Trials of the Sanctuary: No Player Title

Same issue, here’s my replay code: 414FGM

Same here. Are they going to fix this?? I hopped on to complete it on Expert and I also got the finish with 4 upgrades challenge done but i didnt get anything :confused: really frustrated rn!

Same issue here: BVS50S

Same issue here, my replay code is: 5M6HF6

Me and my friends completed the challenge and did not get the title either. Replay code 3TNYRD

same issue here. Replay code F3PYN4

Is there any update on this bug?

Did they actually do anything about this?

Im still bug and they removed it from the known issues, maybe help send ticket

Can we get an update on this, devs?

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No news regarding the resolution of the problem??

same issue here! i dont have a replay code since im just now realizing that i never got the title. i can provide screenshots!

It’s frustrating to still be waiting for a fix, especially since this has been removed from the “known issues” section…


Blizzard, you’re not sweeping this under the rug. We kept our replay codes, our screenshots, we have the other rewards to prove we did it. It’s not that hard to issue a player title to the players that earned it.

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I’m still waiting. Kinda disappointed with the lack of communitcation on the issue.

Bumping yet again. We earned these titles.

I can confirm I have received the player title when I checked my game today!


Just checked and got the title too. Thank goodness

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Seeing that some people got the Legendary Title retroactively so following up. I had cleared Expert (prior post & replay code quoted below) to get the Blessed Mother Name Card, didn’t earn it because of the bug, and it is still locked for me. Anyone else receive the Name Card since experiencing this issue/bug? Or maybe Blizzard is still working on that fix? Glad that the Title issue got fixed, makes me hopeful for the Name Card issue to be fixed as well!

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I already have the tittle, hope u too

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