Tracer One Clippper

Look at chipsa or brandito, they missed a lot of RP for your information. That why they dont use it as a main weapon, just to relocate most of the time. May be you are better than them.

You dont need to worry about that been tracer. You just triple blink and you are on the other part of the map. They still chasin you? recall and lost everyone and zen will be death for sure again!

Are you intentionally strawmanning here? You’re focusing on just rocket punch and completely ignoring doomfist has two ways to insta gib.

Also using people playing bad on a hero is a really bad example. There’s a reason hero’s are balanced around the highest level of play from those hero’s.

and again. Tracer gives you a window of counter play. As small as it is. Doomfist doesn’t. You’re either flying into a wall or up in the air.

It is way easier to kill a hacked doomfist than a hacked tracer as much as she can still onecliping you and doomfist has the worst pistol of the whole game. Of course you can go more range with sombra than tracer but that’s the only way. With doom you can do whatever you want and he always needs to hide, even tho he is death.

Gives you like a 1 sec window at most.

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Doomfist main found.

As i said from the beginning. Which at high elo is more than enough to counteract with a burst heal, a stun or even get barrierd.

More than can be said for Doomfist. Even if you get a barrier from zarya, you’re still getting displaced.

Your original argument is a false equivalence dude.

Why you can see a windows to counter play oneclip tracer but you can’t see a window with slam + uppercat?

You need to picture doom is entering the enemy zone, has the largest hitbox of any dps and is making a big scene entering and flying in the middle of your safe zone so ANY anemy can focus him. Do you think you can slam a zen and not be focused from the whole team?? You should watch some PRO doomfist doing that and what happen if they are so messy playing him.

You breake into enemy zone with the help of your team and when your enemy allow you. You are picturing way too easy than it is but you ask to understanding about how much harder is to do it as tracer. That is not true.

I main tracer for like 7 seasons and I can tell you, she, without brig, was way easier to play than doom. And she has way less counters, real counters.

??? probably because the moment you’re slammed you’re affected by a displace CC that jerks your crosshair and leaves you suspended in the air free to get shot.

Again. False equivalence.

All of that was nerfed to the ground. So now we can nerf blinks so she can be penalized if she can’t oneclip zen/anna or whatever. Fair is fair. She must be penalized in some way when she missplay, that’s was the brigs work. Now she is nerfed, nobody can penalized tracer and that’s is why people is asking a nerf for her.

Zen has no way to counterplay tracer. Zen is death 90% of the time. You just need to realize what is the world outside tracer pistols.

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It really wasn’t. You’re still suspended in the air. The only difference is now Doomfist has too track the target as they air strafe in an attempt to avoid getting shot in the face with a shotgun.

Also false, discord to animation cancel primary animation cancel melee.

Edit: What elo are you playing?

Aim Assist on consoles. I don’t even have time to exit from scope mode as Ana when Tracer one cliped me.

You are not anymore stunned in the air. The stunt is for 0,6 seconds. And you can avoid the slam stunt just jumping and been in the air.

Dude at that point you have been onecliped and back to respawn. You are watching a GOD zen with a trash tracer. That zen will see Doom coming and oneshooting doom in the air fully charged and bye doom. BTW that happens very oftten to lot of pros.

You were never stunned in the air. The animation lock is .6 now, so you’re free to air strafe.

And this is just false. they didn’t change anything about that.

I mained Zen during dive, so no. It’s very much possible

When you posted on a Tracer thread.

Perfectly one clipping someone that isn’t Zen is much harder to do than ANY of Doom’s one-shots lmao not even a comparison.

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Right now you lost control for 3 seconds in the air.

You are missing there were two nerfs, not only one. You should check.

Your zen should be amazing then dude, what can I say. From 90% of my fights with zens as tracer, if he didn’t get help, he was death 90% of the times. And as tracer is way more difficult to catch, even if you missed you have a second or third chance you have not with doom.

I know the nerfs. ones distance/damage, which doesn’t matter cause shotgun to the face. The other was the targets animation lock.

Neither will allow you to jump when doomfist slams and not be affected. I don’t know who you’re trying to fool here.

If Brig and Ana are not allowed to combo Tracer, then Tracer shouldn’t be allowed to oneclip squishies.

No, They nerfed him twice. In two rounds. You are missing the second one.

I’m not a god Zen and have done that multiple times… it is literally one of the things you have to practice as a Zen player if you want to survive in solo queue lmao.

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