Top 5 worst ults in the game

  1. Widow walls
  2. High Noon
  3. Ball mines
  4. Pharah barrage
  5. Zarya Grav
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Arnt you the person who thinks widow is extremly weak and underpowered?


NGL this is a hot take.

My ranking would probably be:

  1. Barrage
  2. Artillery
  3. Meteorstrike
  4. Valk
  5. Beat
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Tracer pulse bomb… Hard to stick and even if you manage to stick that lifeweaver lifegrip or suzu cleanse will negate it completely.

walls, mines & grav are good.

I agree for barrage & high noon. I would add death blossom (reaper)


In no particular order, I’d go with:

  • Cass’ High Noon
  • Pharah’s Super Suicide Go!
  • Hanzo’s dragons
  • Reaper’s Death Blossom

Picking fifth worst is tricky. Maybe it’s S76’s Visor, maybe it’s D.Va bomb, maybe it’s Orisa’s Terra Surge.

I don’t think wallhacks, Grav, or mines are bad at all, personally.

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No Order:

Tracer (current state is awful)

I’ve found Baps/Brigs hard to use effectively in the current dive meta
Winstons rage maybe?

Those might not get kills but it makes so much space on the map, love em

What the hell


I mean noon is without a doubt one of the most useless ults in the game unless youre genuinely silver.

Its hard to think of every ult in the game off the top of my head, but my brain really wants to throw Dragon blade in there at like 4 or 5.

I know there are worse ultimates, but jesus christ bare blade is disgusting, and nanoblade got hard nerfed S9 despite the fact that it started becoming a mid ult combo somewhere in Diamond years ago.

Most likely just my bias as a Genji main, but everything Blizzard has done to this hero disgusts me and its why Ive largely dropped the character, and S9 really made me drop him.

  1. Deadeye
  2. Barrage
  3. configuration: Artillery
    5.Death Blossom

All dps ultimate’s, and you wonder why supports, tanks are boosted.

Some extremely questionable takes in here…


Wall is incredibly powerful, what are you smoking?

And mines and grav are both very, very strong


Actually heard this before from people who don’t understand when and where beat drop should be used, and how it can be key to turning a team fight. They just look at the raw numbers and go “it sucks!”. It’s a hard ult to understand the value of, and even harder to time correctly.


How does one find enabling and supportive ultimates bad?

Sound Barrier being the only defense against so many ultimates is somehow one of the worst ultimates in the game.

It’s also one of only “tank-busters” in the game.

Automatic kill when Nanoboosted.

Dragonblade requires a lot of risk and effort to make it work; it’s not bad, but like many Damage-role and damage-based ultimates, it really requires a lot of teamwork to enable it and make it work. And you won’t find that in modern Overwatch anymore.


There’s a lot of players who don’t really know how to use a defensive ultimate correctly. Sound Barrier is one of the easiest to understand, but there is just… so many players who don’t use it correctly or even know how to use it.

Top 5 I think, for me, would be…

  1. Amplification Matrix
  2. Primal Rage
  3. Photon Barrier
  4. High Noon
  5. Duplicate

Amp. Matrix should be obvious. Placement is a pain, most players don’t use it, when Baptiste solo’s with it, it’s not that big of an increase in healing; and other Supports - most of them - can’t really use it.

Primal Rage needs more maps where it can be really utilized for environmental kills. It’s too easy to control it with Sleep, or counter it. Doesn’t do much damage, either, though it isn’t meant to. Largely it is just a survival ult or a way to quickly get back to the team.

Photon Barrier is useful defense; but too limited on an already limited hero, and very few heroes on Symmetra’s team can really utilize it in a way that would be beneficial or helpful to the team.

High Noon, as others have said, despite it’s new Fortifying effects, still requires a brief charge-up to make a kill. But more importantly, is the setup and positioning to make it work takes forever for Cassidy - who’s largely immobile - to find a perch he can get to, to line up a shot and kill a team who will also attempt to hide. Lifeweaver can help here, as can Sigma, but Sigma’s Gravitic Flux does a lot of work already and also enables a lot more than Cassidy’s HIgh Noon.

And Duplicate has similar constraints. While it doesn’t take forever to setup, the choices are almost always fairly obvious, and almost always going to be the Tank. Furthering that, it still takes time to charge-up an ultimate and opening up the enemy team for the ultimate to work. If you don’t have cooperative team mates, it is a pain and a half to survive long enough to make it work. At worst, you get an extra life without having to start back at spawn. Echo tends to be underrated, but Duplicate is a very good reason why.

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Interesting how 4 of these as dependent on a player game sense and positioning.

Widow Walls does feel more like a CD instead of an ult. I’d rather have Mirror Widow’s Expose Vulnerability ult :slight_smile:

The funny thing is that is how I think of alot of ults, like rein shatter is just a long CD ability.

I am of the mind set that even if a ult only gets 1 kill, that is worth it. I dislike the people who hold on to a ult for the perfect 5 man pog kill.

Like genji you have had your ult for 5 mins! USE IT

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Dashes in 1v5 and gets rolled immediately

Earlier this week I got a 5-man high-noon in Dorado. I only held onto the ult for about 30 seconds, but darn it felt good deleting the whole enemy team and baby DVA afterwards :slight_smile:

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Beat is honestly garbage. The window for full utilization is so small. It drains too fast.
Orisa ult is pretty bad too with how easy it is to just leave or counter it