Trickle down meta isn't real

Oh I know how tanks operate; it’s just that in my games it’s rare to have a main tank, and also rare to have two tanks of any kind, so therefore I was wondering if DVa is broken, or is simply the only tank that most people are willing to play, especially when solo tanking.

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Buff Soldier !
no soldier in top 10 @ diamond and higher :frowning:

Guess we better n e r f

Well, I’d wager that in a team that isn’t choosing to be cooperative with their hero selection that the one person that decides ‘fine I’ll be the tank’, probably think (and perhaps rightly so) that they can’t rely on their teammates like a tank needs to, so they pick the most mobile, and ‘attack-like’ tank there is.
The main tanks can only really thrive while working closely with their team. So if everyone’s doing their own thing and Roadhog are the most self sufficient tank options, and at least can block some damage so said player can feel a little less selfish. :wink:


Finally some statistical proof that dva is OP

When I solo tank and I see 2 flankers, 2 snipers, and an off healer my options are limited. There are 2 mobile heroes that could fit this comp: Dva and Winston.

I hate playing Winston. I don’t like his kit and I suck with him. A LOT.

I will play Dva and try to play as a peeler, but with her changes it can be really hard. Still better than playing Winston for me anyway.

So I can understand why so many more players will play Dva compared to Winston. It’s the “dive” meta.

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And then there’s me:

100 Hp buff, “That’s not needed but whatever it’s a buff”

Health/armor nerf, “Understandable, was too easy to do literally everything and easily climbed towards diamond”

DM nerf, “DMbot was boring anyway, plus now I get missiles for added fun”

Honestly just scaling down missile damage should be enough of a nerf so she can’t just insta-gib someone out of position in 2-3 seconds, that job is meant for Roadhog anyway. is better suited for driving off Genjis, Pharahs, Winstons, and the odd Reaper or two.

That isn’t what those lists indicate at all.


I’m not trying to criticise or anything, but it would be cool to get percentages on those pickrates. It’s important to know whether there are 1% gaps in between these heroes or 20%. Thanks Jeff <3

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Thanks for sharing. Wow on D.Va being so popular among every single rank. Would love your perspective on that.

I play Tracer in gold 'cause I’m a rebel. :sunglasses:


all of them, read again

2-3 seconds is not “insta-gib”.
The mode from Unreal Tournament the term you’re using references was a one shot, one kill, hit scan mode.

Moira and Winston are pretty much the only heroes with dps low enough for it to take 3 seconds to kill a non-tank hero.


Finally a comment which i wanted to see. 100% true. Me as Tracer main have huge problems with playing tanks (when i have to fill) then i go D.Va and i can do at least fine performance instead of being almost useless Rein.

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It would be cool to see percentages to get a better overall picture. Like what if the difference between that 10 spot and 11 spot is like a quarter percentage point.

Also you can’t expect niche heroes like Reaper or Meis to be in top 10. doesn’t mean they aren’t balanced.

That’s some awful logic right there. Sombra patch hit like a day before season 9 started.

If anything Sombra numbers are going to be inflated because everyone was to trying out the Sombra buff.


The people who argue that Dva is balanced are likely the same ones who play her and don’t want any changes/nerfs to come through but in reality, she has too many pros in contrast to her cons and offers more pros than cons compared to other tanks right now.

Two of the big ones are her mobility and second chance mechanic. Though she doesn’t usually live past that, it still allows her to get off some extra poke before she’s taken out and it’s a lot more valuable than some people may think.


Is no one getting the joke from the reply section?

Remember this only shows who’s picked the most, and has nothing to do with winrates. By your mentality we should probably worry about Genji, Mercy (lol), D.Va and Roadhog.

Don’t worry I’m sure she’s safe.