Toxicity seems to be at an all time high

For me at least. Merely suggesting that a dps being completely shut down to swap is, apparently (these days) the same as calling them bad (and worse). Toxic groups DEMANDING I swap to this or that hero is, apparently, grounds for calling me the n word and just about every other colorful thing in the dictionary when things for the team go south. When our dps run a mile into 6 enemy players it is my fault.

This has been the case for me the past 3 or so weeks and I am on the verge of uninstalling the game. It is my favorite game hands down but communication is key to victory. Every match I am not in VC I lose, it is just inevitable. So I am completely lost for words, can’t enjoy my favorite game because the community is so extremely toxic it makes me want to alt + f4.
Mind you, this is not about me “not being able to take a few harsh, unwarrented words”, there is no respite, no pause inbetween the insults. Muting people gets me so far, avoiding people gets me so far (the next game which is exactly the bloody same).
How do you guys deal with this? I mean I look at the OW icon on my desktop and I just don’t want to play anymore because I know what’s coming :frowning:

Hope you fare better



yep the community is toxic af^^ Agreed
I am fed up with this game in general, just feel exhausted playing it. I took a break and came back a few weeks ago but it’s still not better. And the toxic part of the community really doesn’t help. I’m a simple man who wants to enjoy fun and fair games, but that is very often not the case^^
Sometimes I wonder what the average IQ Statistic is for OW lol
Just listening to people in Voice or seeing them type some BS in Chat makes me wonder what people are playing this game


If you are playing competitive, have fun and play Competitive the way its supposed to be player, the objective and working as a team.

I ask players to swap if I see we are not making progress or I see we have heroes that are double or triple countered. If there is a single counter, I will make that player aware they have a heavy counter and suggest to avoid that enemy or swap. i.e. I cant stand Winston’s that run against Reaper AND McCree. Or a Pharah versus any 2 of Soldier, McCree, Bastion or Baptise It’s like you are telling your team you are throwing. Its one thing on the initial starting push of the map where you dont know who you are playing against.

But sometimes you can get lucky playing heroes that are normally countered like this, but not often.

I dont ask players to swap to start a toxic match. I ask nicely a few times, if it goes to where its deemed they are throwing, then the whole team gets toxic because they now know where the weakest link is.

I 100% agree the toxicity is super high in this game though.


Yeah… recently I had our feeding dps player yell at our Mercy for not rezzing him when he had died in the enemy backline alone, and proceeded to call her the most disgusting things I’ve ever heard. She later left the voice channel, and I would have too but I still wanted to hear call outs since I was playing Zarya and we had a Rein.

Also I myself was recently called a thrower and an idiot when I went on point on overtime as Widow and obviously died, but hey, no one else was gonna be able to at least try to touch point? Would the toxic person have been happier if I c9’d? You can literally do nothing in this game without someone being toxic and saying you’re trash and doing it wrong.

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The players are just video game players. It’s the game that’s toxic.

Every single thing about the SR system is overly oppressive, to the point that half the players don’t even care any more.

The fix to all of this is…

Heavier PBSR.

People want to see their rank, and are tired of throwers, man-babies and smurfs having the power to ruin it so easily.

If you got out what you put in, i think it’d feel much better. If i suck and only win 10 SR, fine. I sucked. If i’m personally playing well, and some dude is standing around emoting… HE should lose a LOT of SR, i should lose much less. (and this is how most games would go for a lot of people)

This team SR thing has failed big time. Solo players logging on are sick and tired of all the bs in this game effecting their SR. The game has become more about babysitting, and losing 50% of your games due to the forced matchmaking, so it is just not fun. It’s not fun to play your 3rd game in a row with throwers. And YOU lose 75 SR?

It’s the game.


It is more both I think. The game doesn’t dictate which words we throw at each other nor our actions because we’re tilted and want to lash out, it’s our imperfect selves I suppose :confused:

yeah it’s because the system takes soo long to ban/action/suspend/perma-ban

you literally need 100 reports of toxicitiy (weather real or not) to be actioned

some go on massive tilts

but most of the time those that are truly ruining the ladder have 6-10 accounts at minimum

once they get flagged for ab chat on one, they swap to another account
and usually every time the game is on sale they buy yet another account

to avoid the bans, cause if they do get actioned enough I think perma ban happens on ab chat around the 6 or 7th actioning

though If you ask me

perma-bans should have never come or been a thing in a community this toxic
especially since the side game now is to report others silently in hopes of just adding to the reports on an account to get it actioned

blizzard knows this and ignores it largely because it is by design to keep players salty mad and raging

right into another account purchase

think about it

when have u ever seen a game have the mode competitive and no actual team accessible scoreboard ?

literally designed to protect casual players in the mode

but that backfired with this community
it makes them more toxic
because most don’t know why there losing or doing poorly
they don’t pay attention enough to kill feed and other things u can see properly

but literally it’s all about obfuscating all the information as much as possible and now with private profiles ladder has long been a joke since

tl:dr the game is designed to make you toxic so that you get banned and buy another account

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It is at an all time high after each season. It has continued to grow and grow after each season. Turning off chat and voice has made the toxicity sooo much better but you still get toxic players who throw, dps heal, troll, etc. which unfortunately you can’t “mute”.

I thought it was at an all time low.

I turned off all comms a long time ago. Game is great since then.


I’m always down for am argument irl. In game however i try to understand their frustration before i roast em’. Unless the dude is just trying to create an issue outta nothing i’ll talk calmly to them.

Ex. If we lose first point, as you do on most maps, i’ll let them know its not a loss just because we lost obj. A. Sometimes you can talk them down and dont have to battle.

wait for the surprise ban u might get since you know
no teamwork

Nice endorsement level 0. Yeah I’m sure it’s your teamates’ fault.

It’s been 2 years, no bans, not an issue.

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its typically DPS in my experience. as far as i can tell, they’re all pre-tilted due to queue times.

had one last night instalock genji and demanded i play ana. i said no im playing zen. he then said fine im just throwing then and called me the n word over voice so i reported him for throwing and calling me that.

we ended up winning. him sitting in queue for that long though made him feel like he had the right to make demands … not my fault you time is so invaluable you’ll sit in queue for 10m to play dps.

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wait until hero bans then u gonna happen

Nah, i diversified my hero pool awhile back. Im good, not worried at all.

You think Bastion counters Pharah?

It sounds like you should just stop telling people when to switch. They know when to switch.

Alternately, you could suggest a problem and ask someone to help you, rather than telling someone they are the weak link. I’ll throw every game someone asks me to switch. It is never going to work out for them.

I kind of agree with this. I’ve seen so many players trying to tell everyone who to play, and i’d say just let people play who they play. Forcing someone on to McCree just because it seems like you need one doesn’t mean that McCree will be any good. They might actually do better on their chosen hero, even if it’s not a direct counter.

I guess i’m thinking about gold games. Maybe higher ranks, more direct counters should be expected and asked for. But in gold, i think just letting people play their best heroes is good. Harping on hero picks more often than not causes problems for some reason. :frowning:

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