[Top500 got suspended] The problem with Reporting system, and how people abuse it

Streaming seems to be the only way to make an impact these days. :confused:

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Yeah I was thinking the sae thing. I hope they can unban me.

It really is, but seems like overweatch dev doesn’t really care about it. I trusted them for saying “1 trick not bannable”, but it seems like that’s not the case.

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Well, rip my dude
 this is why I been totally against comp and all other stuff
 because people are toxic and so anti-meta, and Blizzard doesn’t care.

the hell does that even mean?

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Pc = political correction and Minority, but seems like they don’t care about minority (off meta players) in game

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At the end of the day it is just flat out not acceptable to say something is not bannable and then allow people to be banned for it.
No other company in the world would even consider doing that.

It wouldn’t be so infuriating if people were being banned but were actually breaking the rules.

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funny thing is, I didn’t even 1 trick this time. My last game, I played sym on def, and Zarya on offense, but still got banned from the game

Its the toxic community dude .This is the sole reason i purchased 3 accounts .I was playing on my gold account yesterday which is Superiordoom and this 4 man team started on me for nothing .Basically at the start of the game this girl said “Oh its superiordoom hes trash” and basically the whole game this stupid idiot and her 4 man team abused me till then end of the game i asked her what her problem was and her response was to basically abuse me more and call me every name under the sun .Long story short the 4 man team must of all reported me because now my Superiordoom account is banned till the 27th .Im just lucky i have 3 accounts .Its just sad how idiots can abuse the system like this and just get people banned for the fun off it .I used to play overwatch heaps but now i dont play it as much because the community is just so toxic and i guarantee not one of those players abusing me was banned .Its beyond a joke .

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They contacted me, and said they will not change their mind. Typical overwatch.

I think people being salty over picks is something you see everywhere. A lot of rage streamers seem to encourage it too. They will be like “how is this guy this rating checks ratings from last season and other previous oh look at this noob he only played x this season and z this season no wonder” and apparently think that’s grounds for reporting.

This type of attitude translates to the player base as a whole and just gives you a real good feel of that toxic trickle down effect.


Oh yeah definitely. I hope people change their perception

Of course they wouldn’t no matter how gentle their response is. If that’s how they want to represent themselves then I hope they’re prepared to reap what they sow.

I don’t one trick, but I main two off-meta heroes (Symmetra and Torbjörn), and since the Fuey situation started, I draw the line in the sand saying if I ever get banned, I’ll simply quit and look for another game. I know I only play comp at full tryhard mode, and that when I play QP or arcade, I still try my best within the possibilities (ie, I’m not shy of trying a hero I’m bad in QP, but I’ll never sit on spawn while my team get stomped).

Thus far, I have not yet received a single warning. But I feel for all the off-meta one tricks banned because I know “one trick” nowadays is basically a player slur, and not really what it is supposed to mean (I was called a one trick sym lots of time already, even when I have almost equal time on Torb).

Plus, one tricking is a viable strategy, since its not against the rules. It might go against the spirit of the game, that was supposed to see players swapping constantly to counter the enemy team, but stuff like ult economy don’t give enough incentive for people to switch. It’s better to hit your head at the wall that is the enemy team three more times, so your 80% ult charge don’t go to waste, right? IMO, if the devs wanted to remove one tricking from the game, it’s incredibly easy to do, via hero locking (see how it works in 6v6 and 3v3 elimination). Lock the hero you used the most in previous rounds in competitive, and one tricking is over.

How can you expect a struggling indie company to afford more than a simple, automated report system with few rigors and minimal human interaction?



Funny thing is, I didn’t even 1 trick this time. I played sym on defense, and Moria on Offense. However, people still reported me, so I don’t know whats going on here.

Oh hey I know you.
I see you on a lot of streams that I watch and more often than not you’re being flamed for either flexing to something you don’t play or playing something other people don’t want you playing.
Isn’t the community wonderful?

Hope you get justice, dude.


Blizzard’s answer to dealing with toxic players is to give toxic players the power to get others suspended. Two years since the game came out and this was the best they can come up with.

This is why I stopped taking the game seriously and just throw my matches for fun


Not sure about throwing matches because I like to competitively have fun, but besides that. I knew their abusive policy would result to that especially once the game masters aren’t willingly to accept appeals.

Surely it is just common sense that if you’re in the top 500 it’s ridiculously unlikely that you’re engaging in ‘gameplay sabotage’.

How would you even maintain a T500 placing if you weren’t playing your best each and every game?

If I was Blizz, and I saw a report against a T500 for this sort of thing, I know where I would sit on the balance of probabilities, and it would take some pretty hard evidence to convince me otherwise.


it’s not even about top500. even if someone is in Gold, if he has positive winrate, then probably he is not throwing