❔ Top 500 Coach - AMA

What is your rank in game for comp and how much do you make an hour? Do you have a full time job? Do you go to school? Do you still live with your parents? Do you have mortgage? a Car? A girlfriend?

Hello Timeless. Your one of the only good, prime time forum users (this is a smurf so you might recognize me).
Just a questi0n, what’s a good accuracy for widow?

The hero would be a DPS thing that has some sort of anti-shield mechanic. Their ult would be a temporary invulnerability to CC that charges quickly and has a short range AOE usage.

Their primary fire would have to be hitscan. Quick damage falloff, spread in between Tracer’s and Hammond’s, and a small clip. It would deal extra damage to barriers on M1 and extra damage to armor on M2. You could switch between them whenever and within the same clip if you wanted just like how Moira can switch quickly but without her short delay before healing.

Their ult would have some sort of anti CC effect for allies within its range. The effect would be temporary and if applied in the middle of a CC ability wouldn’t stop it. If you were in a Gravaton you couldn’t get your whole team out of it with one press of Q. Range around the size of Rally and a duration of Transcendence or something.

Relatively immobile hero like Mei or Ana. They would rely on solid positioning and prediction skills to make full use of their barrier breaking and anti CC abilities. They would be designed to allow for more shield heroes to be introduced without making the game feel like a total slogfest. There could be some potential for scaling damage to shields depending on how many are active so that you don’t then need more shields to counter them, thus defeating the whole point.

Anti CC would be to counter big ultimates if timed correctly or to just break through heavy CC comps. To prevent it from encouraging a new CCless dive the ult would have to either charge up or ramp up. Starting by just reducing the impact of CC abilities that ramps up to a short period of time where no CC works.

I have absolutely no idea how balanced this hero would be and if it were up to me I would invite the advice of other players and rely heavily on internal and PTR testing. Something with those mechanics could very easily be way too good, or they could feel totally worthless and out of place. Whether those two abilities even belong on the same hero or not is also up for debate.

All in all, I’m not a developer. I don’t know what hero is best for the game right now or the long term success of it. I just play it well and have opinions on how to change pre-existing ideas. I would make a better internal tester than I would a concept artist or member of a focus group. Give me a product and I’ll improve it. Give me a blank slate and I’ll struggle.

What sets a GM Brigitte player apart from a Brigitte at any other rank? I’ve heard it said repeatedly that there seems to be no difference in skill. If that is true then is it just down to gamesense and positioning?

How to attack point B anubis with a dive team. It feels like it should be straightforward but somehow i lose it anyway (i am most often winston in this scenario)

For aim I suggest aim training with either Aimhero or Aimlab. Develop a consistent warmup and training routine that you stick to every single time you play. You should train every day if you can and you should warm up every time you start playing. I have explained aim training more in depth in previous posts in both this thread and my one in the Competitive Discussion.

Gamesense comes from analyzing your own mistakes, paying attention to your surroundings, understanding the implications of every enemy action, and watching professional games (Worldcup is on right now and has some pretty interesting uses for different heroes and comps that you don’t normally see.) Watch your own VODs back and see where you know you messed up. Get someone like me or another coach to review your VODs with you so you can see things you wouldn’t otherwise notice and get some alternative solutions to use when you’re in a similar situation in the future.

There are obviously some maps that work better with certain comps, yes. I won’t go in depth with which comps work best on which maps because that’s an extremely long and boring post, however, I will explain a few key features that highlight why some maps are loved and why others are hated.

Kings Row was the number one ranked map in the “What is your favorite map” poll on these threads a while back from the Blizzard team. The reason that everyone loves it is that the high ground is all accessible for the most part, the high ground that isn’t accessible is small and overlooks only a small portion of the map, the health packs are well placed, the whole map works well with one comp but also opens up possibilities to swap it up, almost every hero can be played on it, and there’s basically no hard chokepoints.

Compare that to Illios Ruins and you’re left feeling that Ruins is a half-baked map in comparison. Ruins boils down to a headbashing between 5 members of each team while the Widowmakers have their own little duel. Whichever Widowmaker kills the other one first is then left almost completely uncontested while they take free shots at the other team from tons of new and varied angles with plenty of cover to drop back behind when the enemy Widowmaker respawns. You can run small deviations on Ruins but you can’t run nearly as many things as you can on Kings Row.

You’re right, that would take way too long and wouldn’t be as valuable as you might think. Use some common sense and you should be alright. Long sightlines? Reaper is gonna have a hard time on second point Dorado… Super open air with zero skyline cover? Pharah might not be your best option on Junkertown. Tons of elevation changes? Genji enjoys Eichenwalde a lot.

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Currently? Top 500 isn’t out yet but if I had to guess based on last season I would probably be Top 100ish right now? Maybe higher? If I win my 50th game when Top 500 comes out I’d probably be comfortably into Top 100.

I make 0$ playing Overwatch. I coach for free, I don’t monetize my YouTube videos, and I don’t have a Twitch sub button. Some of my repeat students have insisted on paying me but I don’t ever ask them to.

I am currently a senior in high school, yes. I go to school in the mornings, get home in the afternoon, coach any students I have scheduled, and then either play Overwatch, chill and watch YouTube videos, or hang out with my girlfriend.

Yes I do still live with my parents. They divorced when I was young and I typically go back and forth between houses every now and then. When I switch I take my entire setup with me so I can keep playing, coaching, and making content occasionally. I bring everything with me except for my desk which I have one for at each house.

Since I live with my parents, no I do not. They don’t ask me to pay rent because I’m still a student.

Yes, I am a massive car fanatic and the proud owner of a Titanium Silver E39 BMW. I have lusted after McLaren ever since I got up close and personal with them at the Goodwood Festival of Speed in 2016. I got the chance to hang around the supercar paddock for a few days with Sam, who was a McLaren test driver and have been in love with the brand ever since. My dream car has been a Cerulean blue 570gt which I have worked towards since the summer I met Sam.

I do actually have a girlfriend, surprisingly. Unsurprisingly, we met at school. We don’t have any classes together this year but I drive her to school and back every day so we get to see each other then as well as at lunch and during study periods.

Could you coach some of my VODS then?

I do teabag from time to time in them, for some people this is a turn off for some reason.

It would be really really great if you could consider helping me and reviewing some of my VODS.

My Discord is CasualSlayer428#3020

I’m a flex player, currently in diamond(3008-3288) and on the occassion I’ll get team compositions with awful character synergies. Say two dive tanks and two turtling supports, I wouldn’t know what to choose for DPS. I can’t help but say that it’s my team’s fault but at the same time I know I could make some impact myself. I would like to know what character(s) from each role is the perfect all rounder for any composition regardless of how bad it is?

What role or character should I take up more at a chance for climbing whilst improving in general. While I am a flex player, I feel being the jack of all trades will get me next to nowhere, so a character with skillsets that can transfer over to others is what I’m looking for.

What is the main reason that diamond players can’t rank up? I imagine every rank has its own glaring problems ranking up but what is diamond’s own unique issue?

Thank you! I appreciate it :grin:

It depends on how many shots you take in a game. You can easily have a game where you land 90% of your shots out of 10 and do much worse than a game where you land 30% of 100.

That said, assuming your taking shots at a normal rate and not holding them forever or spamming them all over the place, being above 50% is a decent average to look for. If you drop below 50% then you’re either missing a lot of shots that you make up for with volume or you’re just missing more than you should with a normal rate of fire.

Average stats according to Overbuff are 44% scoped and 15.7% critical. I suggest 50% for scoped as mentioned above and around 20% for criticals. Critical accuracy matters much more than regular accuracy.

Pay closer attention to your KD, eliminations per minute, Crits/Final blow ratio, and your crits per minute. These are more specific and while they still have the potential for data skews they are less severe if they occur.

Just for fun, I took the time to compile all the stats from my most played accounts and seasons. Anything lower than 10 games or 1hr wasn’t included. All of these are from competitive from their respective season. Please don’t take these as gospel or compare them directly to your stats. Otherwise, please enjoy the formatting and the clean data.

Account Season Hours Games Scoped % Crit %
Eon S4 13hrs 84 60% 17%
S5 3hrs 22 58% 26%
S7 5hrs 28 52% 18%
Timeless S9 8hrs 57 59% 31%
S10 2hrs 15 60% 30%
S11 16hrs 80 50% 31%
S12 2hrs 12 51% 32%
Ink S10 3hrs 15 56% 32%
S11 6hrs 35 57% 27%
S12 2hrs 11 58% 26%
FallSolstice S3 4hrs 21 61% 21%
S8 2hrs 12 51% 26%
S9 4hrs 27 56% 28%
S10 4hrs 27 56% 27%
S11 3hrs 16 52% 28%

Wait for it, you’re about to answer your own question.

Boom. Brigitte has some basic mechanics and some introductory level combos you need to learn but that only takes about half an hour of messing around to get the hang of them. Brigitte rewards a good player for their positioning as well as punishing the enemies for their bad positioning.

If you don’t have any game sense or positional skills then Brigitte is the absolute last hero you should play along with pretty much every other healer.

I’ve been lurking this thread and almost everyone is asking good questions so I haven’t needed to ask any.
Just wanted to say thank you. You are being incredibly generous with your expertise and your time.
You are a better and more thoughtful communicator than almost allof the grownups I have met in my life.
Thanks for the thread!

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I think this is where you actually have the ability to offer unique perspective, though, because as a coach, you’re able to see what gameplay elements are negatively impacting your team and the game as a whole from the players’ perspective but also from a somewhat more-overhead view, so I thought it’d be interesting to see you articulate what some of those issues might be. I kinda figured that the items you mentioned–barriers, armor, and CC–would make the list.

Is it bad when I saw AMA i thought actual mechanical advantage

no it’s good, it just means you aren’t terminally online.

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What is your favorite/least favorite meta?

I would be more than happy to. Follow the Discord link in the top post and let me know when you do. Just PM me and I’ll provide you with all the information you could ever want about scheduling a session.

do you think match-making looks to balance the teams around their SR only?
or is there more to match making than having similar average SR for both teams?

im asking because i heard that teams are made by trying to group up those that deserve to win against those that deserve to lose (based on stats, similar to those on overbuff)

What are some things I can do to improve my Reaper/Soldier game-play? I want to be able to play them effectively, so maybe I can actually use them in comp instead of relying on my skills with the Support category.