Top 500 Thoughts on Low Ranks General Uncooperativeness

This thread is a weird form of circle jerk.


Why does a Top 500 person really care about anyone in low ranks?

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honestly you dont even have too, just talk to some of the metal rank players on the forums and you’ll see for yourself lol

their was a clip posted on here some time ago of a genji being unable to kill a cass cuz of healing, and i basically said “the cass should of died cuz he was in open space out of position” and every plat in a 20mile radius (or it felt like that) came in to argue he cant be “out of position” because he was standing with his supports.

its simple but not easy, its hard to change bad habits but the change required isnt complex.

yeah that entire part before i deleted half of it, explained that to the gold/plat the shift between ranks is really big but to us…its kinda barely noticeable because they all make the same types of mistakes just to differing degrees.

effectively the skill it takes to hit gold from silver is so little, that to us that would barely register enough to climb 1 division but for them they shoot up 5 to climb a full rank.


the fps fundamentals carry ppl, its just so many overwatch players were bad in every fps before overwatch as well so they never learned them.

i was one of those ppl and i had to study top500 player vods to figure out why i sucked.

those are fundamentals of not being a trash person, but to play an fps you can be a prideful idiot as long as you have good mechanical skill, awareness, positioning and crosshair placement lol

when someone sucks and they have an ego they never climb, but if someone was already good and they have an ego they’ll atleast hit diamond.

(this is why diamonds are so toxic :D)

lets be honest, both of these lead to throwing. if someone cant comprehend what he says and they try to apply it they throw, and if someone listens to the most bare bones advice possible they may also through (due to also a lack of comprehension).

moral of the story: pay for coaching or figure out what to do without being told like i had to do with widow years ago rofl

yeah game has a sick sense of humor. i have no idea why it had me in silver lobbys at the start on that account, the 2nd account i understood cuz its the one i played day 1 of season 1 and i went in as genji and fed cuz i hadnt played the game in 1 year and him in 3-4 years at that point. which lead to me aim training in qp

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It’s so weird. These people took the time out of their day to go off about how better they are in every way when in reality they have nothing of real value to offer someone in the real world. These people have graduated from having an inflated ego to being a complete pathological narcissist. :skull:


To be fair, I don’t think they have much going on during their day.


And a mostly incorrect one at that.

Low rank players are low rank mostly due to time constraints or a lack of desire to improve. That’s generally it.


Oh look. A thread about how high rank players are better than low ranked players. Fascinating!


Its one view to notice, but overall rank doesn’t correlatte with cooperativeness, some people are just very good in general and some struggle to learn, if one is constantly giving bad advice, then the lower ranks will never learn, the thing that i hate about ow in general is how high ranking players are so contrarian to each other, their is no general guidlines that could otherwise help a low rank getting started and expect you to know some things first.
In overall expectancy there is a reason why coaches can seem better at cooperating then a high ranking player, because not every high ranking player is patient enough to try when there is so many one tricks the higher you go.

One thing I wish high ranks would quit telling support players to never heal their team.

I am not a top 500, but high masters on support and I wish ya’ll would stop telling support players this advice and consider:

  1. Low rank games aren’t the same. People take a lot more needless damage. As you move up the ranks, yes, you gradually should look to damage/utility more and heal less, but this nuance is never properly explained leaving the impression that you should abandon healing to dps all the time.

  2. Low rank supports often do not have the mechanical skill to dps their way through an entire game like the high echelon supports are capable of doing. Yes, tell them to work on mechanical skill, but also be realistic about their limitations.

  3. The low rank players in their player pool do not understand the value differential between damage and healing numbers. To them supports are “healers” and if the “healers” aren’t healing they are not doing their job. Higher level players understand this; however, their teammates do not and will get tilted and start throwing the game. It’s not the same meta as you play in.

And as for all this stuff you brought up about swapping and what not. Yes, again what you say is technically true. You are saying this from the perspective of a person who probably plays hours upon hours per day and multiple thousand of hours total to invest into mastering a wide hero pool.

Lower ranked players may not have played as many hours and are investing their limited time into mastering maybe one or two heros. In theory, swapping to x character to counter y is the correct move. The problem with this logic is they may have no experience playing that character. They may be better off playing the character they are good on even if it’s not the ideal tool for that situation.

If you played with me for instance you’d probably immediately get tilted off earth’s axis because I’m going to pick Lucio immediately and I’m not going to swap.

I have thrown all of my eggs into the Lucio basket cause that character meshes with what I’m naturally talented at as a fps player.

Criticize me if you want. One tricking that character was good enough to get me within 50 sr of GM and I’m sure if I played more hours I would of got there and I probably will before long.

I think that is pretty good considering:

I’m 38 years old with a full time job and a 4 year old kid.

These top 500 warriors need to understand that not only is everyone else’s meta different, but just our life situation may not be the same to ever invest the time into this game necessary to get to a certain rank.

And that is if they even care about that rank to begin with…


This reminds me of Flats’ video about a boosted/bought account Zen in a GM, if not Top 500, lobby. The Zen had 26 deaths and was getting spawn camped; no one helped him. Some people commented that his team should have helped him so he wouldn’t be spawn camped, but what those commenters didn’t realize was that the Sombra, a legitimate GM, was devoting all of their time to spawn camping the Zen, who was clearly nowhere near GM level. A non-GM occupying a GM player is absolutely something you let happen because it’s a fantastic value trade. Most people don’t have strategic/tactical skill and knowledge.

That’s the Pareto distribution. Also, I’d say that the skill difference between silver and gold is large relatively speaking, though not in absolute terms.

The game started me in silver lobbies on support at the start of OW2 as well. My sleep dart accuracy was consistently 80-90% in those lobbies. It was wild.

thats just what metal rank players tell themselves to feel better, its due to ego.

it doesnt take that much to actually climb and get better, the kind of people that have time to post on the forums have time too play the game.

im sure SOME ppl dont climb because they dont want too or have no time, but none of the ppl on these forums can use that excuse. they are far more invested in this game then the average, infact most people in comp cant use that excuse.

but to the point saying things like “i could climb if i played as much as them!”, is a very ego driven statement.

more often then not the people that “dont care to climb” are simply afraid of failure and the ego death that follows.

pointing out the reality of how low elo people play isnt narcissistic. saying “IM A BETTER HUMAN THEN THEY ARE!” is narcissistic.

your post comes off as being holier then thou, because you skipped over critiquing someones gameplay right into critiquing someone as a person.

now THAT is narcissistic.

you told on yourself because most of us dont conflate in game things with irl success, we dont care if we win or if someone dogs on our accomplishments in said game because its a game.

but clearly you do, thats why your first thought was to say they have “nothing of real value to offer someone in the real world”.

so odds are, you are the empty shell you claim other people are…so you feel called out by posts like this.

its a video game, someone critiquing the average players gameplay isnt narcissistic and its not for ego.

most of us just want to help people improve

ye thats what im saying, to them its a large gap but as people climb it no longer feels that way because the amount of skill someone had to gain to go from lets say diamond to masters, is equal to or greater than what it took to go from bronze to diamond

This also explains why it’s so hard to climb Ranked solo que. I can play cooperative and accommodating to my teammates all the live long day, but if they don’t, there’s nothing I can do.

This is such b.s.

NGL, you wanna know the secret sauce that got me very close to GM on support?

I learned to hide around a corner and die less than the other supports in the lobby.

All this crap about “raw mechanics” “speed” “reaction”. A lot of the supports I diff’d on my way up the ranks tried that and died more than I did. I lived, kept healing, kept speed aura up, kept amping, poked when/where it was safe and it won games.

There’s a grain of truth to all that in that you gotta do damage or else you are losing value. As I got high and higher through diamond and masters the window you have to expose yourself to do damage without dying gets shorter and shorter. So, yes, you do have to hit your cheerios and boops in that shorter window forcing you to be more accurate.

A lot of making a play is just being smart. Finding someone out of position, low on life, or distracted. Be an opportunist.

Patience is actually the best high lvl skill to have imho. I climbed through masters once I learned to stop trying to force plays and just sit back and let the fight develop and take a second or two to access the situation before making a move. Then I’d act with a gameplan in mind. A few seconds of aggression, that’s it.

I know this is counterintuitive but if lower ranks would just do nothing more often they’d be better off. It’s like a boxer just winging haymakers all day. Conserve your hp, conserve your cooldowns. Let the enemy think “I gotta work work work!”. Chill and bait out the cooldowns.

The moment those cooldowns are spent you just run in and mow them over with everything you got.

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cept you dont need your team to play together like that, both sides are going to be just as chaotic and selfish so you just abuse the enemy teams selfishness and win.

Nothing quite like a top 500 smurfing in low elo telling low elo players why they cant climb.


No, it’s not lol.

Have you actually played with every rank of player? High Sr players have far more ego than low Sr players do.

Like seriously, hop into your average low Sr casual qp streamer and compare them to your average streamer. One is going to be consistently toxic and think they can do no wrong, and it’s not the casual player.

I mean no, not necessarily.

It takes a desire to improve. If you don’t want to, you won’t improve quickly.

And a lot of people(myself included) use the forums when we can’t play the game.

Low rank players rarely say this. They don’t really comment about where they think they can reach because they don’t care.

I’m saying this. I’m not a low rank player. I’m making observations about my friends and teammates I see in qp.

No, most are just casual players. That’s it.

You’re looking waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far into this.


this is also what they say.

“you cant know that cuz you havnt played with every ranked player!!!” thats the most metal ranked thing you could ever say.

since we are being silly, yes i have infact played with and talked to every player in overwatch and they all have an ego.

not only do i have personal experience in this regard, but ive coached a bunch of metal rank players and ive had conversations with even more then that.

my sample size is fairly big

its a very ego driven idea that somehow all the metal rank players are simply lazy and thats why they dont climb

they dont climb because they dont think they are the problem.

they blame their teammates every single match and a person cant improve when they shift blame on to other people

their is no such thing as a casual competitive player.

if these ppl were casual they wouldnt rage the moment the match goes sour.

as i said some people barely play the game, they dont interact with comp or any of that. so they really dont care to improve

but someone that grinds ranked thats been hard stuck for years doesnt fall into that category.

and they are the ‘average’ metal rank player.

“casual competitive” is what hard stuck players call themselves to try and hide they are sad they cant climb.

and you wanna know how i know this is true? if it wasnt people like you wouldnt feel the need to push back so hard

What even is the point of this thread? As a high rank player you think low rank players are trash… ok no one cares

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are there low ranks like that? sure.
are all of them like that?
are there high ranks like that?
are all of them like that?

tbh, a lot of it is time commitment & the ability to play constant games without anxiety. could I climb? yeah.
but will I? nah.

bring back competitive mystery hero ;-;

Why does a low rank person really care about anyone in high ranks caring about low ranks?