Torbjorn is not Brigitte's dad, genetics prove it!

It appears that you bad at genetics. Dwarfizm is autosome recessive syndrome. That means that both of parent has to have recessive alleles of IGF gene, which coding growth factor, synthesing in pituitary gland.

Torb is dwarf. His IFG gene is in recessive state (dd). Wife has to have recessive gene state too. But brig has normal size, therefore, wife is Dd.

P: ⚦ dd * ♀ Dd
G: d D d
F1: Dd dd

We see that from Torb and Ingrid (if she is heterosote) can be born both dwafizm kid and normal kid.

Torb is Brig’s father.


Isn’t only one of the roloff kids with dwarfism? It doesn’t seem that unlikely. I think it’s a little reachy to say that the team would intentionally make one of the heroes an offspring of a disloyal relationship lol

Is it confirmed he has dwarfism? He could just be a short man like Danny devito or something

They are telling us something… The unlikely thing happened. Lucky kids.

Uhm… if Torb would be heterozygous and his wife has the wild type, there’s a one in two chance that his children don’t have dwarfism, that’s pretty large (you need to keep in mind each kid’s chance to be normal is independent of the other). Btw, most of his children are still too young to decide if they have dwarfism or not (from the picture at least).

And apparently this ^^
Was too lazy to look it up myself.

EDIT: Looked it up myself. Nope, it is like the OP says: dwarfism is autozygous dominant. HOWEVER, being homozygous is lethal, so Torb has to be heterozygous. Which means => first part of my reply ^^

EDIT2: and can we use the scientific term achondroplasia to avoid misunderstandings? :grin:


Here I ment laron syndrome. Not very good at genetics too, I am just a surgeon 8)

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Well, that apparently also has dwarfism as symptom, but it’s a rarer genetic disease than achondroplasia (unless you’re Jewish).

Got it. Didn’t expected that doctors use o overwatch forum to discuss genetics 8)


We better get Moira Povich on this ASAP

first of all, i allready knew torbs wife was a transgender and all his kids were adopted, no way she popped out 3 kids in a year because they all noticeably look the same age.

secondly torbjorn says it himself, he’s not a dwarf, meaning he has probably been to the doctor and asked why he was so short, and been told it’s pretty much short genes, not dwarfism.

Maybe abortion is still legal in Sweden.

It has to be legal everywhere I think.
While pregnancy 1-2 months…

While this is true, I assumed that it was dominant, as well as it being easily inherited.

You ment achondroplasia, I ment laron syndrome, me and one dude here cleared it out 8)

Yeah, as we can see, genetics is very complicated, but it is still strange that not a single kid seems to have any symptoms of dwarfism.

And it still very interesting and complicated science. When I thought which way of medicine to choose I thought about genetics and surgery. I chose second way.

Biology isn’t my best science, but I understand it enough to make basic assumptions and predictions, as I said, not an expert. I study things more like behavior and politics, and it is on my free time.

Well, I chose my way cos I loked to help ppl 8) Sometimes it is hard, sometimes you can’t help and guy dies in your hends… But this is part of my life already. I am accustomed to it and can t live without it.

I don’t think Torbjorn is a dwarf. He lacks several other defining features beyond just being short, and even he says that he’s not a dwarf.

No, I think he’s just short

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She’s probably a war orphan it explains why he has so many kids