Tracer is too weak

Luckily, hard data doesn’t care what rank you play in.

Can they get 1-3 Million more Support players out of Top 500?

Tracer is meta, 5.5 is a lot of damage. Tracer is the scariest dps to go against next to Widow.

Lower-rank data is useless when it comes to balance.

Dont cite the deep magic to me witch

I wouldn’t trust the current pickrates on overbuff but the ones in the past were probably fine

Tracer players when she goes from S-tier to A-tier.


What makes you think hero usage rates by the top 1% of the playerbase is more critical to overall playerbase retention than having enough Support players to fix Matchmaker issues?

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“Are you skeyred?!?”

we just ask for 29dmg shurikens, thats literally it. and we’ll all be good honestly. but im more concerned about dmg boosted blade if anything. neutral game about genji was never the problem.

you do realize that overbuff is still screwy? ik ive used overbuff a bit before but i realized that something is not adding up so i refrained from using it to justify my points. you should do the same honestly, overbuff stats right now especially are still messed up.

Tracer is still S tier at 5.5


Pretty much. It’s just always funny to see Tracer players freak out when they get their single nerf once every 3 years.


I half agree. If Genji’s neutral game is too good, it basically lets him farm Blade faster and get eliminations.

They should meet Genji half way like they did with Tracer. Give him 28 damage.

Yeah, I honestly don’t know why they didn’t do that.

My guess is that they had those nerfs in mind for Genji as soon as the game released, and the moment people started complaining, they just pressed the nerf button on knee jerk.

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One clips were rare even at 6 dmg in high ranks. Tho I don’t think tracer is weak at all in high ranks atm, just that one clips are not common.

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Skill issue. Tracer is a character lower skilled players want to play but are incapable of getting consistent W’s with and thus they think she needs buffs. Tracer at 6 damage is theoretically capable of one clipping supports which isn’t healthy for OW2’s format.

You could make the argument to do something else with her to make her have more value gained at lower level play. But I think that already exists with her insane mobility. Not to mention they already tried that mentality with Sojurn and ended up buffing her in high ELO anyway so no thanks.

5 Damage is capable of 1 clipping supports to the body.
6 Damage to the head is like less than half a clip.

Yeah 29dmg was never too good for genji. Many folks in uppers especially have said the dps passive before when it gave speed bonus made genji all around, especially when blading, tooooo good. The neutral game was not an issue for genji in terms that it made him op, but made him good. But even if genji were to get 29dmg shurikens for example, 2 known genji counters such as Cree and Brig are expected to get changes (most likely buffs) soon. So i wouldnt see genji getting a revert as such much of an issue when counters of him are getting buffed.

Although id rather not continue speaking about genji and derailing the topic lol. Ill just leave it at that

There’s no way you put mercy at the top of a tier, better than tracer and Ana :skull: