Tracer nerf seems unfair

Refusal to hard rework Tracer but instead trying to create a counter directly lead to Brig and the downfall of OW1.

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Biased as usual lmao…

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You have got to be kidding me.

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She has the healing passive, she has the DPS passive and she has the can’t miss pulse rifle hitboxes, not to mention she is punished a lot less because of the HP increase eliminating many breakpoints for killing her.

I checked top 500 and you’d be better off counting how many times she DOES NOT show up in it. And her bronze winrate is pretty great.

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I’m not arguing that she isn’t strong right now. I’m arguing that your assertion that she’s a completely different hero is ridiculous on face value.

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Lower health pool.

You’re talking to a GM. Try again.

Is Sombra better designed after her rework? Tracer would be a gigabuffed version of her. No, you wouldn’t want this.

No it’s not. Tracer is not an assassin. Sombra wasn’t meant to be either.

Yes, when she’s supposed to be THE 1v1 hero. Tracer’s primary strength is threatening the enemy team with her 1v1 potential. Removing Recall would mean making her kill potential outside of a 1v1 much stronger and therefore removing her biggest weakness.

Buddy. Do Bastions one trick turret form? Does Ball one trick grapple? Stop. Just stop. This is dumb.

If you don’t rely on Recall, you’re not using the kit correctly. So yes…

Recall is the playmaking button. Without it up it’s nearly impossible to do anything.

Spoken like a terrible Tracer.

So you have no idea what you’re talking about. Tracer is not an assassin.

Because you’ve never faced a good Tracer. 5 Blinks would make me straight up unkillable. That is much, MUCH better than Recall. You not being able to see that just shows how bad you are.

Knowing where Tracer is after she Blinks and being able to predict Blinks are two very different things. Predicting Blinks is impossible without a large number of hours on Tracer.

Which just goes to show that he’s well designed.

Why do you think hard cc would be a downside against an immobile ranged hero? Again, just showing your lack of skill.

Why do you keep trying to take away the balance point of heroes’ kits? Without a barrier Sigma would need extreme buffs elsewhere, which would break him. It’s the same as removing Recall.

Tracer is one of the least mained heroes in the game. No, she’s not. The devs have quite literally said that they balance around Tracer several times. That’s the entire reason why she doesn’t get balance changes very often.

Doesn’t work when you’re talking about heroes that are versatile and synergistic by design. Lucio and Tracer never define metas. The heroes that synergize beat with do. A Ball meta, for example, results in a Tracer meta. A Rein meta would result in a Lucio meta.

Tracer and Lucio are consistently meta because they’re some of the most versatile heroes in the game, nothing more.

You’re too slow to force Tracer into Recalling before she does meaningful damage, and you’re too single minded to realize that Sigma has counterplay on any hero and Orisa isn’t even good.

You’re complaining about three non-issues. That’s why I’m calling you skilless.

Not one that you can see. But as someone who is good at the game, there are obvious ones. Sigma is weak to mobility and gets progressively weaker as you get close to him. Closing the gap means Sig is more or less useless. That’s his tradeoff. Orisa has zero peel potential for her team, so ignoring her and focusing down her team before she can do meaningful damage is just a free win. Tracer can’t do her job without Recall, as her 1v1 potential is too weak without it and she can’t engage to draw cooldowns safely without it.

Just because you aren’t good enough to see the tradeoffs doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

This is the widow range nerf all overagain.

A over preforming hero gets a nerf that changes basically nothing, and their mains act like the hero went from S teir to F teir


Both damage and mobility already address that.

? One tricks relies on a single move. Doesn’t matter their rank. Or are you suggesting that one tricks cant’t reach masters?

My only issue with her right now is invisibility not being camouflage.

I would rather have her old translocator but that would be more as personal prefference.

Who said assassin?

Damage heroes seek out, engage, and obliterate the enemy with wide-ranging tools, abilities, and play styles. Fearsome but fragile, these heroes require backup to survive.

Wouldn’t remove her biggest weakness, would reinforce it. Due her ability to desengage will be not that forgiving.

If someone duels her, it needs to be within her effective range. Increasing her risk to engage it and if fail to kill will be in a rough spot due 2 blinks covers up 15m not roughly up as 40,5m as before.

Is riskier, it gives room for expression and avoid forgiviness of a panic button. Also reduces the time she spend outside of fights.

When the hero is played around a single cycle is one trick but also dumb.

Wait recall, dive in, shoot.

Edit: still typing, typing on smartphone is annoying

Always rely on it is a problem. Like you said she is fair average without it. I never said folks shouldn’t use due being part of her kit, I’m arguing that folks rely too much to do anything because of it.

She is ok without it, so in the regard she doesn’t need it. After that you reinforce what she needs if she actually need anything else. You left from bad design towards one that could be easily managed.

If all your plays relies on it due it’s nature. Then, her design is pretty bad due the ability require a long cooldown because how it behaves and how forgiving is.

While I get that recall gives possibilities, 2 blink charges can also give more possibilities without being that much forgiving.

If you make a play based on recall, more often than not will be used as panic button. Otherwise 2 plus charges on blink would do the trick.

Just one that engages with or without Recall. If I have it at hand I would use if needed, if not I wouldn’t waste my time waiting for it, I would keep scouting and if someone are at bad position I would punish it.

It’s cooldown is long enough to take a risk often makes more sense than not. While if I’m in the middle of the cooldown time I would wait the engagement.

Her role is to kill foes, like others in the same does. Never mentioned assassin.

When I said that wouldn’t be better? The goal was to make her better at her job. Blink has it’s own set of limitations which recall mostly negates bad engagements.

Having her blink at 5 charges are way more manageable than recall. Because she needs to plan those 15m in the middle of the fight, instead simply counting their time.

If the player is bad, will be punished. If the player is good, will still be prone to die but would manage better their engagements. Also would require less downtime and would align to:

Damage heroes seek out, engage, and obliterate the enemy with wide-ranging tools, abilities, and play styles. Fearsome but fragile, these heroes require backup to survive.

No is not. Is pretty much map awareness and 1-2 teamfights to know the perks of the player. Without a panic button you would know if the player is aggressive or methodical or passive.

With that info you can pretty much manage it.

It was? If the game changed to a point that required almost entire cast to change. It cleary isn’t a good design. While he can be fit on 5v5 design, somewhat overperforming. His design weren’t good at 6v6, neither launch, neither after nerfs.

Is not balance points, is forgiviness points. He has tools to prevent/mitigate damage, why it needs to be 2? When he has a good damage?

Orisa has 2, Sigma has 2, wreckingball has 1, roadhog has 1, rein has 1, rammatra has 1, winston has 1, has 1, mauga has 1, doomfist has 1

Forgiviness is what breaks most of those designs, if you don’t remove it, you cant’t properly balance those heroes.

Take tracer at ow1 launch, take sigma at launch, take brig at launch, take orisa+sigma double barrier era.

All those have something in common, that something is forgiviness.

Still, she is the poster child of the game. I’m not saying she is easy to play. Several folks play her poorly. Recall simples limits more than helps, due most tools to counter it were on CC side, while when she is fighting is the moment that folks have room to kill her.

The most “basic” tip for tracer is pretty much play around recall. That alone just shows how strong the ability is but also how forgiving it is.

Lucio is present on most metas, due speed and his lethality. Tracer was similar, by using space and decoy of her teammates.

Cassidy started to stop that, then disruption dive and other stuff like brig.

Metas are viable due those heroes, don’t be naive. Rein wouldn’t do much without lucio, most dives also uses lucio even when not use tracer.

Lucio is like a joker card, working on most decks and enabling it. He gives mobility which is pretty much king in the game. So much that they capped in the game.

I’m not, forcing tracer recalling is easy. That’s the problem. Forces you to actually play something with the goal of one shot her, instead actively fight her.

Sigma has counterplay, based on disruption, beams and melee. How much heroes actually does that? How much those heroes performs against other tanks to be “exclusive” from Sigma? Because his weakness is the same as the others, so. Isn’t a weakness is a common ground.

Orisa isn’t good, the issue is how fortify works. Shouldn’t have CC immunity or crit immunity.

He gets weaker but also stronger. Due his damage being more effective. So, unless you’re beam based hero, disrupt based one or melee one, you’re not at advantage due his damage and survivability as tank is on par to duel it.

More or less, not actually. His weakness can be covered by several forms with simple tricks with barrier and grasp.

Yes, she isn’t strong, just bad design. At least on ow2.

“Safely” is the keyword. No engagement should be safe. That’s the whole point.

She still can do her job, like you already mentioned, she just wouldn’t excel at it. Which is why I mentioned 5 blinks to improve her odds of her doing her job without going “safely” route.

That’s your assumption. Which you’re free to think whatever you want. Just doesn’t make it right.

I played enough with and without recall. Is night and day the difference. Yet can still perform.

Just a tip, I’m not a bronze. We differ on how the game should be handled and what forgiviness means. Yet you seek safely engage in a role that shouldn’t have. Their own definition of the role shows that.

I ended the edit, typing on smartphone is painful.

I would’ve rather seen a sombra nerf than a tracer nerf tbh

Try to play Tracer and you will realize that there is plenty of risk. You reduce risk by getting better movement so it’s at least earned instead of just handed to you.

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Yeah, I’m honestly done responding to this dude. It’s like arguing with a Bronze. When the gap in skill is this big it’s just two different games

Just ask your tank to play wrecking ball. With his new adaptive shields you get 250hp tracer. Problem solved

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tracer is the poster girl so i guess this image says it all

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nahhhh this is a troll. either troll or delusional

That image is absolutely hilarious lmao

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Don’t forget Helix melee.

Mei and Soldier were my go-to solution for a tracer and now they are basically useless against her. Basically have to play the roulette on hanzo now.

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That’s cool. Tracer isa menace so forgive me if I don’t cry for you.

Yeah it’s totally balanced that we all have to become hanzo one-tricks just to counter a single character. She’s basically untouchable now and got even further shadow buffed in this patch with the wrecking ball shield changes. What a clownshow.

An unfair slap of the wrist, I’d say, considering her no-skill spread got busted with the projectile’s changes of season9 and there have been done nothing about it in s10. So she got about 25-40% increased damage/one-clipping potential with it.