Top 500 Soldier sharing replay codes

3480 peak and there is definitely a difference, ive won 2 games getting forced up into 4k lobbies, lost alot more. Tempo is different and there isnt time to think about positioning, you just have to do it. Ive been diffed by GM Tanks and I have beat masters but thats not the whole story. In those lobbies the mistakes that dont matter in metal and are sometimes punished in diamond will lose you a teamfight in the blink of an eye. Still rolled mattman once so its all good lol


Yup… Its actually hilarious… One of them is in this very thread.

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If this is all you’re doing, you’re still not doing enough as main tank.

DPS aren’t supposed to stand behind your shield. They’re supposed to rotate around it.

You make space as tank so your DPS can take more aggressive positioning.

Rien shield is more about getting through certain area’s. But he’s not a shield bot.

  • Not even a little.

LITERALLY… You get deleted and now your team is flaming you because you zoned out for a brief moment.

His soldier is NASTY AF, right?!

I can already see myself getting dumpstered and the toxic support player/s being like,

  • DPS do something

And me being like

  • I’m secretly getting diff’d but I don’t want to admit it. Go mercy and pocket me so I can kill him :rofl:

So you won’t have access to the game until a new patch makes the replay codes invalid? Damn that’s unfortunate timing.

Now some people would assume that you are simply setting yourself up a scenario in which you don’t have to admit that you were wrong all along. Of course, I would never think so since I know that you are an honorable guy and would never lie your way out of such a predicament.


First of thanks for sharing replays, because since they have been implemented not many people have done it for coaching or even reference of what matches of certain rank are like.

Second the difference for me is pretty clear, specially when the timing, speed and positioning are on way different levels with normal ranks.

About the MM, Ive watched a Win and I dont feel the enemy is getting “stomped” or anything and the pushes are won by consistency an coordination on targets, not on pure CD usage / you do this, now I do that and repeat. Ive never read anyone who claims theres no difference between Bronze and GM but for sure Ive read elitists saying that “Diamonds are just golds that had a good week” or stuff like that … that is hilarious.

And wrong. 100% wrong.


Blizzard has 10000 patents showing that the MMR system is rigged.
You have not watched the 3 hr youtube vid explaining why it is so.
It is diamond is the same as silver.
Feel free to add on.


Solo Q / Duos are needed. too many boosted people

LOL you still paying your lawyers? quick question, hows the class action lawsuit going?

your lawyer is literally laughing at you when you close their door.

yup, right here!


Can’t blame them, its free money :rofl:


the wonders of capitalism!


That is how lawyers get rich in the first place.


I’ll play devil’s advocate and ask what does the player base do if the lawyer finds a smoking gun? Not that I’m expecting much out of it nor do I really believe the guy has a lawyer looking into it. Unless?

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It is basically like being a doctor. You have to listen to anyone who comes through your doors. It is your job and duty.

You then, later, as a professional decide whether or not the claims have any merit.


I’ll be honest with you and just say that doctors and lawyers are nothing alike regarding claims. Doctors must follow scientific rigor that a lawyer just does not have to deal with. Additionally, patients needs are much different from client needs. The only specification from a practicing medical doctor similar to lawyers are plastic surgeons and it is still an apples to oranges comparison.


I understand what you mean and I agree, but my point was a bit different.

Like if I make an appointment with a lawyer or a doctor about an issue that I am having, they both have to hear me out, in general, because it is their job to hear me out (does not matter whether or not my claims are true). Some private doctors or lawyers actually make money out of “hearing you out”, so any kind of baseless claim is money for them.

So I can believe the fact that the said person actually, in RL contacted a lawyer. Whether or not it is going to bear any fruits, I guess we will have to wait and see. I am just sadge about the fact how his interactions with his lawyers were never public enough (you know keeping it public for the community and the fans who support his rigging theory) so that we all could see his struggles against Blizzard and rigging.

If all of us could only see his pain and his suffering, for real, in RL against Blizzard rigging maybe we could support him in his endeavor. It would honestly be a breakthrough in history, a bigger event than Rosa Parks.

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Yeah, I agree with what you there is defiantly a market for people who just want to complain about something and see if they can get it fixed, regardless of whether its real or not.

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Hey guys, great news! This guy is in GM or whatever so that means everything you’ve been experiencing in your game isn’t actually happening and everything is fine!

If only this had been posted earlier, it could’ve ended any and all discussion on this matter. Oh well, better late than never!

Oh, and I once saw an OWL player win in Plat, so there ya go, proof positive that we are 100% A-OK! All problems solved, nothing wrong with the game. On we go!

You excited!? I am!!


Fascinating. What’s an example of something that’s not real?

It’s basically this I can’t watch the codes (not playing until the new EULA/ToS is figured out). But suspect they go down with fewer kinds of mistakes and with slightly better aim. In fact the GM codes I used to watch for a Tier3 team the gameplay was way slower than solo q plat/dia because everyone would clump for this scripted moba interaction instead of taking lanes and winning side duels (as happens more in plat).

So basically u sample 10 GM matches and a good chunk of them look like plat gameplay with 1-2 smurfs yet it’s 1800sr higher. And don’t even get me started about what we should expect from <500 bronze but actually get in bottom500 bronze (stacks with T500 icons most nights).

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T-3 is open division which generally aren’t Grand Masters player.