Tracer, Winston, Sombra all need something

I mean Symmetra 2.0 rework is way better than Sym 1.0. They reworked her again because people said the 2.0 version is still too weak.
I met some people like Sym 3.0, some don’t.

Mercy’s rework is the only disastrous one.

A stupid idea? Maybe, but if people want to make her somewhat more viable in lower ranks, I can’t think of any other buff. Increasing her damage IMO would be even more broken.

Both outliers and the average matters. You can find successful outliers for every hero. Without actual numbers on how many outliers there are I guess it’s just up to personal preference and guesswork where to draw the line, or where to assume it is.

I tend to lean on the side of her skill floor being too unapproachable for what’s required in the majority of situations. I find that even the most stubborn tracer onetricks switch to other heroes more often than they should, against characters that tracer should be ideal against. They just die too fast.

I think Winston’s sort of in the same spot too. People chalk it up to “oh well he’s just not meta” but that’s kind of the point… He isn’t viable as a counterpick where he’s intended to be one. I think it’s mostly a result of powercreep, and rather than creeping their power up to par (let’s be real, they won’t nerf everyone else) they should experiment with giving the seldom picked heroes more options for their engagements. Rather than buff their side of the engagement, give them the ability to take engagements they couldn’t in the past.

yes, buff winston and then widow wont need nerfs because she’ll finally have a counter that’s not “just hide behind a wall even though all points and payloads are open”

I would prefer a thread named Bastion, Pharah, Reaper all need something.

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Yeah i remaped leap to my mouse to make the short leap easier, combine with a melee and you do alot of damage.

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Why? (200 imo is to much just curious)

Everything kills tracer, everything & yeah probably would. One pharah direct hit 120+ melee 30, couple shots + rocket from solder, genji dash+basic right click/right click to the head (if i remember correctly does 190), pretty sure mid range right click from roadhog can do it plus basic hook + shot, and so on.

Feels like most characters are made to do 1 or 2 things to kill tracer.

They already nerfed armor which was a major problem for tracer, already mentioned reducing reload time another would be instant reload when you use recall, but i dont know how effective that would be. also the reload time would increase her dps which from what i remember was lack luster compared to other dps characters.

Blizzard in specific mentioned they might tweak her reload time?

No thats just me spewing my opinion or just a idea I came up while thinking what could be changed on tracer.

Oh lol. I thought you meant they mentioned it.

In the past I would have hated that change because defence matrix was perfectly timed with her reload, but since they increased its cd to 2 seconds… there isn’t really any timing that would break if they lowered it. None that I can think of at least.

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They need a cape!
Or maybe it is a sidekick?
So many questions! :open_mouth:

Because with Tracer’s mobility and recall, Burst is the only functional way of killing her. Buffing her to 200 HP would put her beyond most thresholds, except for Sniper Headshots, buffed Ashe headshots and Doomfist’s punch.

She’d basically be Sombra, in that it’s practically impossible to pin her down, except with far better burst damage. Especially since Sombra typically has to fully disengage from a fight with Translocate, whereas Recall can keep her near/in the fight.

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I simply agree.

They really could do with a hug.

I am a Winston main. He doesn’t need anything.

The game is just broken, but a good enough Winston can still outplay the trash meta

Sombra doesn’t need a rework, just needs compensation buffs to her Primary Fire. Winston is balanced, it’s just not his meta. Winston & Tracer will be a lot more effective once 2-2-2 comes out Tuesday.

I think winston does deserve some HP.
The only reason dive is good is it can erase squishy heroes but that is considered unbalanced while snipers does that easily…but lets take that seriously and dont buff his damage. Buff his tankness a little and see if he can make more plays

winston is by far the strongest main tank in a vacuum, btw. by far.

thats not at all why dive is good

Not now. But that was what it was