Trickle down meta isn't real

Hey man is totally balanced, don’t you there suggest my precious waifu is oppressive and one of the core reasons why Dive is still meta


I disagree, meta is meta, there isn’t really a trickle down effect like your comparison to economics. Pro players essentially set the meta, everyone else trusts them enough to accept it. The only difference is the possible lack of skill in playing the meta heroes at lower ranks. That allows non-meta heroes to be played with a higher chance of success, but doesn’t change what is and isn’t meta.

I think it is just the fun factor.

In low ranks, people play for fun as opposed to just win. So, for a lot if people Ana is a funner choice, even if they don’t win.


So in reality, the difference in pick rate between ranks is actually a myth.

It appears that damage against armor nerf and slight reload speed buff really helped Doomfist break out of the dumpster. /sarcasm

D.Va is effective on both attack and defense. There is currently no map D.Va is bad on. There is no team comp D.Va is bad with. There is no team comp D.Va is terrible against. D.Va is fairly easy to pick up and play effectively, D.Va doesn’t care too much about your mechanical skill and D.Va can kill things (meaning D.Va gets picked not just by D.Va players but also people flexing to the tank role from support or damage). Same applies to Moira.


There are 26 heroes, not all can be top 10. Just because a hero isnt meta doesnt automatically mean they are dumpster tier.


Of course it does change what is meta. Meta literally translates to most effective tactics available. If you dont have the skill to make a hero work, then that hero isnt the best choice. Meta is what works best for you. What might be meta for high tiers, might not be meta for low tiers.


The korean meta :joy:

In 7 days, her pick rate tripled, her win rate went up 5%, and her rank jumped 6.

In a 7 day period, compared to six months, that is huge.

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Reinhardt survives top 10 status all the way into Diamond, and Orisa is no-where to be seen. That’s pretty surprising given the trend of popular opinion regarding the two.

Another surprise given trend of popular opinion is Ana, top 10 everywhere but GM.

I think it’s funny that Lucio disappears after Gold and then pops up again at Grandmaster!


It depends on what hero you are talking about.

D.Va is dominant in every rank.

Junkrat is #3 in Bronze, #4 in Silver, #6 in Gold and then falls out of the running entirely.

Tracer is #2 in Grand Master, #7 in Master, #9 in Diamond and then falls out of the running.

You can find plenty of other examples of heros that suddenly are in the top 10 or are suddenly out of it along with heros like Moira that is always in the top 4.

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It’s hard being an Orisa main in Bronze.


Well, if I wasn’t scared for Moira’s future then I sure as heck am now.

Glad to see that Mercy pickrate hasn’t fallen much if at all. I think it proves that pick rate =/= OP since Mercy is anything but anymore.


One of the key reasons that D.Va is so popular is because Moira is so popular.

She’s basically the only counter to tickle-me Elmo’s love orbs.

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Other than, you know, simply running away in the opposite direction of the orb, or sticking by your healers so they can get free ult charge from the tickles.

Counterplay lies in more than just character choice, but how a character is handled.


Maybe Moira should have to Reload.

Top two heroes don’t have to reload.


She always was popular, even when Moira was not released


Same reason new players use widowmaker more than symmetra. In an attempt to get good.

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The number of days doesn’t really matter, except that you want enough games to have been played to provide a statistically viable sample size.

The changes have definitely improved Sombra’s performance, I’m just pointing out that her new pick- and win-rates still put her in the bottom third of the roster for most players.

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