Torbjörn Rework | Coming Soon

Currently the duration for each individual pool is 10 seconds.

They do not stack, meaning if you throw them all into the same spot they don’t deal any more damage than just putting one there.


This is very much limited to nanoboost’s availability which is a rare. And frankly, it pales to many other combos.

How do you define utility?

What about Shield Health heroes but got armor from Brigitte?


Cool rework.


Thank you.


When :sweat_smile::weary::call_me_hand:

also RIP tracer and genji i guess

turret cd is 6 sec vs genji dash 8 sec
turret cd is 6 sec vs tracer recall 12 sec

also overload is only 12 sec, tracer recall also 12 sec, how the hell i suppose to kill torb with genji / tracer right now

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I imagine the shield will act like heals and armor will act like armor, so it melts slow then fast into their armor.

He was moved to the offense category so now he has a new more aggressive and active role, I love it

How does D.Va’s Defense Matrix interact with this?

I imagine it would not block Overload and would still take damage.

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10 seconds feels surprisingly fair. I assume anything under 8 would make it useless. Damage feels fair.

This is actually pretty good. All right Blizzard.

I’m sure I’ll regret it when I get drop-turreted from a bridge in Eichenwalde, but hey, trolling is the spice of life.

The old cooldown was already an annoyance this is just stupid. I know they’re trying to make Torbjorn more viable as the damage dealer himself but gimping his turret with cooldowns is just bad. I know they don’t want builders spamming turrets everywhere but when they’re so easy to destroy cooldowns just ruin builder heroes.


I’m really stumped about these changes. The ult seems weak yet powerful. The basic ability is powerful, but nothing can replace the defensive capability of a 3 turret.

He’ll be better on attack that’s for sure. The changes to his right click are the most worrisome for me. The spread change and the fire rate probably do make up for the damage, but in this game damage changes are usually a lot more impactful than any other aspect.

If you wanted to confuse most people about how good torb will be without playing him i think you’ve done a good job. I don’t think i can form a strong opinion.

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The loss of his armor packs is a huge blow to survivavility, they let me survive assaults from genji, hanzo, widow and mccree; Torbjorn will have more frequent casualty rates due to this, and reliability on screaming for healing more often, I played the hero mostly for his self-sustainability and allowed supports more breathing space at healing other members of the team. Also I think overload needs to be longer, it needs to compete in it’s ‘suppression’ role with his rivet gun against cover peeking McCrees and Hanzos.

I think I am gonna main Torb after these changes.

His weapon was always like a projectile version of McCree, which I loved as a projectile user.

RIP Tracer, Genji and nearly all armor heroes as well, Torb is going to be very meta defining if the changes go through as they are now.

Imagine being on high ground and dropping turrets onto enemies. Keep spamming while they destroy them. Safe, untouchable, tons of damage, good position.

Of course it has a cooldown. It would be ridiculous not to.


Utility is something that enables your team to make use of strategies or options that otherwise aren’t available, or greatly enhances them.

Reinhardt’s shield for example provides utility in the form of mobile cover. Zenyatta’s discord orb enhances your team’s ability to focus down single targets and Mercy can provide an ‘extra life’ with her resurrections.

Mei’s wall can be used to split enemy teams into bite-size chunks, grants vertical mobility to teammates that otherwise have none and it can also be used to block line of sight or to advance on a point safely.

Torb’s armor packs used to make 200 hp heroes resilient to one-shot abilities, which was a pretty big asset to have especially on your supports.

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Waiting for Mercy and Bastion rework.

I think overload will compensate for this, you dont need the extra survivability if you obliterate them first, too early to tell until we play the ptr

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Some utility could be provided to these lava pools

Like, with a pool within N meters,

  1. preventing a teammate from being frozen
  2. limiting the duration of being frozen
  3. thawing a frozen ally (ie reducing the duration of being frozen)
  4. pulling Mei out of her self-healing icecube