Top 500 Thoughts on Low Ranks General Uncooperativeness

tbh its not that much of a time commitment, but it is a mental check.

if someone cant reach plat for instance and they have a bad mental, they wont be able to push themselves to improve.

people look at me like im crazy when i say this: but hitting diamond isnt hard. its literally the easiest thing to do in overwatch

its just most players either have massive ego’s or they have mental thats bout as strong as wet tissue paper so they cant handle self improvement on any level.

the OP is wrong, its not that low elo players dont work as a team, its that they autopilot too much and never learn from any mistakes.

simply not dying but bein able to deal a lil dmg + doin whatever your role is supposed to do naturally will get someone diamond.

past that can be a bit more of a time commitment, particularly on aim intensive heroes because you have to really grind out mechanic’s

How and why is it that think I know what I did wrong, try my best to avoid doing the stupids, but still do the stupids?

Or a new stupid pops up and ugh…

I’m literally asking if you’ve actually played with lower ranked players. I have.

I’m going to be honest - saying I’m low ranked when I’m asking if you actually have experience with players of other ranks when you make these frankly insane statements is kinda… Weird? And beyond overly defensive.

That’s… Not what I was saying?

Metal rank players that seek coaching are A VERY SMALL MINORITY and aren’t representative of the average player. I don’t doubt that they specifically have more of an ego on average.

It’s not laziness. It’s different goals.

They don’t even think that there is “a problem.” They’re just playing the game…

I literally ran into less blame when I was lower ranked… Diamond players were literally the worst with this and masters isn’t much better.

And most don’t…

They don’t call themselves competitive or casual. I’m calling them casual. Because they are. They just queue comp every few seasons and don’t play the game outside of that.


I’m not low ranked.

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habits are hard to break. you have to consciously force yourself to stop doing it.

its basically this

yes i have, ive been a lower ranked player as well as having coached lower rank players. i started my overwatch journey as a SILVER player.

i know what im talkin about because i had to make that journey, and because of that i was able to help other metal ranks climb.

the only reason i stopped coaching metal ranks is that far to many didnt actually want to be coached they just wanted ego validation. they wanted me to say “omg i cant believe your suck in gold! you are sooooooo good”.

its either laziness or stupidity, because their is no other goal in a competitive mode then to improve and get better.

so if you are telling me someone plays comp but they “dont care to improve” then they are either lying and are lazy or they are stupid and should be playing QP.

because playing a competitive mode and letting it stress them out when they “dont want to climb” is a really dumb thing to do.

comp isnt even the most popular mode in the game, so someone playing it puts them into a very specific group.

otherwise what your saying is the person is stupid because they are a qp player that forces themselves to play comp.

id bet highest is diamond which is low ranked, OR masters on heroes like mercy/moira which might as well be low ranked, no offense, since those heroes effectively play themselves.

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Uhh no I disagree.
I’ve played in every rank in overwatch’s lifespan and while I haven’t had a role go below diamond in a long time this isn’t what separates “high” and “low” ranks.

The problem with generalizing this is that there are allot of people. It’s like when people stereotype people who main heroes. No doomfist players aren’t all rude and ana mains are not all the lords and saviors of overwatch.

As such you can’t really say 90% of separation is attitude. Because people are all people and I could list x y z examples of teammates refusing to swap and try new things in x y z ranks.

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i do disagree with this assessment, but you can 100% generalize people.

a person that cant push to such a bare minimum rank of diamond, clearly has issues elsewhere.

so its easy to say the are making XYZ mistakes so you have to think, why would they make those mistakes for hundreds of hours?

the answer is ego and/or poor mental.

take it a step further and actually talk to these players and you see it in action.


I already addressed this:

You speak of ego issues, but your ego completely blinds you from even trying to understand other’s perspectives.

I peaked GM in OW1 as a Widow main and main Ashe, Soj, and Echo right now in low masters. Also… Diamond isn’t low ranked lol. Statistically it isn’t.

I’ll leave you with your ego issues and bones to pick, since ironically your replies are the most ego riddled replies I’ve seen in ages.


I’ve played at every rank except GM (but gotten very close).

Ego is a part of any competitive game. If they didn’t have ego they’d have no desire to climb in the first place.

Players express that ego in different forms, sometimes healthy, sometimes non healthy. I’ve been on the unhealthy side a lot. Overwatch does that to you.

The type of ego expression that the OP expressed is a mixture of both really.

It’s kind of funny cause a lot of super high level players say that instead of expecting others to adapt YOU adapt. He should know that it’s pointless to try to ask people in these lobbies swap.

Here’s a hot take:

I think players at ALL levels in this game are really overrating hero picks over tactics. It’s always assumed teams lose cause they didn’t swap to this or that, but I actually think it doesn’t matter as much as people think it does.

Maybe it’s because I’m a Lucio so I notice this more. The difference between teams is usually just who manages to group up and walk forward better than the other team.

At low ranks the losing team usually just trickled in one by one and lost and the other team just took advantage of that.

Sometimes one of the squishes fails to rotate with the rest of the team and keeps getting caught out.

Sometimes everyone on the team is trying to flank at once and it’s poorly timed.

Sometimes it’s miscoordination where one player wants to nonstop drill the tank, but the other wants to chase mercy around all game and the team accomplishes neither.

Everyone focuses on picks, but strategy is rarely discussed and if it is then it’s something like the tank keeps overextending.

People overcomplicate this game too much. Teams would win more games if they just groupped up, maybe have one person dedicated to flanking backline, follow the tank, let the enemy blow all their cooldowns in the poke phase, then all push in together with their tank (with maybe a flanker waiting on the wing to meet in with them).

People do not realize it, but 9 times out of 10 when you win a team fight either a person on the enemy side did something stupid and died early or the tank by luck or intention walked forward when the enemy was out of cooldowns and your team had at least a few left.

People need to quit making this game harder than it needs to be.


you also forget the major part of me having been metal ranked as well as that i still talk to metal rank players via things like these forums and discord.

thats where you are wrong, i dont have an ego. i dont think of myself as being above other people in any meaningful way.

all i did was explain that, sure someone might play comp and not care about winning but they then stress out about it so they are stupid, but you also have people that play ranked and want to climb but cant so they say they dont care. these are the lazy players

i can see the other peoples perspectives but im also realistic and dont give people the benefit of the doubt when they make the same mistake 100 times.

saying diamond isnt low ranked is a very diamond thing to say.

no offense but you talk like a plat, that’d probably explain how you supposedly went from gm in ow1 to low masters in ow2 playing better heroes.

just because i dont agree with you doesnt mean what i say is ego driven, i have experience in this area thats confidence.

ego is being a washed GM player talkin about what metal rank players do when you havnt even interacted with em.

it takes a massive ego to speak on something you have no experience on.

but this would explain why you have such a hard stance against it. if you were gm in ow1 and fell to masters in ow2, you cant climb back up so you cope and say “oh well i just dont play enough” when the real reason…is your ego gets in the way.

thats why you sound plat.

The difference is high ELO players typically enjoy different things than other ELOs.

With lower ELOs prioritizing their aesthetic enjoyment of playing a hero. And higher ELO’s prioritizing winning and self improvement for their enjoyment.

And both of those are valid and correct.

Only less than 1 percent of the entire playerbase are GM at any point in time.

It’s 97th percentile for master and 86th percentile for diamond.

And damn, if you aren’t allowed to feel good about your rank at the highest one in the game when are you allowed to?

Ya’ll ridiculous.

its perfectly fine to be proud of your rank, the issue is a washed gm player is talkin about why metal rank players cant climb without any experience in that realm.

i even went on to say this:

realistically; the reason they have such a hardline stance against what i said about ego, is because they cant climb back up to gm. so they use every plat excuse in the book to explain it away

when the real answer is they are ego brained and need to let it go to improve.

i personally have never once said “id of hit gm if i played more”, i didnt hit gm because i wasnt a gm level player.

i accept that compared to the best of the best me being high masters on my mains means im basically trash.

I play comp but I don’t care to improve. Does that make me a liar or lazy or stupid? No.

I play competitive only (and have ever since level 25 in OW1), because it’s more fun. The players are closer to similar skills, and everyone is playing the objective and trying to win. It’s just more fun when people play that way, instead of just messing around, like in QP. Does that mean I am actively trying to improve at a VIDEO GAME? Absolutely not. I couldn’t care less. I just want to play with people that are trying to win, and close to my skill level, because it’s more fun.

Did you ever consider that people might think differently than you? In fact, what you just said doesn’t make any sense at all. Why would people get stressed out if they don’t care about climbing?

I literally don’t care at all if I lose (that’s not to say that I am not trying to win though). I have fun win or lose. I’m never “stressed out” about it.


Hey man, at my age, I’m early Gen X …we fight over music like nobody’s business and with unbridled passion.

I fully expect to be walked out of the nursing home in handcuffs at least once over how much I dislike U2.

Believe it or not this attitude will counterintuitively make you climb higher.

Here’s how it works: I pick Lucio cause he’s a fun character. It makes me motivated to try to unlock some of the cooler stuff you can do.

Also when you have fun you throw off vibes where other people relax and enjoy the game.

It’s easier to think and react under those conditions than a bunch of judgemental people creating stress.

In fact, I’d prolly climb higher if I take my own advice. OW matchmaking to be fair is rage inducing af so it’s hard to keep that strong of a mental game.


thats pretty true lol

but no one, no matter who they are, has a mental made of titanium, sometimes we tilt.

i dont personally think the matchmaker is bad, just that the game balance for the matchmaker is bad.

the ppl in the matches are roughly the same skill (generally, it does do weird thing sometimes), but if you get a person that cant play a certain hero in a moment when your team needs that hero it makes everyones life harder.

we can play around it and improve, but it feels bad and imo thats where most of the “matchmaker bad” complaints come from. (the rest are the matchmaker putting plats in masters lobbies or masters in plat lobbies, but these SEEM to be rare)

The thing is, some people don’t take video games very seriously at all, even if we DO play competitive mode. I, for instance, don’t tilt over something so trivial.

And I get that most people that play competitive are trying to actively improve and climb; I’m just pointing out that some of us just like the competitive environment better, even though we don’t care at all about improving at video games. So, don’t lump people into being liars or “stupid” or things like that, just because they care less about rank than you do.

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i will agree ppl like this exist but its a minority of a minority.

even outside of overwatch or gaming in general, when the average person goes into a competitive setting (even if its like…street basketball) they want to win and will be a lil angry/upset if they dont and hype if they do

how much will depend on their investment but people are competitive by nature.

if 1% arnt that, it doesnt change the 99%

just because one horse is a unicorn doesnt mean every horse is a unicorn. my sample size is in the hundreds (or thousands if you count the time i was stuck in the metal ranks), so its hard for me to think that this type of player isnt the majority when they have been the majority of what ive interacted with.

their are always exceptions to every rule, some ppl are naturally good and dont have egos and blah blah but most people arnt that.

if a person is in comp, more often then not they want to climb.

i wasnt sayin they were stupid i said they were lazy but i also said the other person implied they were stupid if they wernt lazy.

you dont talk about the exceptions to the rule, you ignore them because they dont matter in that discussion.

you focus on the ‘rule’ or in this case the average player.

Well, you and I maybe have had a different experience. I think most people, when they say they don’t care about their rank, truly don’t.

I used to group up with a lot of people back when there was a grouping system though, so, maybe it was just the type of people I grouped with. Maybe people that used LFG are just different than your average gamer.