Top 5 worst ults in the game

High Noon is only bad if you think the only use for it is getting Solo Team kills.

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  • artillary strike
  • meteor strike
  • terra surge
  • infra sight

hardly anything ever happens during them

  • barrage

just because an ult that almost always guarantees your death is just…meh

I’ll rate them as in hardest to gain value, thus worst for 97% of playerbase:

  1. Duplicate
  2. Primal rage
  3. Amplification matrix
  4. Hanzo ult
  5. High noon

I have legit never seen in my rank a duplicate doing something. They transform and 2 seconds later they die and revert to echo. Or they transform but everybody ignores echo and she can’t make ultimate in those 12-15 seconds.

Primal rage the same thing, monke in danger, monke rage, monke gets out or dies in 3-4 seconds.

Amp is even worse, to use it for teammates it’s impossible but at least you can pop it to take 1v1 or 2v1 and be in an advantage.

Hanzo and cass ult i don’t even need to say anything.

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Yall are eating some crayons for breakfest with these takes

  1. Pulse Bomb
  2. Deadeye
  3. Dragontstrike
  4. Amplification Matrix
  5. Barrage

Where are the hanzo dragons?

This list is awful……

The worst ults are

  1. Barrage
  2. High noon

Other than these two every other ult is useful. Sure some are weaker then others, but none even close to as bad at the 2 I listed

It is best used as a defensive ult instead of engaging with it outside of pro play. It can negate a lot of offensive ults.

Wrong. The choices are not obvious. Copying tank is the wrong play a lot of the time.

Wild that Reaper ult isn’t even mentioned. Only made worse by the fact that Zarya grav is even mentioned on this list.

People think amp matrix and duplicate are one of the worst ults. I would like to see how these are used in their games

Many of them are certainly used that way.

Thing is, because Ultimates are so powerful and that you’ll almost certainly score a few kills in order to get it charged up, a ultimate needs to confer more value (or deny it) in order to really earn that value.

Conversely, not using the ultimate is also wasted value. Looking for the perfect setup is what the Damage-role wants, but if your team is uncooperative, there’s no real point to sitting on it, and it has got to get used at some point otherwise it is just a waste.

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Got to disagree about widow sight, can help you track a target that evaded you, or make a highlighted enemy walk into a headshot. It’s not flashy but widow don’t need flashy.

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Id say dva bomb and dragons are by far the worst. Dva especially because you compare it to other tank ults. it’s… ok if you can get the remech reliably without dying. It’s lets you play a bit more aggressively but otherwise it’s not a real ult you can use

High noon with damage reduction has some applications and death blossom is at least sometimes good at confirming solo kills same with barrage if you nuke the tank or something though they’re still really bad.

Dragons gets countered by basically every ability in the game so I think it’s just the worst. It’s like the only ult in the game that really doesn’t do anything most of the time

Often times it’s a 15 second zoning tool and best case scenario, it leads to free kills. No ult is that good at zoning and that’s just worst case. Sights is very good for sure.

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High Noon
Death Blossom
Primal Rage

Huge skill issue.

Yes, and the more they post about her, the clearer the reasoning behind them thinking she’s weak is. They are upset due to their own skill-issues with the character. There is no chance any decent Widow player thinks her ult is the #1 worst ult in the game.

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Noon, strike, barrage. Trans, and Valk because of damage passive I suppose.

Need to learn how get value from Widow’s ult.
Mines are far from been a bad
Barrage is no joke. Unless of course, you only try to go for that sweet Silver2 tiktok clip xD
Zarya bad? Really? xD

The only questionable ultimate from that list, is Cassidy’s

But you can’t have the same effect from OW1 in 5v5

Devs need to rework it

Its sad for all the little details.
Like using a 6barrel gun was just perfect design back in OW1

They need to fix its behaviour a little bit

Anything that gives you another life is good. Meteor strike is good, its been buffed repeatedly. Doom regens his health up, gets all cool downs back, and a free empowered punch… They also increased the minimum damage recently. Doom is consistently a top tank and keeps getting slight buffs…

I’d honestly rather have a Weaver tree than Beat most of the time…

Sneaking suspicion someone Ajax-es a lot.

On their own Deadeye, Barrage, Meteor Strike, Terra Surge, and Configuration: Artillery are probably the least effective at securing an elimination.