Tracer One Clippper

Are you guys just realizing that she can one clip a squishy and recall what is that?


No that’s what was being complained about before.

People just stopped moaning about it after Baguette was added


I honestly feel like you are projecting. This is common knowledge, fam.

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I’m saying this because people were so quick to say nerf doonfist.He one shots omg.When tracer kills you within the same amount of seconds with next to no conditions…

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Do you realize that one clipping somebody doesn’t work 90% of of the time yes? To execute it your target pretty much has to not be moving or you have to have god-like Tracking which even Pros don’t achieve above 25% time(s).


When did I take a time travel machine back to 2006?


But a good tracer will do that and if they dont get you the first they come back around to finish you.

Widow can inst-a kill a squishy from across the map without cooldown. Getting a 1-clip as Tracer is harder than landing Widow headshot. Watch any GM Widow stream and GM Tracer stream and compare count of 1 clips to headshots.


It’s not easier because you have to consider shields and the opponent’s positioning too.

Do Grapple trickshots then. About same difficulty.

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Not only that your position as well and the enemies around you too.Tracer is right in the fight.

Widow vs Tracer debate? I got a solution.

Nerf them both. :joy:

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Did you ignore how not even the pros can be that good?

Plus they just needed the grapple as well.

did u know that reaper can oneshot?
did u know that mccree had a 1shot combo?
did u know that hanzo can os?
did u know that all these are easier to pull off then a oneclip?

So why everyone complaining about one shots especially doomfist when every character has one and there are counters to it?

df’s oneshots are kinda hard to play around unless u have some specific heros, yet i wish they’d try out hog against him m sure he would’ve solved it

trust me bro 2006 was a better time of gaming.

Same apply to rocketpunch in fact…

I hope changes will be available soon at live so people could really start feeling the tracer’s love!