Tracer is Balanced

Are you saying I’m a Tracer main? Profile isn’t private.

Her job is literally to pick off support. If your team isn’t helping, that’s on your team, not just you.

Yes, more support counters would be nice, I’m not disagreeing, but overall, she has counter play.

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I go Lucio personally lots of room to disrupt and separate from the tracer. What with wall ride and boops and heal and speed bursts.

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Agreed, he doesn’t counter her, but he has an immense advantage against Tracer due to healing and speed.

Shleck noises from frog boy :frog:

nah, but i can see where you got that from, my bad.

remember forum brigitte? before she got smacked upside the head with nerfs?

welp, now there’s •• Forum Tracer ••. i’d say you exaggerated a little.

Well, if we’re plugging our own work, here’s my Reaper rework: Reaper Rework (Proposed, not Blizzard)

My main complaint with Tracer is that when they land back in the spawn room, it’s not really anything the enemy team did. If they die, it’s because they made a mistake. The less mistakes Tracer makes, the more she will dominate a game.

Plus, there’s the fact that every time a hero had something in their design that could “counter” Tracer, that hero got nerfed.

Hog could counter her with Hook, but then he got nerfed into obscurity and only recently got buffed again into relevancy.
McCree could counter her with Flashbang, but he got nerfed and even now there are still threads here and there asking for more buffs to him.
Now Brigitte countered her, but now she got nerfed where she gets her out of the game less efficiently. She went from a hard counter to a soft counter.

So that probably has something to say about how strong Tracer is if all her counters ended up being way too overwhelming to everyone else.

And honestly, a lot of the response is just people not wanting Tracers back in their games. Pros even said that back in dive, it came down to “Who has the better Tracer”. As for the lower ranks, dive was still being run. It wasn’t a coordinated dive, and it was more of a sloppy dive, but it was still dive. And people still ran Tracer, and those Tracers were usually good for their rank.

She is one of those heroes where she is on a tightrope. Change her too much, and she could go one way or the other - broken and easy to abuse or not even worth picking. So aside from maybe touching her spread, the only other change I can think of giving her is increasing her Blink CD from 3s --> 3.25s. Maybe 3.5s at the most.


I love the enthusiasm, but please don’t advertise your own posts here on out. Thanks!!

I love you all! I’m sorry!

didn’t intend to advertise, sorry. :stuck_out_tongue: just thought it’d make a point.

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People were asking for nerfs long before Brig arrived. It seems like a retaliation because of the lack of nerf Tracer threads all thanks to Brig. Now that the ptr balance changes are posted and the knee jerk response is going, of course you’re going to see all those threads. If it turns out that the nerfs aren’t that bad, then the threads will die off some, but if the nerfs are as damning, than the Tracer hate and threads will only get worse.

Speaking as a support main who has died to her many times, I’ve honestly always thought of Tracer as being one of the most balanced heroes in the game.

IMO, what makes her so strong is the sheer lack of reliable counters she has, and maybe just maybe the fact that she has better mid-range damage capabilities than she probably should.

But other than that, she’s just a solid pick that rewards skill, practice and an understanding of her playstyle.

(And before I get the “UGH ANOTHER SKILL-BASED ARGUMENT” I am of the opinion that all heroes should reward high skill, not necessarily require it.)


IMO, what makes her so strong is the sheer lack of reliable counters she has

That argument is literally how we got Brigitte.

…and maybe just maybe the fact that she has better mid-range damage capabilities than she probably should.

Saying that a hero is both balanced and too strong at mid-range logically contradict each other. Saying that they’re too strong at range implies a change/nerf is necessary, and if a change is necessary then they weren’t perfectly balanced in the first place.

Why does everyone hate tracer, tracer is balanced > this

Yeah, and Brig would’ve worked if the devs hadn’t gone overboard with her kit. ;-;

This is why I said maybe. Twice. Consider that a concession that this hypothetical statement could be entirely wrong because, as I said, I am but a mere scummy support main and can only speak from the perspective of the shot and not the shooter.

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someone with common sense!

no worries once we make flail 87.5DPS

before brig times nobody complained…
you can just switch to something like mccree or reaper if you hate her that much

That literally won’t do anything. Tracers already have pretty high spread and damage falloff so in order to do something, they have to get close to you. Without a personal 500hp shield, without stuns, and without 150 burst damage basically as soon as you get stunned.

Most mobile hero in the gane.

Lowest health in the roster aside from Zenyatta without shields.

One of thee most potent weapons at close range.

Fastest firing rate.

Fastest reload in game.

An instant heal and anti CC abikity that resets her.

One of thee smalliest hitboxes.

Along with very soft footsteps that make her very hard to detect through sound.

Dubbed fastest character to traverse through any map.

Her only downside is low health and that her gun’s effective range is literally less of a range than a shotgun’s range.

But other than that she has soooo much going for her.



I can do that consistently, in Plat.

It’s one of the reasons I hate Tracer so much.

I believe Tracer needs her falloff to start at 8m instead of 11m.

You can one-clip (with all body shots) into a target SMALLER than Brig’s barrier from 10m away. Go ahead and test it, I have.

Her spread is fine.
I hate her 200dps (bodyshots)
I hate her 400dps (headshots, but THIS is what happens at higher ranks), but I don’t see that being nerfed.
Her mobility being nerfed will destroy her.

Changing nothing except for her falloff range starting point seems to be good.

Forces Tracer to use more ammo from range, increasing her time to kill, or to be closer to targets to kill them.