Top 500 Soldier sharing replay codes

This is why I always specify what I mean by ‘rigging’. It’s meant to improve match quality (so ‘rigging’ is already contradictory) but it has its faults.

I would argue that the game is played vastly differently in gold and gm, not Just the speed. But you are welcome to watch some replays and tell me what you think and we can talk about it.

I think anyone who watches a game of a particular rank and doesn’t judge the performance with respect to that context is a weirdo. So no, i most definitely wouldn’t think that you are bad.

Yeah, I would like to see this too for Ow2. Blizzard however seems to have made the compromise between a casual rule set (1k Sr gap, party of 6 except at 4k) and a competitive design.

I don’t think they will change the direction for Ow2.

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I had a game when I was 4.2k on tank, on the T500 leaderboards at the time (didn’t finish the season on it though :cry:), and my tank partner was diamond.

It happens. I don’t play at 2 am anymore, I learned my lesson.
I’ve also rarely seen people getting more than 1 rank outside of their rank in matches when I see my friends in gold/plat play. It happens, for sure, but that’s generally because they’re duo’d with someone else.

But just because they have a different icon doesn’t mean they’re that much worse or better, your SR fluctuates day-to-day as you play well some days, and play poorly others, so you can have people of roughly the same skill but around 200SR apart.

I can understand the frustration of having someone on your team that’s substantially worse than you, but you take the L and move on. It isn’t significant enough to hurt your SR in the long term regardless.

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I don’t play LoL, but OW should probably do similar to LoL’s rank system where there’s “Solo/Duo”, and “Group” queues.

Team-based SR would be cool, but probably pretty complicated to really balance out well, so you can party with your same group of friends and maintain an SR together.

But here is the thing. All of my games were like this last night. I don’t blame my team, really, because I did everything I could to win. Enabling as many of them as I could as a support… with extra special care to the Bronze so they weren’t targeted. I took my beatings, I know why I lost and in the end it’s only a number, but it really is disheartening to try and be a team player with someone who doesn’t understand the game as well as I do… and I’ll follow that with, It’s probably akin to me being on your team. Especially when I peaked at platnum, and am solidly gold on my other account on the same platform.

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There are definitely some very uninformed players in the forums who have made this claim more than multiple occasions.

There are noticeable differences between Bronze (average) games and Gold (average) games.

There are distinct differences between Bronze (average) games and Platinum (average) games and the difference between Bronze and Diamond+ is night and day.


  • The game has been out 5 years and there’s tons of “git gud” guides
  • You and other players have made multiple claims that you understand the game


Removing those considerations


Map Knowledge is developed over time. It compounds into awareness and game sense which is also developed over time.

I’ll say a hard no hear because most Diamond and Masters players don’t understand tempo and how to read it much less how to react to it.

I would say my full grasp of tempo has deteriorated well below how much I used to know it (Use it or lose it).

Also, knowing terms is not the same as being able to properly apply them in game.

Why would you expect this?

A. Unrealistic expectation as ladder play is not a scrim/organized environment

B. Unrealistic expectation because even as GM players there are varying levels of consistent/inconsistent performance.

C. Unrealistic expectation because at the end of the day, people are going to do what they want to do (even in GM lobbies). People troll other players, people throw other players games, people are toxic, people OTP because that’s the only way they know how to play…

Again… Ladder is not equivalent to organized team play.

You’re literally making excuses as to why you’ll be able to formulate an opinion later as to why GM gameplay is no different from any other rank.

Certainly I can tell you that Route 66 looks like this.

Lack of player base means there are fewer players to grab from the correct ranks and the Match Maker was obligated to grab players (as close to the correct requirements as possible) to make a match.

That’s what I think happened in that game. Simply not enough GM (only) players to fill the holes. You should be able to accurately determine where the deficiency lies.

Otherwise OP claims the majority of games were pretty close W’s/L’s.

Honestly sounds like the MM tries to provide a balanced gameplay experience.

Classifying that as rigging is not correct as no “one” person/team is experiencing a benefit.

Classifying it as optimized for match quality is much more appropriate.


I don’t know what you’re getting at here, I’m saying the same thing. This is my complaint. I don’t want to go up against someone who is ranked higher than me… or lower than me in a rank. I want to climb my rank until I get close enough to the next rank. When I’m within say 50-75 give or take, that’s when the ranks should be mixed. and the only time they should be mixed. But they shouldn’t be a bronze if I’m close to gold… EVER. and they should be closer to silver. Maybe if/when OW2 populates the PVP it’ll be better, but this is for the birds.

Do you play on EU right? Your name seems familiar to me.

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I know…

I’m simply saying it for any readers who didn’t understand it.

There has to be some margin of variance for players above/below you or your queue times will be legit forever.

While I do think that 1000 SR variance is too big, 100 +/- SR variance would be too small to really provide consistently balanced games.

As people learn and improve, they can jump up in rank. But if they jump up too quickly, they’ll just get pimp-handed back down again (while blaming their teammates or being toxic in general).

Accounting/adjusting for smurfs is a different story.

Good luck getting everyone on your team and/or the enemy team to report the smurf. People in competitive games are so desperate for SR that they’d literally climb over dead bodies if it meant they could be Gold. Let alone Diamond.

  • mad cuz bad
  • get good
  • “insert” diff.
  • etc. etc.

Sound familiar?

Not to mention, determining an actual smurf vs. a player who’s +/- 250 SR in their correct rank and having a great game because:

  • They’re on fire and punishing enemy mistakes
  • Their team is enabling them correctly
  • Someone on the other team is throwing (hard/soft) and the team is oblivious.
  • etc.

I don’t think its all that simple. Like… It is and it isn’t. The system does eventually detect smurfs and toss them upwards. But it does take 3-5 games before this starts happening (from my experience).

When Overwatch was in its prime, I remember games being pretty close to this. And I started AFTER prime time (season 11 when open profiles were still a thing). It was rare that players (in bronze) were that far off from anyone else.

And in Gold, games were always consistent until I got to like 2350+. Then you start seeing mixed players almost always. And it was only ever Golds or Plats in the lobby. Now there are so few players, they can’t realistically do that.

A 1450 player and a player that touched 2000 SR and then lost 4 games (now 1920 +/-) isn’t all that spectacular. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Just my OP tho…

Doubt it honestly. Overwatch is hard dying everyday and people don’t forget when it comes to gaming. Or maybe I’m wrong. Overwatch has a huge cult/fan following.

For both our sakes, I hope it does.



I think 1000 variance is way too big, unless I could group up with someone at that difference. I believe that’s only 500. It’s another annoyance that I could play with a stranger who was 1000 higher, but my friend who I played QP with was 750 I couldn’t. He hasn’t played in awhile, so I don’t know if this rule is still in effect.

I, like you, don’t care about smurfs. They will be gone sooner than later. I think it feels bad once and then… but overall it’s fine.

This is a 100 percent agree. I still think it’s the best game I’ve ever played, surpassing Everquest, which was my favorite of all time. The strategy behind the lack of updates was terrible, and they killed the game before the sequel.

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That’s either a super hard glitch (because I’ve heard a lot of people report this over the years).


His MMR was too low or too high and the game was like…

Just No…

On the contrary… I do care about smurfs very much.

I think it degrades the competitive integrity of the rank structure as well as potentially throwing off the data analysis compiled by the system (maybe, maybe not. Not sure on this one tbh… :thinking:)

If I had my way, smurfing would be a bannable offense.

That’s not to say I haven’t done it but… I’m a sucker for peer pressure… :slight_smile:

  • IE: errbody else does it so who cares.

I mostly play Quick Play in Overwatch. If I play comp I vibe on an alt account where my skills are viable since I’m not a legitimate Masters player after having not played for multiple seasons.

I play a lot of Valorant, ranked and unranked. But Overwatch (in 6v6 format) is a superior game in my opinion. Much more balanced in terms of team play (which I prefer).

Yes I can solo-carry in Valorant. But I can also get HARD dumpstered on by smurfs. Even more so than in Overwatch. Because if I can’t stop the smurf, its pretty likely nobody else can either.

TLDR: I don’t agree with 5v5 Overwatch. I’ll play it because I love Overwatch, but I’ll never play competitively again. I achieved my goal for the game. :heartpulse:

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I would go back to QP if we played both sides of a map. At some point that WAS a thing, and then AB said, nah… qp should be quicker. Instead of just leaving with very little punishment in the mode, like it was. (beta player on this account)

That’s why I like Valorant. Same punishments regardless of Quick Play or Comp.

  • If you’re gonna play, play. Otherwise go waste your own time. Not mine.

I’m dodging the new EULA/ToS until I hear back from my lawyers so won’t have access to game client for probably a week or so.

I can’t risk precluding myself from compensation for the damages incurred by a rigged system.

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Maybe I’d think about watching these, but then it’s on a smurf (and don’t tell me you’re level zillion on console or something).

Well yeah, that’s the main premise of this game. There’s people with their “the only constant is you” logic for why someone is in some league, like this is some 1v1 fighting game. I can pick shield every single time and block every shatter/noon/damage in grav, but then DPS just doesn’t want to be shielded and runs away from me.


Yeah, I’ve played on other accounts at 3 am in the morning at high diamond low masters and have gotten into 4200 lobbies before. I’ve won like 70 percent of them so far–knock on wood small sample size–though. i’m only 3800 peak though on tank so idk.

Open queue comp is the same as quick play classic.
Only difference is people use voice chat more often to cheer when someone does something good and rant when we start losing.

Lmao. People are actually saying that now? I don’t even need to watch any of this to be convinced that bronze is different from T500.


I haven’t quite watched all the replays but i am big fan of soldier 76 if you have any extra games I’d like to see them especially if they are against other soldiers.


Dps do something.

I would have won if it wasn’t for those pesky DPS.