Torb changes are a prime example of balance ignorance

First of all why does torb even need changes to begin with??? the hero is in a healthy spot and isn’t weak or strong.

This is a prime example of why balancing for every rank instead of the higher ranks is a bad idea.

I can 100% guarantee his turret “power” is being nerfed/taken away to appease said lower rank players who can’t shoot the 225 turret that stands still.

They’ve decided to “shift power away” from one of his weaker abilities that is turret lol, overload is infinitely more powerful than turret when comparing the two its not even debatable.

so now they’re going to take power away from his already weaker ability and pump it directly into his other stronger side of the kit.

Thank god I barely play anymore because good lord the thought process behind a lot of these changes are non-existent.


It depends what the changes are. I’m going to guess Torb’s turret nerf is going to be to its range, since that’s what usually catches flak.

I don’t know what the buff to elsewhere in his kit would be. They already buffed his gun coming into OW2 with a fire rate buff.

  • Are they going to increase LMB’s projectile speed? I wouldn’t have thought so because they tend to shy away from doing that (although it’s not unknown, I seem to remember Sym’s RMB getting a speed buff in exchange for a damage nerf or something).
  • A buff to RMB? Risky, we’ve been down the road of RMB being a tank shredder before.
  • That minus two seconds cooldown on Overload that was on an experimental back in OW1? This is going to be my guess, but I’m not placing money on it. Blizzard can be pretty unpredictable at times.

But the issue is he doesn’t need turret changes


Sure, but I’m speculating what he’s going to get since I’ve got no power to change it anyway.


Maybe they’re trying to increase torb’s skill ceiling.

Torb’s turret is kinda OP in bronze lol. I get so many free turret kills as torb in bronze, easiest way to climb.

Maybe they want to make torb viable in higher ranks?

But the whole point of playing torb in higher ranks is to counter tracer and ball. So they’re gonna have to make him much stronger in other areas if they’re gonna nerf his turret.


Torb is easily A tier in gm. He just doesn’t need changes right now.


I swear if the devs make Torb who is very balanced into a clunky mess I will leave this game.


It does seem out of the blue. I can’t imagine what they would change. If they’re going to move away from the turret then I hope that doesn’t mean weakening it to the point of being a pointless nuisance while jacking up the main kit’s power level. I think we underestimate how much damage Torb can chunk out on his own. But also, I think that turret has been a useful tool to deal with flankers and fliers, protecting the backline from harassment. So, I hope it still offers some sort of usefulness in that regards. But I am curious to what they plan on doing with his main abilities.

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Torb is a very solid pick in high elo lol.


Yes this. Torb’s turret is a useful tool and part of his identity. I really hope they don’t mess this up. Otherwise they are ruining a balanced hero.

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I’m out of the loop, there are balance changes?

There is a new article where they plan to change Sym and Torb and buff Sojourn.

They were mentioned in the latest blog (Director’s Take – Flashpoint, Cinematics, & the Dawn of a New Hero - News - Overwatch). For your convenience, here’s the relevant part:

There are more hero balance changes coming in the mid-season patch, which include shifting power for Torbjorn and Symmetra away from their turrets and into the rest of their kit, improving the control over Sojourn’s Railgun primary fire spread, increasing the front-line capability of Reinhardt and Orisa, slight adjustments to weaken Zenyatta’s Discord Orb ability, and several others.


Wait, isn’t Reinhardt already one of the most picked tanks?


Because Torb is unbelievably strong in low ranks but awful in high ranks. This is a prime example of a core concern for a balance team.

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I’m in lower ranks (Gold/Plat) and it’s not even an issue there. Also lmao like those were hyper-mobility checks, too. We’re removing those and keeping Cass’ grenade to try to counter it, and putting more stock into that ability.

It just feels so weird. I don’t even think about Symm or Torb. They’re not an issue down here.


Honestly I like the sound of that. Will depend on what the changes actually are tho.

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I wouldn’t say gold/plat is “low rank”, it’s average rank. Bronze/silver is low rank and in bronze, torb’s turret is definitely OP. I get so many free turret kills even when I’m dead.

I wouldn’t say torb is so problematic that he needs a rework though…I’d rather see other heroes being reworked instead like hog.


Torb is definitely not in a healthy spot. Compared to the skill it takes to play him, he’s too strong. I think shifting power away from his turret and into his kit is a good thing. That way, he’s not getting unnecessarily nerfed, but the one playing him is more active in the game.


Ignorance if your on pc a prime example of them listening and caring about there community if your on console.