Top 500 Thoughts on Low Ranks General Uncooperativeness

High ranks play with what they have. They don’t ask for swaps (the ones who actually deserve their rank at least).
High ranks also understands the situation way before anyone have to tell them.

Low ranked players don’t even understand basic concepts like not staggering and using high ground. If they aren’t engaged enough to watch a video or two or watch a stream, they aren’t going to be cooperating.

First of all, you won’t learn anything from just watching.
Second, low elo meta plays nothing like the higher ranks.

I’ll take your word for it.

Yeah, this is the part I got to skip over. The first OW video I ever watched was one from A10 about how teammates don’t hold you back. I think everyone should watch that video at least once. The overall skill level across all ranks would increase dramatically.

Oh no those poor Silvers :sob:

I hate those. I’ve coached before on Tracer, and the guy I was coaching one time tried to give ME tips. I’m sorry, but you are Bronze. There is nothing you could ever teach me about my main.

Oversimplification though, as this game is mechanically very difficult, and there are a lot of things that can kill you. This is simple to us, but a new player? Eh…not really.

I do agree that they usually autopilot though. That’s why it’s so easy to play projectile heroes there.

True. I think a lot of people only look at mechanical skill, which is their problem.

“I’m not like Kabaji; I can’t Blink in and one mag someone.”

But Kabaji doesn’t do that. No one does. One mags come from people that don’t know you’re there and are moving predictably. Kabaji isn’t just some mechanical god; he knows what to do in order to hit more shots. This shows especially with hitscan players, as we both probably know very well. Low ranked hitscans always try to flick to everything. Not small flicks, large ones. No crosshair placement at all.

Not much at all. However, that’s from our perspective. From theirs, it’s actually pretty difficult because of how unintuitive the game is.

A lil sad is a massive understatement tbh. When I got the game, I genuinely thought the average was low Masters. When a new player mistakes average for the top ~10%, there’s a problem.

The fundamentals came from studying. When I say studying, I meant I would literally draw diagrams of maps to figure out sightlines. I’d write entire presentations on Tracer to get my thoughts into writing and figure out logical flaws in my thinking. That sort of thing. I was very, very obsessive over this game from the start. I did the same thing with Nurse in dbd.

I’d also say humility, or a lack of pride. What I mean by this is that you need to respect the things that can kill you. Tracer players learn this very early on. Pretty much everyone else doesn’t, because it’s harder for them to get punished. But humility is actually such a big thing in this game. Even a GM can die to a Plat if they don’t respect what the Plat can do.

The way he presents it leads to logical flaws. If you’re just off angling and shooting, you’re doing nothing. You have to be more specific than that. Awkward does play Tracer correctly, but he didn’t explain what he was doing correctly, if that makes any sense.

I’m probably gonna watch his Ana one to get to Masters on Support. I’m almost Masters on Tank from A10’s Zarya UR2GM. A10 is probably the best coach in the community. If Awkward phrased what he said like A10, I don’t think the community would have gotten the wrong message from him on different things. For example, A10 said one sentence: “In OW2, you want to Bubble for space, not charge.” That sentence for me from low Plat on Tank to Diamond 2 in a day.

Fair point. A10 teaches more advanced topics. But I’d still rather new Tracer players watch him than Awkward, as the worst that can happen with A10 is a lack of comprehension. The worst that can happen with Awkward is downright throwing.


As a GM I can confidently say both your statements are false.

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As a tooth fairy I can only say “boosted”.

I’ve been solo queueing since release and got to GM / T500 in 2017.

Try again with valid arguments because people in GM definitely ask others to swap and more often than you seem to realize they have no idea they even need to swap. I’m TriHardFist in this screenshot, maybe you want screenshots with OWL players in my team?

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Anyone who ask for swap is boosted and probably smurfs on genji in their free time.

Also what is with the OW1 screenshot?

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Unlucky, another false statement, Lucio main for years (still solo queue too).

idk it’s the first with the GM logo that was in the folder not really expecting you to be picky about it but clearly I was wrong.

Do you have anything actually constructive to say or you’re just gonna attack me instead ?

Edit: why is my profile even hidden here? It’s public in game and I never changed the settings on the forums :thinking:

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Should I take this as admitting that you are the one asking for swaps? It wasn’t really directed towards you.

You’re talking to me, obviously you expected me to take it personally stop faking ignorance.

Of course I ask people to swap just like they ask me or other teammates, maybe NA is different but that’s how EU goes.

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You don’t have to drop to their level, you know.

Asking somebody to swap is normal, wouldn’t be surprised if you were the kind of person to report people who ask others to swap.

But alright, if personal attacks is all you have to offer because you have no real arguments I’m simply going to stop replying.

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Nah, but I wouldn’t swap just because someone thinks they know better than me while being on the supposed skill level as me.

It is funny when this comes from someone who finds offense even when nobody is talking about them in particular.

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LOL. Some people have a sad mentality. This post is giving narcissism with a dash of a boosted ego.

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High ranks are much easier than low ranks. Masters is miles easier than gold, for me.

This thread is complete nonsense. The whole point of a ranking system is that it is a distribution. It isn’t about co-operativeness or attitude, it is a system based on results. You win and someone else loses until you reach a rank where your win percentage is 50/50. That is all a rank ELO system is. It is not about morals - it is pure mathematics.

We can’t all win and be Grandmasters. Is that what is being argued here that everyone can be GM if only they were co-operative? Everyone can win until they reach the top 50? You could apply this philosophy to everything - everyone should be a billionaire. Everyone should be Jimi Hendrix or Tim Henson.

The reality is people are different. Some people are naturally more talented than others, some people work harder, some people don’t have much time to devote to specific activities, some people are more co-operative than others, some people are lucky in life others are not.

There is no secret formula to anything beyond working hard but even then everyone’s skill ceiling is different. Not everyone can be GM and if you think they can - try becoming a GM chess player. The best players did this after only playing the game for 7 or 8 years. If it is all just attitude - go dominate the world of chess.

Being a GM in a game like Overwatch is a fine achievement and you should be proud of it but it is reserved for a small number of players. It is not something by definition that the entire player base can do.


Or they don’t care about overwatch enough to put a lot of time into it.


Oh, man, this does not change in T500. This is inherent to any ladder system. People will play like selfish little brats.

Yeah, no. Being a great team player, cooperating, and being unselfish are absolutely good qualities to have, but there is more distinguishing a Masters I player from a Gold I player than just teamwork.

Truth is though, usually what’s asked of you in lower ranks is garbage. Like I’m a ball main and if I play below masters I’m asked to switch no matter what ALL THE TIME, and I actually play ball in GM. Chazm one of the best ball players in the world makes videos of people raging at him to swap lmao ow players are dumb as hell and usually have no idea where the problem actually lies, they just see they are losing and blame it on the person who’s playing the hardest hero.

I climbed my support role by ignoring people telling me to swap off zen. I’d imagine this is mostly why people ignore others “strategies” in low rank, because they are actually dumb and have no idea what needs to be done to win.