Torbjörn Rework | Coming Soon

thank you.

Sounds like a big leaper like Winston wont be affected, but a regular leaper like Soldier might be affected

  1. why did you (plural) choose to not adjust the size of Torb’s hit and crit boxes when your stated aim was to adjust folks perceptions of Torb and a large part of said negative perception is these boxes are overally large for this smaller character, resulting in easy(ier) kills on this character?
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Seeming Hanzo’s ult deals 300dps at it centre (150dps per dragon) and both ults seem to be zoning ults and easily avoidable, it seems pretty weak honestly and I always thought Hanzo’s ult was weak.

Dont know about that, Seems to me torbs ult will be very easy for a group to dodge and avoid… pretty much like hanzo dragons, people will just walk away from the hazardous area but well see.

Does Molten core go through barriers?

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Nobody knows yet. we will see.

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It looks to me it behaves like a projectile until it hits the floor, so I think it would bounce off shield

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The projectiles are blocked/bounce off barriers, but once it creates a pool on the ground the area damage ignore barriers for purposes of LOS checks. The pools themselves still deal damage to barriers, they just can’t be blocked by them.


The changes look pretty cool but I have to ask

Why not give him this lava pool attack as his secondary ability and keep the original molten core as his ultimate?

Of course it would be a less powerful version of the lava pool ability

what happens if he hasnt hit someone? does it default to how it works now? what if the target that the turret had is no longer in los? does it go back to the person once they are? does it switch to another target using some other targetting mechanic?

i could actually use a bit more explanation on this one part…

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Oh yeah, forgot to point that out. Updating the Table!

Well with him having 10 different shots he can space it out and treat it like Hammonds mines.

I’m wondering what happens if the ult hits someone directly actually does it not do damage? (If you see this Geoff let me know!)

It also sounds like placement matters. For example, if they are near each other like in the video, you get fried but if spread around like your DPI is wrong you may be able to jump them and have them affect you less.

This is actually kinda nice.

I shudder to think the trolling of throwing the turret entails and I feel like you can just one-shot Mercy and have the turret kill her but it looks like it’s a good rework.

I disagree with that.

Mei is a very utility heavy hero and while she’s not on top of the meta, she’s in a very good place at the moment. With high levels of communication, Sombra can also be very strong.

I believe they could have come up with some utility that works for torb instead of the armor packs that doesn’t either fizzle or snowball, while still having him be sufficiently impactful by himself.

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But…but… I liked Torbs armor packs. ;(
YOu were able to support your team pretty well with these. What now?


This probably won’t be answered, but i’ll ask it anyway:
Torbjorn’s big head hitbox was a bit of a problem to him. Did the team experiment a bit with it?

would be nice if blobs of molten lava would instantly thaw ice (of all three types)


for how long does the pool stay? And If they walk thro 2 pools will they take more dmg?

if a player walks through the molten core with both armor and shields is it going to deal 190 until there is no armor or will it deal 130 to the shield and switch to 190 for armor them back to 130 for the rest (brig armor on shield heroes like zenyatta zarya and sym)

I am willing to bet now Overload will be OP or by far the strongest part of Torbs new kit.

Compare it to original nanoboost, 50% damage reduction, 50% extra damage and I believe 50% additional movement speed. That was OP.

Overload is very much like a mini nano-boost on a CD, it’s gonna be scary.

i dunno about that turret, 6 sec cooldown is going to be annoying to deal with

even symetra turret has 10 sec cd with 30 health

torb turret has 250 health with 6 sec cd

u can just toss it to enemy backline and harass them every 6 sec… oh its gonna be fun

also it looks that overload gonna be very powerfull, it atleast need 15 sec cd