Finished #332 in the most recent Competitive CTF season. Received 1000 points + Top 500 Flag Bearer title, but not the Top 500 icon.
- Grandfathered OW1 account
- Played 50+ games this comp season
- Phone # linked
- Ranked Plat 4? at season end
Finished #332 in the most recent Competitive CTF season. Received 1000 points + Top 500 Flag Bearer title, but not the Top 500 icon.
Hey, same here. I was #297 and Masters Damage Role queue but I didn’t receive the icon either. I’m worried that maybe the icon was discontinued in OW2 as there are no more seasonal icons/sprays from OW1 and have been replaced with the title…
I didn’t have such a drastic drop but I ended last season in Diamond 5 and got given Plat rewards, to me I don’t understand why if in season 2 I’m Diamond I get dropped to plat in season 3 I get given plat rewards
I have an issue with not even getting the top500 rewards after ending top500 for Comp CTF. It gave me Diamond rewards instead
Exact same thing here, I finished at rank 147 for competitive CTF this season but, I only received the player title for it and I’m missing my Top 500 icon. Not only that, but the career profile stats also removed the proof of me hitting Top 500 in open queue in Season 36 as well. Please respond to this thread with your own issues and create your own posts so that I can add them to the list and hopefully we can get these issues resolved. We need to make our voices heard and make the devs give us the rewards we earned.
This has been a persistent, ongoing bug that the devs have yet to acknowledge. I’ve been documenting this and almost all other competitive bugs since Season 34 here:
Please spread the word.
Unfortunately it seems I was wrong about the Top 500 icon situation. I’ve linked the post explaining it here for anyone in here who wants to read about it: Competitive CTF Top 500 icon - #7 by Brigitte-11594. Much appreciation to everyone who contributed in bringing attention to this issue, but it seems the Devs have made up their minds. Still, I’d encourage everyone experiencing competitive bugs to spread the word about this thread: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs, it’d be much appreciated.
Same for me, I have the “Top 500 open challenger” title, but not the top 500 icon.
You can’t earn the player icon anymore! It was only in OW1, and it has never ever been given to anyone in OW2 and never will. I have the icon on my main account, and if you didnt get yours in OW1 then youll never get it.
In fact, they dont give out ANY sprays or player icons for comp seasons in OW2 anymore. It was an OW1 thing.
Seconding Melissa, Top 500 sprays and icons are unfortunately only earnable in Overwatch 1. That being said, if you are experiencing other competitive bugs, such as missing Top 500 icons from Overwatch 1 like myself, I’d highly encourage you to check out the comprehensive megathread of competitive bugs for solutions here: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs.
How fun and fair that we don’t receive the same rewards players in OW1 did anymore in OW2! Blizzard really understands that we’re proud of our accomplishmenents in competitive and wish to cherish them without our records getting removed after a handful of seasons or so!
Don’t mind me just bumping up this thread again.
And here’s a copy of my response for anyone else in this thread who wants to read it:
That, I wish I knew. My guess is that the Devs wanted to incentivize consistent competitive play through only awarding seasonal rewards, which ended up coming in the form of player titles. Player icons and sprays go against this philosophy being permanent rewards, and where then removed with the launch of Overwatch 2. But as is widely evident, competitive is currently in the worst state is has ever been, and the lack of progression and non-permanent rewards are major factors in that. As for whether the Devs will go back on this change, I can certainly hope but the Devs have given no indication of doing so.
And for what it’s worth, I greatly empathize with your frustrations, it has been almost a year since Overwatch 2 launched and I am still missing my Top 500 icons and sprays too. I have no doubt there are thousands of others who put forth incredible amounts of time and effort and expected to be given these rewards, not knowing that they are no longer earnable. But as much as I wish there was, there is nothing we can do about it besides voice our frustrations and hope the Devs will eventually listen.