Tracer nerf seems unfair

She will be missing less, so obviously she will do more damage overall.


Not when the average squishy health pool is 250 instead of 200. She’s doing roughly the same percentage. If we’re going by exact numbers, Tracer’s damage was actually nerfed.

The devs show that they can at least try to balance the mascot of their game, and now you’re upset that one of, if not THE, best DPS in the game has finally been acknowledged as being strong?

In that ALL heroes faced this, when all heroes face a thing, it isn’t a nerf. But I guess by the same token, they all had their hit boxes changed as well.

The thing that sets Tracer apart from most other heroes here is the fact that she’s doing pretty much the same exact damage as before. While hitscans are doing less on a percentage per shot basis, they’re also far more consistent and hitting more shots, leading to overall higher damage. Tracer doesn’t benefit from this because of the nature of her guns.

Spread weapons as a whole were sidegraded, really. This isn’t just a Tracer thing. It also applies to Sombra and every shotgun hero.

It isn’t like she didn’t try to hose targets when she got the change, even at a bit of range, and all the bullets at the side of the cone she was spraying her bullets in, they would be hitting rather than missing.

I notice the difference on Sombra for instance.

It’s placebo, trust me. If you go on Overbuff and look at accuracy stats, you’ll see that she was also sidegraded. Sombra was actually probably nerfed a bit more than Tracer percentage wise due to her tighter spread, now that I think about it.

The pellets around the outside of the cone hitting isn’t dealing a ton of damage. It’s doing SOME, sure. But the average squishy health pool is 25% more. It’s not enough to be a damage buff when considering that.

That’s my point, this, “it does nothing” is just wrong. To basically paint Tracer mains as having perfect aim, and always engaging at the perfect distance, I just don’t believe it.

But that’s incorrect. It is effectively doing nothing, as the health pools have also been increased. That’s the entire point here.

No one did this though.

Tracer at lower ranks is benefitting somewhat disproportionately from this change, but this game is balanced around ranks where people already know how to aim. The biggest issue with Tracer is the lowered skill floor currently

now OWL is gone, it is pretty obvious they are balancing for the bulk of their players, which is, you know… gold.

I can tell you for sure, I’ve been in gold, their aim is pretty shonky, and they will be getting quite a lot of value from this.

Blizzard will be trying to do this… They want her playable in the regular ranks, but not wanting her to dominate T500. Which is “tricky”

And? Doesn’t mean she can’t avoid most situations just fine.

She has damage, she has mobility and can control most of her exposure.

Is integral for one tricking her to a safe spot. The ability itself is not healthy due barely having any risk on using it. Similarly to the old translocator from sombra.

Says who? That the most lame excluse for a bad design I have heard.

Tracer had several value for a long time already, took 7 years for a small nerf and folks are going mad.

She never was balanced, because never actually paid much price on her engagements.

She has mobility, damage and 1 button press escape.

While takes practice to know the range and timmings. Having recall itself gives a ton of forgiviness.

Great strengths needs to come with great weakness. Not great forgiviness.

Because she shouldn’t use it and often she can kill a foe fast enough to not even need it. At least if you’re good enough with her most engagements you wouldn’t need recall is safer to have but not exactly needed.

Folks who entirely rely on her recall is often the one trick ones. Which pretty much goes, start a timer go engage for about 2.1sec and recall. Rinse and repeat. Some goes a bit further some goes less.

There’s a reason she was popular for an year and a half, there’s a reason why cc increased through the years, there’s a reason why brig entered in the game.

She can be complicated if folks not solely rely on her recall, but one tricking recall is way safer than the old sombra translocator system.

Her survival was tied to her mobility, which blink itself already handles that. A way better design would be 5 blink than having recall. But folks would freak out without a panic button.

Is the same old problems “press a button to win” that other heroes slowing are losing.

She is a bad design, I’m not saying she isn’t fun or she is easy to play. Just doesn’t make it a good design neither balanced one.

Sigma, Tracer, Sombra, Lucio, orisa and some others are bad designs, while pharah after several years reached to a point of a good design.

They were bad for OW1, got even worse for OW2.

Forgiviness needs to come with a price, that price mostly none of them pays. Mobility needs to come with a price, also most of them doesn’t pay, damage needs to come with a price that price also most of them doesn’t pay.

7 years is enough time to actually understand how unbalanced certain heroes are and how to address, instead of working on heroes to deal with it and hurting others by doing so.

The CC in the game increased to insane levels just because they didn’t cared to tone down certain heroes. Ow2 has more CC per hero than ow1 ever did, they even introduced CC on heroes that never had prior to it.

Mobility generates too much value to damage and to survival, you either nerf both slightly or nerf one highly. Tracer had the hp penalty for the expense of having high mobility and high damage, yet always had a panic button without any further price to be paid.

In the past she had some foes to keep her in check, historically cassidy was one of them, brig another.

Is a flawed design that was kept without much change by trying to be dealt adding other stuff. How it went? GOATS, RQ, Double Shield, CC creep, Healing Creep.

While dive can be fun, is the root cause of several problems today due not being handled properly for pretty much 7 years. Is a flawed design that needs to be addressed in a way that can generate a path for them to work on newer heroes.

They’re already showing some trends towards it, appears they noticed that they need to do something about it, otherwise all heroes except dive would require some sort of CC.

If they were balancing around Golds, Moira would’ve been nerfed to the ground the second she became stronger than Ana.

Low ranked Tracers are doing more damage now, yes. That actually is true. I’m going off of GM stats and GM experience here, not Gold. Golds couldn’t aim before, so now that they have something helping they’re benefitting quite a bit. That’s why Tracer seems like she’s doing more damage now to you. She’s not, it’s just that bad aim is punished less right now. This is the same Tracer as S8, just far easier mechanically if you couldn’t already aim.

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What do you mean? Lucio is the one batting a really high win rate there, not Moira.

Moira is running 51% winrate there, I don’t see why you would think she would need to be nerfed out based on that.

If you are going to nerf everyone above 51%…

Hell she is 51% in all ranks (except silver, where she dips into 50%) - if anything she is a balancing success story.

I’m not in gold, I just remember what gold aim is like from when I was.

They literally nerfed moira and lucio’s primarily fire damage. Moira nerf? Fine. I never found her OP but I guess other people did. But lucio nerf…why??

I really hope this 1 second nerf to tracer’s recall actually does nerf her survivability. Otherwise, two of the strongest/meta supports right now are going to struggle even more against tracer due to even longer TTK from their own damage.

Imagine 175HP tracer with zen orb. You now deal 2 less damage per bullet as lucio and 5 less damage per second as moira…if this recall nerf does nothing, moira/lucio are going to have an even harder time fending off tracer now.

Oh and don’t forget about illari’s fire rate nerf too which I’m not sure why it was even necessary. But illari’s nerf was less dramatic (0.2 to 0.25 recovery) so I think she’ll still be fine.

At this point, I guess I should be glad that other supports like baptiste didn’t get their damage nerfed. These damage nerfs to supports are starting to make me worried though, ngl.

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She’s designed to do this. I don’t understand why you’re trying to “call out” the thing she’s supposed to do best lmao

Bronze take. Tracer without Recall is more or less useless.

…the devs? Tracer’s entire kit is based around explosive bursts of damage, drawing cooldowns and holding space with top tier 1v1 potential. Tracer’s entire kit HINGES on her disengagement potential. Without it you’d have to give her real kill potential through healing. And you do NOT want to see a truly lethal Tracer.

It’s crazy that y’all complained about Sombra for the same reason and didn’t learn from her rework. If a hero is literally balanced around survivability, taking that away means increasing their lethality drastically. If you did that to Tracer, it’d be infinitely worse than what happened with Sombra. She’d be completely unbeatable 1v1 and casually lasering people through healing, which she is specifically designed to not be able to do. Learn from your mistakes ffs

No, she can’t. Tracer’s 1v1 is fairly average until Recall comes into the picture. If you’re getting farmed by a Tracer and not even making her Recall, you’re just worse than she is.

Folks who rely entirely on her Recall are the good Tracer players in ranks where Tracer dies trying to engage without her engagement tool. One tricking an ability is not a thing. Good Tracers rely on Recall because it is literally her lifeline and only tool she has to create pressure.

Her survival was always tied to Recall. Blink is primarily a mobility tool, used to artificially increase Tracer’s range and set up engagements. Blink is a juking tool in fights, but that only makes up for her lower health pool. All of her potential comes from Recall.

If you ever saw 5 Blink Tracer you would be BEGGING to go back. That’s straight up unkillable. You complain about her now but 5 Blinks literally makes her completely unpunishable and impossible to do anything against without a hard pocket. She could skip into the backline and kill both Supports without any counterplay.

Actual Bronze take like wtf…

Sigma is one of the only well designed Tanks in the game, being able to fit into both 6v6 and 5v5. Tracer is quite literally the balance point of the game. It’s impossible for Tracer to be badly designed without the ENTIRE GAME being badly designed. Lucio is one of the most skillful Supports and is rewarded well for his skill expression, making him extremely well designed.

So no, you only got Sombra and Orisa.

Your take stems from being too slow to punish mobility heroes and too single minded to get around a shield or immovable rock. Tracer is Overwatch. This game would be completely different if she wasn’t in it. You can complain about her current power level, but calling her bad design is objectively false. Tracer MADE this game whether you like it or not.

Because everyone is picking her. Ana had a 49% winrate when she was in every game lmao

Moira is historically the most complained about hero for trash players. Because they just can’t handle her. If the game was being balanced around the walking skill issues that are Golds, Moira would have stayed completely irrelevant and probably would’ve been nerfed even further from her S8 state.

Regardless of your rank, I’m talking about GM here. I’m assuming you’re around Diamond? The same applies everywhere below mid-high Masters. Almost no one there can aim well, but you don’t need to anymore.

What I get from this long rant is that you are anti-mobility and think half the heroes are poorly designed. I feel pretty comfortable ignoring your opinion. Mobility and unique hero design are what make this game!

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ok it took me like 10 games to get the rust off of tracer… yea she is pretty op heh. havnt got a potg yet unfortunately. i thought i had one with a 3 kill pulse bomb but my sigma tank teammate had a 5 kill gravity ult kill thing

still man… i shoulda been playing tracer more last and this season more than i do sombra. i just hate how if you stop playing her you get all rusty again

  1. The risk to using recall is that when you press it you still die anyways because tracer has two hitboxes during blink and recall.
  2. It’s the only way Tracer is able to safely engage because it’s her only counter measure to burst damage. Flanking the enemy backline would be too much of a risk if it were gone.

Yep. There would be no risk to using 2 blinks to reach someone cause you would still have 3 leftover to dodge them. Tracer would be way too mobile and wouldn’t have to worry about blink management.

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yet they allowed 76 to remain massively op as heck and have no plans to nerf him back down