Treatment of mercy players borders on abuse

Titanium is way more respectful than me. Let’s be real gangsta here.

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Aw, thanks. :heart:

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Misinformed decision to hold that opinion since you are on the same side of the fence, but that is your opinion.

I call people potatoes every now and then. Titanium is definitely more mature and nicer than me.

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"Uhhh! Ehhh! You disagreed with my opinion! And not only that…


This is unacceptable behavior… Therefore you were being completely disrespectful!"


It’s due to mercy’s design. She is so much easier than every other hero and was more powerful than every other hero for a year.

It’s unfair to the rest of us for mercy to be strong because what we’re all doing is so much more difficult

Oh you mean like Torb and Sym.

Oh you mean like how the abuse they receive is nowhere near the level Torb and Sym continue to receive after 2 years.

Yeah the hostility towards Mercy is bad. But you don’t see Mercy mains getting banned en masse by a report system everyone acknowledges is broken. The toxicity they receive is nowhere close to the same level. Feedback surrounding builders continues to be ignored all the same. And just the same, no one outside that group cares. No one cares about other groups unless it affects them personally.

Another group (Mercy players) now understand a very small fragment of what it’s been like to main a certain archetype of hero. If you think this is unacceptable, imagine frequently getting falsely banned for playing Mercy while enduring 13 times the toxicity and constantly being told you’re the problem by ignorant people, and even by Blizzard.
This type of behavior against Mercy players is barely scratching the surface of how bad the toxicity and abuse issues really are. They’re far worse than you can imagine.

Please stop playing Mercy.

You are right kind off, but honestly just quitt the game then. I did it too, because a Game needs to be fun and if it isn’t than it’s time to move on. Life is too short and you can always come back if things get better. Doesn’t matter if it’s mercy…the toxicity etc.

I actually feel sorry you got pulled into that, by the familiar suspects none the less. I don’t know if the lack of self awareness is intentional or not but I’m glad you caught it.

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It was going to happen form the get go, I knew what I signed up for when I wrote that message to you >.<
Sucks yeah, but I will live, as per usual :slight_smile:

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Probably because a lot of support mains I come across are entitled and annoying. This post doesn’t take time to outline that though does it? Many support mains I meet are initiators in the conflicts. Its gotten so bad that I made a support main account myself. Its amazing how I can do my job without giving my team grief

Try being a DPS main on this platform lmaoooo this made me laugh a little