Trickle down meta isn't real

We might actually have problem of trickle down mob mentality.

I have to stop playing Reinhardt so he gets developers attention? Consider it done. I already purchased my alternative account today. The game just got a new dps player.


Are we sure Doomfist broke out of prison?? :stuck_out_tongue:

Dang. Shocking to me cuz noone plays those heroes at my rank.

“DVA op cuz she’s #1 in every rank”

DVA: “I’m #1

She said it herself

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Not every hero has to be good in every situation. It’s fine for heroes like Reaper and Mei to have niche roles, strong in some situations but not great in others.

This “top 10 picks” doesn’t really tell you much. A hero might vary immensely in strength from map to map, or comp to comp. I’m not going to play Bastion all the time, but when I do play bastion, my win rate is about 80%.

People complained when they found out how Nano damage reduction worked with armor. had so much armor, and Ana could burst heal her so fast that she was basically immortal as long as she was pocketed. And she had a lot of resilience to last for a while when Ana had to reload or focus a bit on the rest of the team.

At launch, was not really unbalanced. Nanoboost and Biotic Grenade changed that.

I think D.Va is balanced and I never even play her. Fight me m8

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I can’t really draw a conclusion on Dvas balance. Just like I can’t with Tracer, or with Moira. One thing I can say is they are all VERY VERY strong. Moira is the easiest to pick up, followed by Dva I’d say, Tracer is difficult to pick up. Dva and Moira dominate as picks throughout the tiers and it makes sense, they excel at like… everything.

It took me a long time to be comfortable in comp with Tracer. Even longer to actually be alright at it, and still I have difficulty climbing, but that’s mostly a time thing I think. Dva and Moira, comparatively, are very easy to pick up.

It’s tough man. Dvas pick rate is crazy, but she legitimately is NEVER a bad pick. Moira is NEVER a BAD pick. On ladder that is. Same can be said for Tracer once you’re good enough. Until you’re good enough, there’s plenty of times Tracer is a bad pick.

Could also be correlation between the type of people that take time to supply data to overbuff and the sort of hero they play. Personality traits coukd tie to roles played.

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Yeah, there’s huge spikes in presence at rank boundaries on Overbuff, as people tend to log to change it when they rank up; and that’s particularly prevalent at higher ranks where people care more. It’s not the greatest source of data.

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Is this breakdown for a specific region or is this global? Would be interesting to see the difference in pick rate per region. This looks slightly different from what I usually encounter when I play in my region. It’s anecdotal experience though so I could be totally off or maybe it’s just the time when I play.

errr no, sym, torb, bastion has been in the F-tier yet lowest pickrate for months
they are never OP or dominate the low ranks like people’s thought

and its not alarming to you that from silver to platinum that LITERALLY 7 of the top 10 picks are tanks/support with only 2 offensive heroes and 1 defensive heroes?

78% of your player base (23.4 million out of 30 million players) are silver-platinum, and 70% of them dont find DPS appealing? You dont think this is an issue when 70% of your player base cant aim when they cant play tank/support? and how this effects the rest of their team if they cant play reinhart or mercy or lucio?

The raw numbers of Overwatch dont look good…

That isn’t because of lag compensation aka favor the shooter. That happens when you get stunned on the same tick you active ice block. Both technically happen, but the stun immediately cancels ice block.

No it’s not alarming. There’s only 6 tanks and 5 healers to build a 2-2-2 comp with. This is compared with 15 offense/defense heroes to fill the other 2 spots. Tanks and healers SHOULD have the higher pick rates.


I’ve been saying it for months and she is my main tank. I said it a few weeks after the rework, and voiced it on those unpopular opinion threads. I felt then and feel now that she is too weak defensively and too strong offensively.

I feel like a lot of people just were so tunnel visioned on Mercy that they lost sight of D. Va.

Maybe if there were 15 tanks to pick from wouldn’t be picked just as much.
Genji, on the other hand, is competing with 14 other dps and still winning top 10 in every rank. Nerf Genji? ¯\ _(ツ) _/¯




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?? man what?? that only works if it was based on %'s (evenly picked 2-2-2 as you put it, would make it 33% dps+defense hero + 33% tank + 33% support on that chart, but support is 40% alone

you have to play defense EVERY map but only 10% (1 out of 10) heroes in the top 10 are defense. And its the most offensive/easily defense hero. (junkrat)