Tracer, Winston, Sombra all need something

All of these heroes have an overall win rate of around 46%.

My thoughts.
Tracer, Un-nerf pulse-bomb and increase her hp by 10.

Sombra, Needs an entire rework. She is stupid broken and worthless at the same time. Don’t know how you pulled that off bliz.

Needs some kind of burst damage.
His stats compared to the other tanks are far lower in everything.
4k less damage than all the other dive tanks. Other than hammond.
And far less shielding than any other shield.

He excels in nothing. He comes in 2nd to last in all catagorys.

A. Buff his shield or give him more armor.
B. Give him a secondary fire that does instant but low burst damage in an aoe.
Eg, tesla burst, does 30 damage instantly in the same area that his shield is in. Can be used while firing.


It’s going up to 350 damage in the next patch. Are you saying you want it up to 400?

Also: Winston has burst damage in his leap. Winston’s shield is not used to block damage. It’s used to cut off enemies from healing and block cooldowns like sleep dart and boops.


While that may be, the shield would still be more useful buffed, and I think it’s deserved considering it has the lowest duration and health pool of all the barriers. Like if it doesn’t get instantly deleted then it’s just going to go away on its own in the same amount of time it takes for one person to destroy it, and that’s not right imo.

The time limit on his barrier should at least be the duration of his cooldown to force the enemy team to spend resources on you, which would make his role as a harasser stronger. I could understand if the reason his shield was weak was due to hero stacking, because I don’t think its been changed at all since launch, but we won’t even have role stacking soon, this buff is fair I think.
I wouldn’t buff him any other way, though.


I suppose we should wait and see how the 350 does. Didn’t read that in the patch notes.


I agree with Tracer and Winston but Sombra is a NO. Reworking a hero is basically destroying them, remember the incident with Mercy and Symmetra ? Mercy turned into an unstoppable OPAF ressurect machine that rules a Meta around her for almost 1 year straight. Symmetra only got put in a better spot, she was still trash. Torb was somehow lucky ans be balanced. If you rework Sombra, it will either make her OPAF or garbage at all times.


There is nothing they can do to make her more garbage than she is now.


Neither Winston nor Tracer need buffs.

Ah… ummm… thaaaat… is awesome.

Yeah. Me likie. But the problem is Winston already does like an 80? I think maybenot burst with a jump pack and melee.

I think it’d be great for low ranks and OP at upper maybe.

Tracer is going to be pretty underwhelming in 2-2-2 for anybody but her best players even if you buff pulsebomb. It’s the least impactful part of her kit, she suffers from powercreep. Either she needs more, or everyone else needs less.

Sombra without a rework will continue to be trash as a team-oriented pick on a naturally chaotic ladder. I don’t want to see her buffed, I want them to find a way to redistribute her power or rework one or two of her abilities without changing her gameplay loop drastically.

Winston suffers from the same issue as Tracer I feel, which is an overall powercreep of basically everyone he’s supposed to engage. He can’t sustain himself long enough to secure kills reliably, it’s too hit or miss. It’s much safer to just play someone else.


For tracer I think a reduced timer on reload would help a lot.


winston doesnt get more armor until reinhardt or dva do. you got a man in literal armor and a mech. until they get treatment first, winston needs to wait his turn

honestly, just make tracer 200 hp. sure she has a small hitbox, is quick, and has little armor, but so does widowmaker, sombra, and even hanzo yet they all have 200 hp

I don’t care about Tracer’s overall win rate because her win rate is okay in higher ranks (masters and grandmasters).

This is how a hero with a very high skill cap should look.

Sombra is another history. Her win rate is below 50% across all ranks. She definitely needs changes.

Edit: not opposed at all to the idea of giving Tracer 200 HP, but IMO she would need a somewhat bigger hitbox to compensate this benefit. Her mobility is already too generous.

I’m not bashing or saying this is a bad idea, but can I ask why 10 hp?

Yeah, all three of these heroes have been historically extremely successful in the upper echelons of play, especially Winston and Tracer.

Buffing them because Plat Players don’t have the mechanical skill or teamwork to make these heroes work is a terrible idea. If those characters need changes, they need indirect ones, like reverting the armour nerf for Winston, or nerfing Snipers so they’re not by far the best style of DPS in the game.

Sombra is the exception, because while she has been extremely successful at high levels of play, she’s basically unplayable unless you’ve spend dozens, if not hundreds of hours coordinating with your team. It’s fine for some heroes to be good at high levels of play, even if that comes at the cost of being weak at lower levels of play, like Tracer and Winston.

But Sombra pushes that too far. She’s too oppressive in the pro scene and virtually useless at any other rank.

200HP on Tracer is a ridiculously stupid idea, even with a bigger hitbox. You’d have to remove Recall or reduce her Blinks down to 1 for that to be balanced.

It’s one of the lowest of all the heroes and consistently has been for over a year. Keep in mind even a 50% winrate is still insufficient to maintain your rank at grandmaster. The higher the sr, you lose more on a loss than you gain from a win. For a hero with a high skill ceiling, it definitely doesn’t seem correct that it would be bottom-5 and too low to maintain sr.

There’s a little more you’d live through at 160. I think it should be a little higher so ashe can’t onetap her, but at the very least, you’d live through mei icicles at 160. They do 150.


That’s actually fair, I don’t think I’d be mad at a buff like that.

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The only problem I’d have is that I don’t know all of the hero interaction implications. Putting tracer at a high enough health to live through icicles or ashe headshots would probably break a lot of other things. It might even make roadhog’s hook combo too inconsistent to reliably kill her.

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Average win rate doesn’t matter that much in this context because average win rate doesn’t take into account the win rate of particular individuals.

Tracer’s average win rate in GM is something like 51%, but there are probably many Tracer mains in GM with a win rate of 60%+ with her.

Sure, a win rate of 50% is not enough to establish yourself in GM, but average win rate is different from individual win rate.

Just because X hero has Y average win rate, it doesn’t mean your individual win rate with this same hero will be the average win rate. Your win rate with this hero could be higher or even lower than the hero’s average win rate.

I think that sombra doesn’t need a rework exactly. I think they just need to take some power from Hack/Emp (make hack 4 seconds and reduce emp range) and make her a better assassin (buff dps to 200 and/or tighten her spread)

For Winston and Tracer I think it’s more other heroes than themselves.