Trickle down meta isn't real

True. But I still think we should not see this amount of variation. Like I said:

Overbuff have a lot of data. And that is really valuable. Everyone just need to stop thinking they have all the data.

People have only just started getting used to the new Sombra. Even if she is OP then it will naturally take a while for people to become familiar with her and for her pick rate to substantially increase.

Disclaimer: I’m not saying that Sombra is OP (I don’t even play her, nor have I played against her much since the buff went live to even gauge this). I’m just saying that you shouldn’t have expected a niche character to suddenly soar to a top 10 pick rate after a few days just because she was buffed/reworked.

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Yeah, I don’t get this. I purposefully switch to Zen (in silver/low gold) on O to help our DPS burn down the other team if it seems like we aren’t progressing/initiating well and I use him A LOT on D.

What was this actually meant to point out?

He teleported to an unintended location.

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It’s a legitimate joke if anyone suggests needs any sort of buff, or even qol improvement at this point.

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I agree but to be fair her pick rate has more to do with the overall stat of the tank category and how the ladder behave.

Most players will prefer to go offtank if they have to take a tank, main tanks being the absolute worse in term of team reliance. It means that it’s either her, Zarya or roadhog.

Zarya is very reliant on her team to gain damage
Roadhog is a very good carry and is in every top 10

The waifu factor did the rest…


Wow McCree isn’t even present in the first few tiers and even Tracer has started vanishing…

I’d assume this is PC only?

liking this just because of waifu factor

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where my boi doomfist cries

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Wow I have been doing well in placements playing Winston at Gold - even though I somehow placed at 2215 and placed at 2422 last season; I even did better than last season’s placements. But Winston is very team-oriented and needs good comms… I had DVa’s and Zen’s helping me whilst I also helped them in comms.

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Only Dva bug I’m aware of is the annoying one where you can get stuck in spectator view after the respawn timer has run out. Not sure if it was fixed yet.

Can you please respond to my hero concept!

Maybe Sombra was buffed as an intended nerf to D.Va. If anyone can help slow down tanks, it’s Sombra.


sees bastion in the corner making sad beep boops of forever being F tier


I don’t know about “people” but I think I did a decent job of calling it before it even went live.

When he’s consistently missing from ALL top 10’s, there’s a bit of an issue.

Over 7 tiers it can …

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She had 100 health 400 armor. Literally no one, not a single person complained about her, nor did anyone ask for a buff. We all thought she was perfectly balanced. She got 100 extra health out of nowhere because the devs thought she needed a buff.

Except not everyone is a “low ranked” player. What the pros use as it’s broken has a significant impact of players master and above. As many games follow this, which was why Bastion and Mercy were so dreaded for the said periods.

Having a hero that is broken should be a concern to anyone concerned with game balance.