya are nowhere to be seen? Hell i’m surprised Reinhardt even makes it to platinum let alone diamond.
We need more anti-mobility heroes or a nerf to Winston and D.Va, it’s pretty clear at this point that they are the ones who make the dive meta reign supreme with no better alternatives.

Winston is balanced, enables him to be as strong as he currently is.


Can we get the bottom 10 lists at each rank?? I find this so fascinating, curious who are the least popular characters at every rank!!

Also, thanks for posting this Jeff!


There are 15 DPS and 6 tanks, and by far the most used team config is 2-2-2. Thus Genji is actually more of an outlier than, if the Overbuff data is approximately correct and we are looking at pickrates only.

I’m number 1!
I’m number 1!
I’m number 1!
I’m number… 2???
I’m number 1!
I’m number 1!


This does, to a degree, indicate that is noticeably overtuned. Not OP like Mercy, overtuned. Being #1 at practically every rank is alarming, especially since, as a tank, she has far more influence over the meta than DPS and arguably support. It is possibly why dive has been meta for about a year or so.

Granted, I do not think she needs the nerf hammer. isn’t like pre-nerf Valkyrie where she is downright mandatory. However, she is potent enough that putting her into a team, or better yet, building a team AROUND her, is a noticeable enough of an advantage that a nerf scalpel may be needed.


Yeah you’re probably right actually, i’ve yet to get into a fight that isn’t ‘kill D.Va as quickly as you can before their team overwhelms us’.
She’s the Mercy of the tank category at this point.



Over half of DPS isn’t even viable. Meanwhile, all tanks are viable. There are what, 5 or 6 DPS heroes that account for 85-90% of DPS pickrate? The remaining 10 or so account for the remaining 10-15%

Thank you, Jeff … now get ready for x10 more threads of ‘’ Dva needs a nerf because its pickrate is very high ‘’ than usual. :joy:


Then the top DPS should be nerfed first to make the others viable. Nerfing should be less of a priority.

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No, sorry it’s the “Is this EASY mode?” meta or simply, “Is this EASY meta?”

There isn’t an universal top DPS. It changes in every tier. Unlike D.Va


If D.Va is the most picked hero in almost every tier then that means that something is clearly influencing her pickrate (and somehow I don’t think being koreaboo bait is the driving factor) and should warrant some investigation.


Ever since they gave her the 25% speed on attack and +100 hp. They toned it down, because she was blatantly ridiculous, after which the forum was basically flooded with threads. Yes, she was a DM bot, but fun isn’t related to efficiency. I’ve always seen her as very strong ever since, and the pros all seemed to have agreed on that notion, to this day.


I like how you attempt to use a false comparison logically fallacy to shoehorn in your super obvious political leaning. Did you learn that super dishonest intellectual habit in your college courses or just picked it up naturally.

Right so the logical thing to do is to revert dva back to s2 and go from there. S2 dva is the best version by far, dva mains would agree for the most part, no one complained about her back then, she was fine.

They need to go back to that iteration and start tweaking there

Ana’s in the top-ten at every single tier except grandmaster, actually. :smile:

You mean the armor heavy one? Which got nerfed because it was broken? Even Jeff said that not nerfing armor D.Va earlier was the low point of his career.