Tracer is overdue for an astronomical nerf

We got pharah and mccree out of the way, she’s next on the chopping block.

Get rid of the extra HP already. You designed her to be a glass cannon, she isn’t anymore.

There is supposed to be risk and reward when playing her, you have basically nothing to fear anymore with the extra hp ruining death breakpoints on her for multiple characters. It is so god damn unrewarding managing to land a headshot on the hardest character to hit in the game just for it to do absolutely nothing. She is guaranteed to get recall off now unless she’s hog hooked or widow/ hanzo headshot.

I just don’t think that’s enough counters for a character that’s essentially never not been meta.


I mean she was OP before Pharah suddenly appeared, same for Cassy. Now that the newest OP heroes are finally tuned down a little, its 100% time to fix the last OP hero, who was just overshadowed by even MORE OP heroes…


Tracer is a hero you nerf by buffing her counters. She operates on such razor-thin margins that any number tweaking risks breaking her. For instance, if Torb wasn’t so mediocre, Tracer would have someone that could at least pressure her into having a time limit for staying in the opposing team’s back line.


Qrow is going to lose it.


Balance is just too far gone at this point. It doesn’t matter. Instead of directly nerfing Tracer they opted for global armor changes that made Pharah and Cassidy OP. Then devs doubled on power creep with Kaiju tanks. Honestly just throw in release Brig at this point.


What are you even talking about man?

She’s had her HP buffed that edged her out of being a glass cannon. She’s had the projectile changes and DPS passive that have considerably lowered her skill floor and made it 10x easier for her to do her job.

That DPS passive has benefitted her more than any other DPS.

She needs hard nerfs not counter buffs. We don’t need more unneccesary powercreep.


not even a t500 tracer replay code dominating the lobby? I am sad and shocked beyond comprehension.

IMO the only nerf she needs is the -25HP. Her mobility and recall make it literally impossible to kill her unless she hugely messes up all her cooldowns or her engagement


I hate one shots with a passion but if any hero deserves to be one shottable it’s tracer.


If any dps deserves to be the strongest, it’s Tracer.


Nerfing tracer and removing widow’s one shot years ago would have solved a lot of OWs problems. That some people think it’s healthy for tracer to always be meta is just silly


Can still be the strongest and be susceptible to one shots. High risk high reward, that’s what ‘skilled’ players like to say isn’t it. She was one shottable for most of the games lifespan and she still dominated high ranks. If you land a crit on that little fly you deserve the kill imo.


Then you would need to up her damage to high heaven to account for the extra 50 HP on all of her targets and all the recent Tank’s armor buff. You can even reduce her bullet size back to pre s9 too.


Not really high heavens an extra 1-0.5 damage or slightly less spread maybe.

The bullet size doesn’t really matter considering tracer is played in really close range.

Seriously, it takes five seconds to Google something.

If that’s the case. Then the same applies to buffing her, yeah? So revert the buffs she got in S9 with the projectile/hp changes. She works and razor thin margins as you said and clearly these changes have pushed her into op territory, we don’t need to buff other heroes to compensate for 1 being broken.

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As long as she can retain pre S9 ttk i’m gucci


True, but some of her counters are either underperforming (Torb) or no longer strong against her (Brig, although the armor reversion might have changed the calculus on this, I just play Moira or Kiriko if Tracer is diddling me when I’m playing support so I haven’t tried Brig against her recently). It stands to reason that buffing them (or retooling, in the case of Brig) first would take priority over nerfing Tracer since doing both would be too much at one time. The goal isn’t to gut heroes, it’s to make each one viable without being overbearing to people who don’t kick and scream whenever they don’t get their way.

I’m not, because Tracer won’t get nerfed. She never does.

@op, you’re objectively incorrect. Tracer isn’t meta and hasn’t been since the start of the season. This isn’t Tracer main bias, as several well known content creators such as KarQ and Kajor have acknowledged this as well. Kajor has even made a video calling Tracer a design flaw, so if anything he’s biased AGAINST her. KarQ as well, as he mains Support.

Tracer is not only undeserving of a nerf, she’s not going to get one. I’d say Tracer haters can suck it, but I have a husband for that :wink:


Both of those ARE high heavens :joy:

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