Toxicity, Racism and why I'm leaving the game

So you believe to know everything to make the right call?

You’ve made just as much of a joke of yourself as I have, all you have are fancy insults and no actual point.

You’d rather attack than refute, it’s blatantly obvious.

Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions, thats all you ever spit out of your mouth.

Trying to scare someone into swapping sides sure as hell wont work, all youre doing is attacking, attacking, attacking, hoping to silence me by saying my take is horrible, I’m wrong, this, that and whatever crap comes out of your mouth.

You have no point and are resorting to personal attacks rather than a level headed debate.

You’re a meat head, and it shows. You think you’re smart by insulting the opposition rather than debating them, when you aren’t.


The problem is that these people mare shameless, as we seen in some commenters on this thread.

They have no empathy, so it seems the only way to get it through their thick skulls is to make them smell their own crap.

Selfish people only care about themselves. Make them feel the same way. One can’t rely on them suddenly caring about others, so make it personal.

The only downside, it that it sometimes makes them feel victimized. Again, as we see in this thread. People are terrible, and say terrible things, society rightfully laughs them out of the room, so they force a small, but virulent group and act like victims.

Well, not everything, but these aren’t narrow, nebulous concepts.

Racism, homophobia, sexism bad?

Yes. I can in absolute certainty say those things are bad. That isn’t a losing argument.

People just get mad when that crap isn’t tolerated. Well, screw em!

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The true meaning of these words has been lost with the time.

Racism used to be actively believing your race is superior and all these negative things about minority groups.

Now you’re accused of being racist for merely disagreeing with someone of a different skin color.

You can’t punish racism, sexism etc, when the definition of those words are being swapped and abused like recent.


Please, give me some examples, some juicy ones too.

Let the forums see what you think. I’ll go grab some popcorn.

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Zoro has shown me he isn’t interested in discussion. As soon as any salient points were brought up he pulled the “lol not listening anymore” card. So take that into consideration. He’s here to stir things up with victim blaming and appeals to self responsibility without considering any for the people who are toxic.

I’ve yet to hear any point that isn’t “censorship bad” or " they’re still going to be toxic". I commend the effort but they aren’t here to listen, just to blare.


Well, you try to make “listen” someone, who isn’t toxic, and isn’t one you are supposed to be talking to.

Personally, if I’ve been told constantly, that I am guilty, I would actually do things to justify guilty status.

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I had a debate with a few leftist people a few months ago.

One of them attempted to claim their grandfather was denied residence in an apartment due to the color of his skin, I asked if they had any definitive proof, and they presented none. I asked for more information, they refused to give it to me.

There was no proof presented that it was because of the color of his skin, they just assumed it, meaning they think the home owner is racist when it could be some other underlying issue.

A BIG example came out of it too:

I brought up a statistical fact that the Asian race in general tends to make more money than the White race on average in America, and presented statistics that backed it up from several sources.

I was immediately laughed at and called racist despite the fact that I was not openly insulting one side or believing another side directly superior. I wasn’t insulting Asians nor insulting Whites, I was stating something generally.


If you haven’t noticed, he never negated my accusations of racism, homophobia, and sexism. He instead rolled with and into it. My whole goal was to expose him as a racist, homophobe, and sexist. And he did that swimmingly. Now its for history to decide since I’ve dredged it out of him. Our work here is done.

It never works to argue words with these people; they will twist them to utter uselessness. We need to stop playing defense with our words, and let thier words do the talking.

And I think I did that.


When you throw such accusations left and right, people start wearing them like a badge of honor, as your words lose weight.

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There’s your two mistakes right from the start. Comp is already the worst mode (despite people QP telling me to play than when I ask for a little teamplay) and using voice chat in there is like committing sudoku. There’s enough R-words and such in text chat, which is why I dunno why anyone would ever want to use vocie chat. And I don’t even need to have played that game with you to know they were 99% smurfs with level 120 or something. Smurfs, especially in comp, is the absolute worst, cause they don’t care what happens to their alt accounts.

I like to believe the team in charge of reports has gotten better (for personal reasons), but I wouldn’t say you should expect results the next day (especially over the weekend). You say you give specific evidence, which is what I always do (quote exactly what they say), so I like you’re not just spamming blank reports.

Your entire attempt to “expose me” has failed.

Im not racist, homophobic or anything of the like from the direct dictionary definition.

I don’t hate anybody based off their race, gender, sexual orientation, I have several friends from minorities, LGBTQ, and opposite sex.

Your social justice work had flopped hard because you’re making false assumptions and trying to attack me for an opinion.

You’re only proving me right that you have nothing but attacks, and no logical thinking within you.

Thats all youve done ironically.

You think you have a moral high ground but what you’re proving to me is that you’re an idiot who resorts to personal attacks rather than actual discussion.


It’s really weird to believe, that other people care of what happens to you. Some people do, that are special to you in some way, and you are special to them as well, but for the most part, they don’t.


It’s actually seppuku.

That is not a good thing, though.

Even if it does refer to you, you don’t need to advertise it. It’s not necessarily only people who got some hate, someone might think you’re making fun of them.

For about a week or so. No one cares about Tracer or Soldier anymore. That was just people getting salty cause they’re fanfics and fanart were ruined.

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That’s the joke.

They do not get away. I have been banned four times for ab-chat, so, yes they care!

You contradicted yourself though - if “everyone” can play these games, it means, that not everyone would be “grown ups”.

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Then why are you dignifying me with a response?

I’m tellin’ ya, its the pesky conscious.

A normal person would walk away, knowing they are right. A guilty person goes to the grave defending themselves swinging.

Have some honor in victory, my dude.

But again, you know something is nipping at you. Righteous indignation.

OOOOOOOooooo, This one is always a good one. Like how slave owners had slave babies. Clearly not racist :roll_eyes:

What exactly is your opinion? Go on, please list em all.

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Precisely because they aren’t racist to ignore you as “inferior being”?

If you would be ignored, you would go “see, they don’t respond, so I were right”.
If you wouldn’t be ignored, it would be “you are guilty, that’s why you respond”.

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