Trickle down meta isn't real

Why would anyone think trickle down meta exists? There are some heroes that are high skill cap and some that are low skill cap. All the people on these forums must be in Masters+ considering how much complaining there is about Tracer right?

D.Va is in the top 2 of each rank. That really shows how “balanced” she is.

Holy valuable-info!!!

Thank you jeff!

Moira, Moira, Moira, Moira and Moira


But I thought Mercy was done for?

Yep dva definitely isn’t overpowered in any way.

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I agree but that doesn’t mean D.Va is OP either. I think at highest tiers of play it’s her mobility and versatility that make her a top pick (I watch GM-level and OWL every single day) while at the lowest levels, her mobility and overall health pool make her extremely forgiving along with her ult (which actually gets a few kills from people running around with the hands like a bunch of idiots).

Long way of saying, not OP but very good in most situations for a wide variety of skill levels.


So, when are you nerfing Moira ffs

So the data shows Genji is a top tier pick and needs a nerf.


What a surprise Pharah isn’t among the 10 in any sort of tier
The character is dying slowly

The syrnise thing with mercy is a comedy that needs to stop. I want Pharah to be more tanky alone, or you guys increase her flying speed, right now she’s just weak WEAK WEAK. Not to mention Moira isn’t a healer for her, same for lucio, zen heal is soft, Ana cant scope u the whole game, I mean when are u guys gonna realize she’s just bad right now? Its better to pick a soldier, tracer, genji, sombra as flankers than Pharah

U guys thinking she’s “fine” dont play enough the game i have to believe that. Otherwise u would realize a character cant be fine if he’s broken with mercy low tier, and complete trash without her on high tier

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I’ll just say that I find it really interesting that if you go by Overbuff stats (right now), it do not match in any rank, and only diamond tier have the same 10-hero list, but in the wrong order.

Not saying Overbuff isn’t an useful website (at least, until OW give us a proper API), just that we should never consider it as reliable. It lacks a lot of data from people that don’t update their pages, or never gave permission for them to track their data.

Hanzo cannot be seen at all. Not even once.

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Please, can you give us some sort of feedback on Reaper. A lot of us are getting really concerned on your guys’ stance on the matter. It’d be especially great if you could put a response in my Hyperthread:

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The reason a lot of dps dont see the light of the day lies in some ones being too overtuned and strong. Some heroes dont need a buff to be viable, some heroes needs to be nerfed to make other heroes viable

Oh MERCY IS DEATHHHHH nobody play her!!

She is like the top 3 hero more played in the game!

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Yeah it’s almost like the whiny Mercy players exaggerate everything.

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It’s because Jeff’s stats only account for season 9, whereas Overbuff includes the tale end of season 8

Still, other than Sombra, Mei and Doomfist (neither which appear in any list, here or there), none of the heroes received any changes, so there is no reason for them to be so different.

If, eg, most lists got right the 10 heroes, but messed up the percentages, that is different than what we got.

Fix Doomfist Already.

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There’s still fluctuations due to the last Mercy change. The meta doesn’t always instantly settle, players are still adapting and preparing for the addition of Brigitte.