Tracer One Clippper

Doomfist is instant with no counter play. Tracer is about a second with time to counter act it with healing or a short range stun.

This is a good example of a false equivalence.

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yes, so hard to play against rocketpunch… did you heard about corners? It’s something beatifull you can find in ANY MAP! LOL

i would agree tbh they should have let hog do the job

Yea, and if doom fails he is death. She has 3 blinks and recall to keep trying. Spoiler, zen is death even if was not a oneclip!

This is about as disingenuous as you can get. He has two combo instant kills that double as movement abilities. If he engages with rocket punch, he has shift>e to get out. If he engages with e>shift>shotgun, he has rocket punch to get out.

Prime example of this was Agilities in world cup.

And lets be real, if you miss with doomfists abilities, that’s just sad. The hurtbox on them is pretty forgiving, even after they nerfed it.

Stun and your team mates help out?

Regardless, he already insta gibbed your support most times. Leaving your team with support advantage will likely win your team the team fight.

Hey guys are you realizing that lucio can literally wipe an entire team with one click and escape what is that.

It’s not that forgiving because there are still ghost fist issues and if you reduce the hurtbox it will be like the previous patch where he could barely hit anything.

No, because if he fails, the bait is still there to kill him. The when you are trying to escape you are prob death. And if you spend other resources to kill it you will not have resources to escape. Of course, there are situations where he doesnt die, kill the bait and get out. But most cases you get stunned, widow kill you (now ashes also) brig stunt you, and so on. So you need to be sure what are you doing and RP is almost never used to just smash someone, it’s mainly used to get a good position and get out. So no oneshoot in fact. Of course, he can kill you with combos, as much as tracer can oneclip you, genji 3 shuriken-dash you, mccree stunt you hammer you, junk mine + primary fire you. May be you think Doomfist is OP when he is using 70% of his resources to get a chance to kill you but not tracer that can try to oneclip you and still have 70% of resources available!

Did you seriously just make a meme to be petty? Go outside.

Like every other dps does?

I didn’t say it should be reduced at all. and yes there are bug issues with it still, not nearly as bad as there used to be however. My point was if you miss with the skills making a genuine effort, that’s pretty bad considering they’re a lot more consistent and still pretty forgiving as oppose to nearly every other skill shot combo in the game.

Lets stop moving the goalpost now.

Also no. I literally just explained the difference between tracer and doomfist up above. You can choose to ignore it, but it still exists.


Depending on where he lives, if he’s in the upper half of the U.S. going outside means frostbite, at least where I am

That’s veritably untrue. If a Doomfist main learns his combos down pat – like muscle memory – he can get in and out one shotting someone before they even have a chance to react or counter. Tracer, however, can be countered as she blinks around, if you have enough game sense to predict her movements, force her recall early, count her blinks, etc. She has a much better chance of being countered. If you’re standing still and she creeps up behind you and unloads a clip, that’s not a Tracer problem, that’s a personal problem – learning to look around your surroundings and strafe for gods sake.

The fundamental difference between doomfist and Tracer is that if Doomfist hits his combo, he’s unstoppable and uncounterable AND can get out of the fight quickly after picking off 1-2 players. Tracer, on the other hand, with no armor regen, relies solely on recall, which she can only use once and at 150hp, an uncoordinated team with comms can still counter her.

As a Sombra main, I either hack her outright (no recall or blinks), or shoot her until she recalls, then hack her so she can’t get out. Point being, Tracer has many ways to be countered, Doomfist pre-nerf not so much.

(PS I’m not saying I agree with these Doomfist nerfs, I think they’re too much. Doomfist was made to be a hero with combos. It’s just that his current damage output is way too much if you can hit the combos, and there’s too much value for being able to just hit the same combo over and over again. The devs messed up Doomfist’s nerf (as they did Brig), but it’s incorrect to compare Tracer and Doomfist.)

My statement remains the same.

Actually for me it means smoke inhalation.

Everybody outside is wearing dust masks.

If it fails, you horribly misplayed and should be punished for it. If it succeeds, which it does more often than not, then you took out the enemy support and you win the team fight, regardless if you get punished for it.

Thanks for the argument buddy.I agree with what you’re saying.

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Thanks for being openminded and cool about a debate. So rare on these forums :slight_smile: