Torbjorn is not Brigitte's dad, genetics prove it!

Since dwarfism is (most of the time) a dominant trait, some of Torbjorn’s children should be dwarves, but that is not the case. Lets look at the punnett square.

   |d |d |              |d |d |
 |D|Dd|Dd             |D|Dd|Dd
 |D|Dd|Dd             |d|dd|dd

The capital D stands for Dwarfism, which is commonly dominant. The lowercase d stands for normal height, which is recessive. We have two possibilities of Torbjorn’s traits, either he is a heterozygous, or homozygous. Heterozygous means both dominant and recessive traits are present, while homozygous means only one type of trait is present, in this case, the dominant ones. Looking at these, we can see that Torbjorn’s kids should either all be dwarves, or half of them should be dwarves. Because none of those are the case, we can assume the following:
1: Torbjorn’s wife is cheating
2: Torbjorn’s children just got lucky (VERY unlikely)
3: Torbjorn’s kids are adopted
4: Torbjorn has a recessive dwarfism. (pretty uncommon)

Because 2 and 4 are unlikely, we have to assume that the kids are NOT Torbjorn’s, meaning that Blizzard isn’t telling us something…


But how do you know torb has dwarfism?

maybe he´s just a dwarf :thinking:


Blizz is just taking artistic liberties. You’re looking too deep into it lad


T :cd: R B J :cd: R N


maybe she was adopted?

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Not this again :joy:

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What if he was a Gnome all along? :thinking:


Dark family secret: It’s called hair dye.


well, considering there is a theory going around that all the characters in OW are actually gay, there has been increased theory crafting that Torb and his wife have adopted most of their children, or they were done via IVF like Michael Jackson.

This is the future also… so the chances of them eliminating the dwarf gene in his offspring, or have singled out the trait is very likely.

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maybe they used a donor to avoid their children inheriting it?

so the biological father is someone like Reinhardt and Ingrid never cheated, that could also be another reason why him and the Lindholms are so close

But the odds of people eliminating the dwarf gene from Torbjorn’s children AREN’T that high, as many liberals, which the game appeals to, oppose the modification of the human genome, labeling it as immoral.

Overwatch is set in 2070. Maybe they found a way to eliminate dodgy genes you don’t want to.

Look what Moira did to Reaper :smiley:


maybe the story team didnt know how genes work…

nahhhh thats probably not it

the father was the turret all along


Yes, but people opposed Moira’s morals in lore because of her wish to edit the human genome, meaning that Torbjorn had to have gone to Moira to solve the problem.

Maybe he did. Moira was a part of Blackwatch back in the day :man_shrugging:

You never know

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What if he was not a dwarf or a gnome


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Torb is always with his turrent so why wouldn’t Ingrid cheat? :thinking:


Hey, that’s genetics for you

unlikely does not mean impossible, i.e never occured in the history of genetics


True, but unlikely is still unlikely.

But still not impossible