The very fact they even put dev time in to this is insulting.
Probably going to cut the turret range and/or damage, making it useless to desuade flankers without excellent placement.
They probably won’t buff Torb hp, primary or secondary fire, leaving overload or his ult to adjust. Probably extend overload duration or give it automatic reload. Maybe allow longer placement time for ult. Or don’t allow ult shots to overlap to guarantee better coverage area.
I would much much rather fight torb himself then his god dang 1 million range turret they can have overload cleanse him and grant him 200 armor as long as they absolutely butcher that god dang turret.
Shifting the power of a character’s kit from something to something else has absolutely nothing to do with balance. If you want to complain about balance, you should probably wait until you know what the changes actually are.
Outside of a couple of supports, Torb turret is an easy kill for most of the cast. It’s a distraction and a minor impediment in many cases.
Unless the placement of the turret is incredibly good or the enemy team is incredibly bad, of course.
All I can say is they better reduce the spread on his secondary fire to compensate. Honestly, Symmetra’s turrets have been pretty mediocre for a while, if they make her Primary Fire actually good I wouldn’t care if they even nerfed the slow effects on her turrets.
So they’re just going to keep nerfing turrets until they’re pretty obsolete. At that point just make the turrets their ultimates like Ashe
Torb/Sym getting more power transferred into what you actually do with the character instead of AI turrets is great news…
Low ranks can rejoice because the “cheesy” autoaim parts of their kits will be weaker, and higher ranks can rejoice because there will likely be a higher skill ceiling and potential output. Win win
That’s completely fair. I feel like when people say “low ranks” they mean “Masters and below” So I grouped myself in.
Well, you answered your own question right there - spend a good amount of time on these forums and you’ll see complaints about his stationary, hard to miss turret, along with the same level of complaints for Sym and her even easier to destroy turrets.
People just want things easy, and if they keep complaining, the devs have to listen to eventually do something to appease the fans.
They can’t nerf the turret because it’s one of the few things left that properly deters flanking. Torb already doesn’t counter Sombra anymore because the turret doesn’t detect her when she does invis hacks (which is downright stupid). Anyone that thinks Tracer/Genjiwatch is bad now just wait and see what happens if they make turrets worse.
we need a version of this for Overwatch instead of WoW
Its just going to make people stop playing him just like they did with Mei. People play heroes because they are FUN.
What’s fun about a turret doing all the work? I think people would like Torb a lot more if he had more skill expression.
People stopped playing Mei because her changes made her less self sufficient. Her entire kit is now about helping her teammates succeed. She’s the only DPS in the game with practically zero solo killing potential. A change to Torb to make his character more powerful and less dependent on the turret would make a lot of people, myself included, like playing him more.
This is a myth that died a long time ago.
Torb exists and is good in low ranks, but to kill most things he needs to hit at least bodyshots with his weapon.
Likewise he is dab smack in the middle of the DPS heroes in high ranks. He is good but not too strong.
Stop crying
wanting to shift power away from turrets to the hero itself is not a bad thing
heroes like Torb, Symmetra, Moira and Pharmercy spoil every console game.
Apparently the data from all of the games every played as stated by Blizzard supports this “myth”. The only thing that died was people falsely thinking it was not real.
Am I the only one who thinks these are attempt to attract more veteran players back?
Torbjorn, Mei and Genjin are/were fine, so why give them changes?
Because playing against Mei is a miserable experience and is pretty much one of the things that drives people away.
Torb and Sym again have been stated to have very very strong win rates in low ranks but not so good in high ranks which is a key point for a balance team.
Genji getting a nothing buff and growing in pickrate just showed how much that hero did not need a real buff at all.
About mei, what I understand from Reddit and the forums is that she became more play against. Not to mention that the mei aren’t enjoying her current state that much either.
It seems to me it only created more problems instead of fixing them.
The same thing might happen with sym and torn as well.