Tracer counters Sombra

I keep seeing people say Sombra has no counters. Tracer can blink out of a hack and recall out of virus if hit with good movement to survive just a moment, making a poor target for Sombra.

But more importantly, if you play close to your team and wait for Sombra to make a move, you will hear her decloak voice line and hack/virus sound cues and can just go straight for her; she will be forced to escape without a kill, and likely you will be able to chase her down. In a straight fight Tracer is obviously highly favored. Yes you won’t be able to do deep dives until she’s gone, but the enemy team will be straight up 4v5 if she’s cloaked while you can still go for close off-angles and so on. Obviously Brig can do much the same as a support.


Tracer is not Sombra’s target unless she’s waiting for her in the backline and Sombra is not Tracer’s target unless she’s in a bad position.


People are not ready for this reality check as both heroes of equal skill, Tracer comes out on top majority of the times.


Been saying this for a while. Tracer is absolutely a Sombra counter as the best DPS for peeling, with the mobility to chase down Sombra and damage to win 1v1s against her.

Tracer’s presence on a team alone requires Sombra to play more carefully. Glad people are finally starting to realize this.


Indeed, if the person playing Tracer has working eyes and ears and makes the Sombra their priority rather than complain or quit the match like many others love to do, the Sombra is effectively shutdown.

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Tracer might have advantages against Sombra, but it took much more effort to be proficient with Tracer. So Tracer is not a “press H to counter” hero.


Tracer counters everything now that she’s basically reaper with blinks.


Anyone with a left mouse button and working headphones counters sombra, honestly. Just listen for her uncloaking and shoot her.

it was never about no counters or if sombra is good. Game is BAD, IT SUCKS TO PLAY with sombra in games. Game is supposed to be FUN.


ive had some good games against tracer as sombra but i had to be looking for her and predicting what she would do (bodyguard to supports). its not an easy matchup for sombra and some tracers have destroyed me as her.

still yea i see tracer being the better hero since skill ceiling. on an equal level it can go either way but thats mid ranks i would think lol

i feel sorry for some who never expected me. i would see tracers crouched hiding and yea i happen to walk along. usually i dont hack since it gives away position… i virus start blasting away so of course they would blink. after that i have to translocate and retstart or run away if the tracer is REAL accurate

I’d say Sym is a better general counter to Sombra. At least on paper that is, Sym is just so bad rn that countering Sombra means nothing if the rest of her team just stomps you.

Sombra hard counters Sym’s wall, but Sym somewhat also counters EMP if the enemy Sombra is only using her EMP to counter wall, it becomes this mind game of rock paper scissors between the two of them.

The main things I would say that make Sym a pretty good counter against Sombra is that she has her sentry turrets to disrupt hack. She also had a TP to follow up on killing Sombra after she translocates away. If Sym just wasn’t dog water tier rn I think you would see a lot more of her, because a good Sym can ruin your day if you play Sombra

For support just go Moira, she counters Sombra due to her high survivability and being able to interrupt hack nearly all the time.

Lmao :rofl: good one needed that laugh thanks :hugs:


they are right in a way. its the skill of the player and not the hero most of the time

after that its hero ceilings and what heroes are just better since power. if people are that “skilled”

(im not saying that im “skilled” lol)

No, she’s not. But people need to stop acting like Sombra is uncounterable. Tracer may be harder but she’s still a counter.


Skilled and sombra of this iteration should not be used on the same sentence let alone be compared with a high skill hero like tracer.

If your going to cite tracers current pr due to aimbot patch.

I will ask this do you consider Cassidy and genji to be same skill as sombra as they are more popular than tracer .

Just cause tracer aim is easy due to aimbot patch doesn’t mean she becomes comparable to learning Circle heroes.

There is no hero that is in the same skill level as sombra.


Sombra isn’t anywhere near as hard as Tracer. But Tracer definitely is much stronger.


yea but im not saying you have to be “skilled” to play sombra but a highly skilled player can be a real good sombra and tracer

of course if they are good on both they will pick tracer since probably a better ceiling. thats what im saying

also its situational. if that player is good on both maybe its best to go sombra then into doom/ball

Tracer mains won’t swap for easy stuff.
Tracer is good against both ball and doom.

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in the game of war you take every advantage you can get. thats why all the pros play meta or maybe they improvise on what tool to get the job done.

of course there are the “hardcore” one-tricks. like that genji streamer forgot his name… dam lol. necros?

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That is for common old soldiers citing old books art of war etc.

This hero shooter, heroes have standards to maintain if you don’t you are not one anymore.