Tracer nerf seems unfair

As a tracer main, that extra second on recall is life or death. I’m not really concerned about the halving of her ult


Well , I always engage when my recall is ready , its not like i can use it twice instantly in a fight

If i somehow manage to always force recall on the moment it comes back up , its kinda my fault




Stopped reading right there.


Idk if this is a bait post or not


She got the most baby nerf ever and we’re crying now. Oh lord she’ll only be the best dps not the giga mega super best. Woe is me.


it had to be done. still yea i know how it is if a novice or average tracer. i dont care what people say but tracer has one of the highest skill floors in the game. dont know if the highest actually but its up there.

i can play sombra with my eyes closed and get the same value but with tracer im like how in the hell do pros play this hero lol

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As a Tracer main, your concern makes sense. Tracer almost never gets nerfed, so you aren’t used to dealing with it like the rest of us. As this is a relatively minor change, you’ll find you get used to the change after a few games.


Tracer mains crying over the most minute buff possible meanwhile hanzo, mei, junkrat mains wondering if their character will receive anything in the next year


To call this nerf a slap on the wrist would be a gross exaggeration.


Tracer, completely dominating the game, gets not even a slap on the wrist. They hit her with those wrist bands you slap on your wrist.


To be fair, these nerfs were absolutely counterintuitive. Just reduce her projectile buff. That’s literally all she needs. These nerfs are pointless. Why make her as easy to use as Moira, but then make pulse bomb, one of the most difficult to use ultimates… More difficult? It does not make sense.


Can’t wait for the dps t500 leaderboard to only be 450 tracer mains instead of 455.


Seriously, give the Tracer mains some room to adjust. They aren’t use to their character getting nerfed like the rest of us. They need time to complain, try it out, and learn to play around it.


Sym is playable for a week, and blizzard buries her up to her neck in sand and pours fire-ants on top of her. Tracer, completely takes over the game, outrageously overpowered, and blizzard pretends to nerf her to get everyone to shut the hell up about it, and hopes nobody notices they didnt actually nerf her.


Makes it harder to get Cute Spray too. Damn.

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As a better Tracer main, it’s a slap on the wrist. Not that she really needed anything more though :slight_smile:

Bait used to be believable :pensive:

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wish tracer got symm treatment

These are all heroes that require minimal skill and thought to play while being some of the least enjoyable to play against when they’re strong. Mei has time and time again over the years been one of the strongest picks in high ranks and junkrat and hanzo has almost always been good in low ranks. There isnt a lot of need to buff any of them with the only real possible exception being a slight buff or change to mei.

They are all unhealthy for the game.

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