Tribalism. It’s worse now

DPS hate is justified though. I play DPS and the amount of complaining just to make Supports easy to kill with no compensation is toxic. That does a number to other players psychology and overall commitment to the community. You can’t sit up here and try to trash another gamers experience in expense of your own and expect that to ever be welcomed.


i don’t think you can blame that on role q tho…forum goers have just become…something

This is where both of you are practicing tribalism. You are supposing they cannot understand because they never played “X” and they are putting you into a “elitist” box. Hampering discussion.

The truth is that neither your experience or theirs is 100% right or wrong. Just different. Discussion is about reaching UNDERSTANDING. Not necessarily agreement. It is not about being right or winning the debate.

The point is to HAVE the discussion and share your viewpoints. I never go into a discussion with the aim to win.


They are being taught a lesson in hero pools.

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Things I never hear on the forums.

Tank camp;

“I think all tanks are in a really good spot. They all have differing ways to mitigate damage, and all of them are a joy to play.”

Support camp;

“Each support hero is as balanced as the next. All skill adjustments have made playing them equally as enjoyable. I hope Blizzard stays the course.”

DPS camp;

“Finally Blizzard has made damage adequate enough to do our job, they do not need to increase it at all for any damage hero. Each hero on the roster has a job to do and I know when to swap when necessary.”

We will never hear these things uttered out of want to make sure our role, the role we like the most, is continually looked at for improvement. I think the most difficult thing for Blizzard, and lord knows there are more then a few things they find difficult, is to differentiate between logical solutions to solve real problems and the people who just want buffs and nerfs to appease their selfish wants.

I feel that if Blizzard were to look at their own historical methods of balance they would find a much better way to approach their audience. The way they do it now is complete pandering to different groups of players. You can hash those groups up any way you want, but until Blizzard stops doing it, what makes you think the community is capable of arriving at this conclusion before them?


Hell no. People just like to blame everything on DPS. Echo is a DPS? Damn DPS’s fault. Support got nerfed? DPS’s nerfed? It was everyone I just got cancer? Damn DPS gave me it. Global Warming? Those DPS at it again

No one wants that.
Complaining isn’t unique to any role btw.

Get off your high horse


But your scapegoating everyone but people who play DPS is unique to you and yours.

Like I said in my post. There is no reason to believe the community will stop doing it, when Blizzard does this same thing themselves.


And who are the ones spamming the forums everyday with “Waaaahhhh Moira” everyday?

It’s all so wack and lame to sit up here and pretend like it’s not happening. I’m sure there is support toxicity and we have seen it, but to act like DPS aren’t pushing their agendas making tribalism even worse is ignorant.


Players of the game

DPS do contribute, everyone contributes to it and saying one role does it is not an excuse in any way to do it yourself


You are telling the players to do it when Blizzard themselves cannot stop but pander to certain tribes from time to time.

Or is Blizzard above this critique?


Lmao it’s always been like this for off meta mains and one tricks. Always blamed always being made fun of and having blizzard not care. You’re just experiencing that Symmetra, Sombra, Bastion and Torb mains have had to go through since day one. Not so good is it?

Treating everyone that plays a particular role as the same is the issue.


Really only supports are really into that tribal crap. Tanks to a lesser extent. DPS the least

Even then I think it’s mostly Mercy mains, Moira mains, Brigitte mains (the low skill ones).

Ana was nerfed hard but they weren’t tribal about it.

Lucio was nerfed multiple times as well. They took it well.

Zen got discord nerf several times. M2 nerfs. Not much drama.

They all whined about it, but it didn’t last long and they hardly took a tribal view at the nerfs.

But nerfing the low skill trifecta, you get a crapstorm on your hand. Blaming dps for their nerfs, as if devs themselves dont have their own vision for balance.


One of the big reasons people even bother going on a forum is to discuss things you enjoy about the game with like minded views.

I think it’s good that people find small communities to identify with. As a bap main I like the fact I post

“Jesus they need to lower the standard on baps cute spray” and other bap mains or players will give their opinions, advice, or wit to the discussion.

If you think this, then blame Blizzard. Not Supports, not Tanks, not DPS. Blame the Devs as they have fostered this tribalism


Based on what metric?
Your own assessment?

This statement in and of itself reeks with a tribal approach. It is you, a high skill super hero, versus them, the low skill drool cup players. But ya, the supports are to blame.

When Blizzard uses the heavy hand to come down on any specific role, most of the time within 2-3 patches of one another, it tends to piss that role off. You would know, but the DPS players haven’t experienced this in the game yet, so its not surprising you feel this way.


Read what you just wrote. Stop and think. This kind of thinking, that all players of a given group are the same is what tribalism is all about.


I do, almost completely. They have pushed the agenda we see play out on the forums. I am also smart enough to wade through the bovine excrement to see how it effects the players on a micro level.

We have shattered discourse on the forums because of a few issues that Blizzard doesn’t tackle very well.

  1. Unapologetic balancing.

Blizzard used to make changes and they would straight up tell people “this is what we want to see from our game, love it or leave it.” This leaves no room for people to complain as they are aware that Blizzard doesn’t care, because they don’t.

  1. Heavy handed balancing always ends up affecting Tank and Support rosters the most.

Blizzard makes changes based on a perception that people want Overwatch to be fast paced. Blizzard uses Overwatch League to accredit this mentality. Overwatch League is and will always be a failure. There is a reason for this and Blizzard can’t figure out why.

  1. The most illogical people on the forums generally live in the DPS player pool.

I want to see changes in all roles. I see things like Bastion being down right broken and I know that this is wrong. DPS players, from what I have seen, only care about where their favorite hero stands at any given time. They tend to not see the game as a team game, and want to be the DPS superstar in every round they are a part of.

I see most of this as a developer issue. Mainly the one where DPS players can complain and they see actual evidence of the developers bending to their will.


You guys have all added towards the tribalistic mindset and really haven’t helped proved any of your arguments, if anything all you’ve done is made a shining example of what OP was talking about.



It’s not tribal because not all support mains are like that, nor are all low skill hero mains. (Reaper, Junkrat)

That doesn’t matter. It’s not the fault of dps.

And dps hasn’t experienced that because most dps are already hot garbage.