Trickle down meta isn't real

The DPS slots are split across way more characters. That’s why healers and tanks have higher pickrates.

Looking at overbuff in comp around 33% pick healers. 31% pick tanks. And 36% pick DPS.

DPS are actually slightly overrepresented. Which makes sense given all the people who say they are sick of having three DPS on their team in the mid-low ranks, which is also the range of the majority of the playerbase.


stop using fake numbers from Overbuff, we have ACTUAL numbers from Jeff in this very thread.

10% of the top 10 is defensive pick (junkrat)
20% of the top 10 is offensive pick (soldier 76 and genji)

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Gotta take your side on this, I’m seeing way more tanks and supports than previous seasons, and that’s from solo queue in mid-high gold.

Your math is terrible. I’ll put it simple for you
DPS: 2/15 = 13%
Tank: 2/6 = 33%
Support: 2/5 = 40%

Healers should have the highest pick rates, followed by tanks, followed very far behind by DPS. The fact that DPS are in the top picked competing with the tanks and supports shows that those DPS are immensely overpicked not the other way around.


She is not pick for her power but for her gamplay definitely more fun than the majority of other characters of her kind.

Okay let me rephrase so this so you understand

There are currently 6 supports. If they all had an exactly equal pickrate amongst each other, they would each have a pickrate of about 17%. AKA 1/6.

There are currently 14 dps heroes, if they all had an exactly equal pickrate amongst each other, they would each have a pickrate of about 7%. Aka 1/14.

You get it now? The same principle applies to the overall roles. DPS heroes should have generally lower pickrates because they are split across more heroes. And that lowers their rates.


Oh and since I know Blizzard probably included quickplay numbers in there since they balance around both… The DPS imbalance is even greater there.

According to Overbuff…

55.82% is DPS, 24.55% is healer, 19.63% is tanks.

This is the play experience of the majority of the playerbase, as most people do not play comp.

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how is it possible to be this dumb? I see you trying to dump DEFENSE heroes into that DPS role.

But if it was EVEN it would be 25% each role (25% offense, 25% defense 25% support 25% tank).

Your “math” doesnt hold up past platinum ranks which kills your ENTIRE argument, where you see more balanced names of heroes. Silver-Platinum its almost 100% exactly the same heroes in the top 10 (which is what we are discussing, not the entire pool of heroes which you are trying to swap the argument to aid in your failed math).

1 out of the top 10 heroes is defense. Yet you play defense on most maps. How can you not understand this is just wrong? The reward for playing “dumbed down” heroes (reinhart, mercy, etc.) is overwhelmingly represented in the lower/mid ranks and this effects the players when they have to play heroes that require “aim”.

How is this hard to understand?

Hi Jeff, i was thinking in Genji, Junkrat and Mcree those guys so powerfull characters and they have a power to change an gaming, and this so unfair.
Please i beg a nerf.
Those characters have not much skill to change an game
Genji Reflect is much powerfull skill and shift reset ???
Mcree your stun granade are unfair
Junkrat your normal atk is unfair 120 dmg ??? Why

There’s quite a lot of D.Va in that list you’ve got there…

Would definitely be interesting to know where Reaper and Hanzo stand in diamond and above.

It’s about as real as trickle down economics

I’m dead XD

Does anyone in this Forums have other milder more thought out solutions or ideas other than just Nerf, everyone is like Nerf this Nerf that, i’m getting the feeling that most people have no idea what Nerf is.

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This will be fixed soon, prioritizing the cryofreeze over the stun

How about has less damage on her rockets but a slightly lower cooldown + a slightly higher cooldown on her jet boosters. She should be able to finish off low health enemies with the rockets but shouldn’t be allowed to 1 shot them by flying into their face with rockets on. People complained like crazy when Roadhog could 1 shot squishies easily so why is there now a double standard with

I may have a biased opinion towards nerfing but even when I see it from the other perspective she still feels too strong.

Moira is overtuned but no one wants to address this because people love playing Moira DPS too much.

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Why did I main Reinhardt.

Blizzard let a cringe tank that spams diarrhea gamer memes take a true warrior spot.

Agreed. The trickle down meta is a theory and only a theory. It works for economics but they forget the mention that the economy agterwards would work for the top end of the chain. Whereas this is performance based activity not somethibg that can passive construct itself. The players still need to play the game and they don’t offer much to other players. Not money nor sr gains.

That is the theory’s greatest flaw. Players still need to perform to even make this theory real which in reality players of course will play what feels right fun fair anf whatever may work for them.

Also don’t get started on rank. The devs themselves even mentioned rank play is only in ranked play and doesn’t affect the rest of the game. So the whole idea is catered to onpy one mode in the game which therefore it does 't affect the other modes and makes it flawed.

Just an observation.

Jessicka was mostly right based on what Jeff said. Winston doesn’t appear until Masters. Tracer doesn’t show up until Diamond. McCree and Zen don’t show up until Plat. So, she was only wrong about Genji.

Also, if Winston isn’t showing up until Masters, and you need a Winston to run dive, guess what comp isn’t anywhere nearly as common as the forums think it is.

Post must be at least 20 characters… Hi Youtube.

I’m a D.Va main. I have a couple thoughts.

  1. Sombra is still new. She might get more use eventually, but her current player base is small and that may not grow overnight. She may or may not change things, but it’s still early.
  2. Brigitte is coming out and may change things. So, I’m still in a wait and see mind set.
  3. If things continue after all the character adjustments are done, I think a minor nerf is appropriate. Things that I think would work are along the lines of increasing the cool down on micro missiles by a couple seconds and making DM unable to be activated during the barrage possibly. Not necessarily both. (Please don’t nerf boosters though, that is a core part of her play style and I don’t want another play style change. It’s the only part still the same from launch, leave it that way.)
  4. Slight Reinhardt buff, maybe consider a small adjustment for Zarya too. Yeah, I know people think they are balanced but they have lost some of their power with the prevalence of Junkrat, Orisa, and other higher damage comps. So, if Rein were to get Earth Shatter fixed and have his shield regen start immediately (or something like that) then that would be enough. Maybe Zarya’s bubbles could last 3 seconds or we could return her to 50% charge per bubble (not both).