Tribalism. It’s worse now

I’ve never seen him say anything to that extreme level. I am the complete opposite of him when it comes to a lot of opinions but I never saw anything he said as fueled by anything out of the park.

I have friends who have beliefs different than mine that come from logical places. My logic leads me to question how they got there but everyone’s experiences will paint who they are.

Even outside of that, you tried to make an assumption about me that was completely off, we are from the same tribe and I see the tribe make assumptions like yours all the time.

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I’m sure you haven’t.

Lol, “you tried to assume something about me and it was totally wrong (I swear), so let me go ahead and do the exact opposite”.

I am ex-military. I don’t advocate, I do my job.

This however is irrelevant to the topic at hand. You cannot claim that because I will proceed in the act of my training that I wouldn’t rather see a peaceful outcome. And here in is why I can have discourse with CrazyDiamond and not you.

If there was an option for CrazyDiamond to resolve a situation I am not suited to resolve then more power to them, even if we disagree. When the time comes that my training needs to be enacted, it is a warning to all others that their civil discourse has failed. I leave it to you all to make sure that doesn’t happen.

More on topic, you seem to want to paint CrazyDiamond into a corner to get your point across. I am not in favor of that line of argument.


Live with whatever reality you wish. You were wrong. Even if you were right, what does that have to do with tribalism over OW characters and balance :confused:

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As I said before, I don’t care about false civility. Especially not with someone who “does their job” in the manner you imply.

To quote: “Sure, Felicia.”

To repeat: you were defining “tribalism” wrong. I pointed out that mistake.

That was an example, one that is quite relevant nowadays.

Then why are you arguing?

Look at the posts from when Echo was released. there were a bunch of people complaining and saying it was the fault of DPS players and posts that outright said that tank and support balance changes and what not happened because the devs pander to DPS

This tribalism is not solely due to the Devs.
People decide to act like this

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It isn’t false. Have you been to combat? Do you know the sacrifice to your humanity that making a choice to take another human life incurs on a person?

I didn’t think so.

I like to have civil discourse with people who have an opposing opinion. It allows me to reconnect with a portion of my humanity which I willfully gave up.

In light of all of that, I still make the best attempt to argue correctly and without resorting to placing people in boxes.

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Lol, when I saw your post and Natorian’s post I was like either we are both paranoid or we’re both acutely aware of what you’re trying to insinuate.

I’ve been around a lot of different people in my life, both in where I grew up and where I was educated. There are certain perspectives I flat out disagree with and there are certain ones I disagree with but I can understand(the logic) based on people’s life experience.

I’m not aware of the previous conversation and I’m guessing but if it’s anything like “I will defend the constitution that I swore to uphold” or something similar then you’re reaching. If you know anybody in the military or even people in politics(though many do betray that oath) then those oaths actually do mean something.

But I’m finished being off topic. We are from the same tribe, I don’t like everything the tribe does or how they would like to achieve it but we’re similar, you were wrong.


Don’t hide behind that excuse. You insult veterans who aren’t nearly as toxic as you are when you hide behind that as an excuse.

I severely doubt that. But hey, continue making the assumptions you kept accusing me of.

Which wouldn’t even apply here, because the conversation was about people fairly elected by the constitution creating policies which would also be allowed by the constitution.

You are biting off more then you can chew.

Its all on you now, I won’t be criticized further by Engine on a topic they clearly have no idea about.

Best of luck to you.

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LOL, there’s not much worth biting here.

And this in lies where to problem was…5 selfish people not swapping and one person having to flex left that one person feeling used and abused… I was tired of flexing every game and no one else swapping


People that say they’re “Ex-Military” is a big fat red flag to me. (Nothing to do with this weird argument btw).

People like to use false information to prop themselves up in a debate, and that is a common example. But rarely do I ever see anything to back it up, other than “take my word for it”.

Combat or POG?

Ive only encountered one other veteran on these forums who turned out to be a Jarhead, everyone else was fake. EZ to fake it if you dont know what youre looking for.

Your name refers to the 50 cal auto, tripod or vehicle mounted.

My combat deployment
OEF IV-V: JTF 1–501 deployed to [Operation Enduring Freedom] – [Afghanistan] from October 2003 until August 2004 under the direct command of CJTF-180 and [1st Brigade, 10th Mountain Division]. Its first mission was to open the ‘Khowst-Gardez Pass’, also known as ‘Ambush Alley’ during the Russian/Soviet occupation. After a successful and (almost) uncontested Ground Assault Convoy (GAC) through Ambush Alley, the 501st based itself just outside the city of Khowst, helping to build what became known as [FOB Salerno], near the eastern border with [Pakistan]


M14 Long Range Rifleman.

1st of the 501st Bravo Company, 2nd platoon, 1st squad.

Obviously Army.

Against Forum Code of Conduct to provide that info.

More then willing to friend request you if you want more proof.

Good to go. I hate the “Ima Vetrannn” topic on these forums, but they are out there and its SICKENING just as much as it is any where else and I gotta get a bit of fact checks.

I should have rephrased the DD214, my apologies. Was actually wanting to know if you even knew what it is (most people dont, a good way to get an idea).

But other than that you check out for me. Have a good day

Army Strong

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I have done the same thing. Twice to be more precise. Both times the persons who were questioned failed miserably.

Stolen Valor is a crime, the punishment is worse if the law isn’t involved…

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The only evidence we really have is jeff doesnt know how to bring tank mains back to the game lol

I once ran into this kid a couple years back that had a Spearhead tattoo, was about to get angry but asked a couple questions. Turns out his old man was a DAT in desert storm, wanted to get a tattoo to honor him. Felt bad for the guy, but told him any of those old tankers from pre desert storm dont take any of that crap lightly and he should watch himself with it, theyre the kind of dudes that act first question later, hardcore.

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This, especially given Blizzards divisive past actions.

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I would have to assume his father was diseased when he got the ink done. If it was my kid I would have explained why not to do that.

I have 2 on my left peck.

Wings below a CIB.

I have told my kids many times that if they want the same, they have to earn the privilege.

I would have told him to add a dedication near it so it would save him getting scuffed up in the future.

To keep this on topic.

Balance bad, Blizzard fix it :slight_smile: