Tracer is too weak

Yeah she’s pretty trash, but the gold peak forum players on here that find her “annoying” will just say she’s not, emotional low rank players shouldn’t be able to type here tbh, or at least display a rank badge directly beside our names.

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this is not a tier list made by him its composed of the tier lists of 6 different high level streamers and coaches


My guess is that they are holding off on Genji nerfs because of skins.

Although it does occur to me that I might have been too harsh on asking for Genji nerfs, since a +15% movement speed buff on Supports would affect projectile DPS heroes the most.

And Genji just happens to be a projectile DPS hero.

The mistake of that tier list is that it’s grouping different categories together to begin with. Regardless Mercy is still an A tier pick. Maybe not for reasons people like but in high ELO games that’s where she is.

Unfortunately for your ego the devs already admitted that your visible rank basically has nothing to do with your match making. So having a shiny badge on your profile here would mean nothing anyway.

The Overwatch community will be better off when everyone realises that tier lists are opinions about every hero by people who don’t play every hero.

They’re stupid, meaningless and entirely unhelpful.

That is good, won’t miss the wanker in comp for sure at least for next 3 years.

The FGC is gonna be out for your blood

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Last I checked, this is Overwatch not a fighting game. The two genres aren’t really comparable. They might be perfectly applicable there.

Overwatch has 3 saparate roles and within those roles there are heroes with entirely different playstyles, strengths, weaknesses and counters. None of that nuance can be captured within a tier list.

OW6 though

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if we cant find a general consensus on whether who’s weak or strong, then balance would be meaningless and it will stay stagnant. i think tier lists are great to compare to see where we can find a middle ground on which heroes are viable or not. and whether or not we can make balance changes accordingly

Nah, just get good, son.

That’s the issue though, a tier list doesn’t really clearly show if a hero is weak or strong - it’s entirely subjective and varies depending on the person creating the list.

A hero listed as C-tier by one person might be considered to be “average” while someone else might consider that same tier to be below-average. Simply stating an average tier-level for a particular hero (like the person I originally replied to) adds an extra layer of abstraction and obscures the actual opinions of the original list-makers even further. It implies a level of consensus that simply isn’t there, because C-tier has no universal meaning.

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she is in the gutter meanwhile you have Ana taking down tanks in a 1v1 like nothing

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I stg it’s always that one damage player that’s garbage and is getting embarrassed so they switch to JR to try to abuse his easy kit. Mine’s radius, damage, and/or cooldown should be toned down.

Healers aint getting oneclipped, have you atleast watched some high rank YouTube video ?They dont stand on one spot like Plat Ana does.

Tracer is good in high rank because she can disrupt enemy team, there is no way you get a kill on healer in or above diamond. When healer gets pocketed by another healer there is just not enough damage. Only kills you get are when enemy team is already down to atleast one player.

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I dunno. She’s pretty damn good.

well i mean every other dps is very weak right now besides widow/ashe/echo/sojourn. Tracer definitely wouldn’t be as dominate if there was more consistent dps.

Tracer still good though

There is this thing called Steam and it has thousands of games for you to switch to if Overwatch isn’t fun for you anymore.

“The hero doesn’t need to be adjusted whatsoever because the best of the best Overwatch players can use her just fine”

Wow. EXCELLENT logic and FLAWLESS defense of hero design.

She was always going to feel a little rough after going from unquestionable the best dps perhaps even hero in the game, to just a solid hero.