Tracer blink cd increased from 3 to 4 seconds

Well, my point was that I wouldn’t necessarily trust that Blizzard’s not going to make a change just because stats don’t reflect something. Like, the stats did not reflect that Sombra was too strong. But they nerfed her anyway because people complained a huge amount.

So, I suspect that if people raise enough of a fuss about Hack, they’ll nerf it regardless of what the stats say.

The point is the bash comb is not the reason Brig dumpsters Tracer.

Tracer can blink one ever 3 seconds she has the tools to stay away from brig and kite her so she doesn’t get comboed.

But tracer can’t go kill anything cause brig is going to spam Armour and heal them so tracer can’t do her job so you need to switch out to another hero.

Mhm, well its possible but I’ll be very surprised if it’s anything more than a slap on the wrist again.

If anything, I’d fear a Mercy style rework more than anything.

This doesn’t make sense because Brig’s armour is on a pretty big cooldown and she’s not always there to save another person. Brigitte has a shield and she needs to have the teammate in front of her to give armour.

If the teammate is behind her, she needs to turn her back on the enemies and she’s pretty much dead. Her shield is not a 360-degree ability and it’s very easy to break ever since she got the shield nerf a few weeks ago.

Brigitte is not invincible and she can’t always keep track of the enemy Tracer. She could only protect herself from Tracer and she’s going to lose this.

Brigitte can’ save someone that was ulted by Tracer either so I don’t see how Brigitte could spam people with armour… morever with that big of a cooldown.

Actually play Tracer and you will see.

Clearly you don’t play her from this post. There is a huge difference between being able to kill someone in 1 to 2 clips and needing 3 or 4 to get the job done for tracer.

Wow the highest skill hero is actually playable with this change , the horror :rofl:

So what then

More like she can no longer kill the ones stupid enough to wander into her danger zone.

False. Tracer runs circles around Brigitte just as easily with Reinhardt. Or they can just swap to junkrat and make Brigitte just as “unusable.”

100 percent false. The concept of stacking tanks existed long before Brigitte did.

Tracer was a Meta pick for 2 years before Brig came out

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brig is what made goats viable again. shes also what made 3 tanks 3 supports viable, which is what goats is. triple tank didn’t have 3 supports.

tracers damage is also unusable once she gets her rally up, and the repair pack instantly heals up all damage she has done and then some.

name calling? kinda pathetic.

The Brig mains will never win. Tracer has a BUFF incoming, her pulse bomb will deal 350 damage instead of 300. In contrast, Brig’s zero-aim 150HP + 75 armor insta-heal will be reduced next, Blizzard knows the community can’t handle all the Brig nerfs at once so they will be spread out.

so that means tracer should be unusable now?

where did you see this?

im not saying you are wrong, I just never saw it.

Telekinetic communication from papa Jeff.

how does one get this power :thinking:

Greeeeeeat, Dive is back.
Goodbye Rein and Zarya, it was nice knowing you. OWL players wants their fast toys back.

Remind me again what the Slambulance consists of.

You know who else is hurt by armor? Everyone else, most notably those that operate with rapid fire weapons, of which Tracer isn’t the only hero with. You know how you counter that? Chip away at their armor before committing. Or aim for the head. Or do the thing everyone was meant to do from the game’s inception and change to a hero better suited for the situation at hand.

Citation needed.

which is why goats is a thing. you stack health and use the tankiness to remove the possibility of chiping damage away.

You can’t heal up armor…

In fact, you shouldn’t be playing Tracer in that situation.

Ok. Who did I call stupid? I don’t see any names.

that’s the point. she removed tracers viability in any situation because goats is everywhere.

its calling people who go into brig range stupid. its a blanket statement, and blanket statements can still be name calling.